Nagisa Yamamoto
Lost Warlord
Nagisa Yamamoto

Name - Nagisa Yamamoto
Age - 42
Sex - Hermaphrodite (Female)
Height - 5'3
Weight - 154lb
Eyes - Brown
Hair - Black
Skin - Pale
Species - Human (Atrisian)
Homeworld - Atrisia
Force Sensitive - No
Accent - Shiga Dialect of Japanese
Faction - None (Unaffiliated)
Previous Affiliations - First Galactic Empire† (13BBY-1ABY)
Sexuality - Heterosexual
Nagisa, like most of her people, are shorter than other core worlders, being at around 5’3 in height. Though short, she does have a rather mature looking frame for her body type namely her curvaceous appearance. Her imperial uniform from the old first empire are usually worn alongside her at all times. It shows she has rather medium sized breasts and a fit appearance, hinting at her military training. She would carry a ceremonial curved katana with her, which is a high class blade for officers as a symbol of her status in Atrisian society.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Skilled (+) - Nagisa is an extremely adept commander, and knows how to handle situations with her crew and does not attempt to try and strike fear into them.
Keen-Eyes (+) - Nagisa was born with really good eye-sight, thus, is able to see targets a bit further than some other people can see them.
Resourceful (+) - Nagisa is extremely crafty when it comes to manuvers and solving problems mentally and physically. Whenever something looks possible, but can't do it through normal means, she finds an alternative to resolve it.
Short (-) - It's not fun. Especially when she can't reach something, it is pretty hard for her to even do things that would involve anything that could not be possible for her height.
Slow (-) - Though Nagisa is good at martial ability, she isn't as fast, due to the way her body is shaped, which isn't really fit for running. And given the fact she isn't a stormtrooper nor a ground soldier, she receives less exercise than they do, not saying she can't run at all, but not as fast as one.
Outdated (-) - It is one thing to say an object is outdated, but a human is a whole different story. Due to her not really being up to day with everything that happened for over 849 years, she still has many things that she will not get right, even if shown, and will retort to using old techniques she remembered from training 849 years prior. It takes her a longer time to understand new things than normal, due to the effects of time travel.
Diligent, Martial, Stern yet Fair, Nagisa is what her other fellow comrades called a “Peoples Admiral”. She was described as one of the only Imperials who was described as the best to work with, for she was said to be kind towards her personnel. She viewed the First Empire as the only chance that can help bring order and peace throughout the galaxy, and saw it as a balance that kept it in check. But with it gone, Nagisa had begun to get more skeptical towards people who believe it was evil, and it bought nothing but slavery and torture towards their people. She usually attempts to educate those who say that, as saying it was necessary sacrifices that was required to defend interests from the “terrorists” or the Rebel Alliance.
Though, she is a polite, and presentable woman, who is quite proper and is hardly rude, having proper manners herself. She follows the old Atrisian proverb, “No matter how nasty or uncivilized they are, be professional.”. Though she has her strong xenophobia and her huge bigoted racism towards aliens, and near-humans who share a skin tone that is not similar or equal to a humans, she will eventually warm up to them if they manage to impress or convince her in a non-threatening way.
Nagisa is quite arrogant when it comes to her sense of pride and accomplishment. Whenever her family name is tarnished, the Empire she served, or her home planet, she instantly comes to it’s defense. She is someone who is that of a neo-nazi, and therefore, sees anyone who succeeded the empire as a “failed experiment” or “inferior” to the old order that she came from. She does not like it whenever someone makes a joke about her troops “not being able to fire or sees straight”, as many would probably have about a common sterotype that had spread into the minds of younger generations that stormtroopers nor anyone with a blaster can aim, getting physically violent as a result, or simply have someone do it for her whenever available.
Small Yamamoto Backstory
The Yamamoto clan spanned years back to the Alsakan Conflicts. The first recorded Yamamoto on military records was during the Sixth Conflict under Yekatu Yamamoto, known for destroying an entire blockade with only a Coruscanti Frigate and two light Cruisers. These impressive lines of legacy of the Yamamoto military success had made them into a very prominent house on Atrisia, Though, when the Republic begun to demilitarize, the Yamamoto clan were forced to give up their military career and go into more political life. Asagi Yamamoto, who was representative of Atrisia was apart of the Galactic Senate. His avocation for remilitarization of the Republic has been shot down many times, any earned him a title as “Raving Lunatic” Yamamoto. This would tarnish the family’s name and honour that would go down for generations. But this would be reconsidered by the time of the Clone Wars, as many begun to think that perhaps the “raving lunatic” was right after all, with the advent of the Confederation of Independent Systems attacking homeworlds and Republic Space.
Early Years of Nagisa
Nagisa Yamamoto was born 40 years before the Battle of Yavin, on the planet, Atrisia in the Core Worlds. Her father, Tayung Yamamoto was apart of the Atrisian Royal Corps. When she was 9, she learned that her family at one point was well renown in the Republic Navy, however no one in her family since took a major miltiary position other than her ancestor, Yekatu Yamamoto, whom was a renown for his military tactics and skills, and was one of the best Admirals known at the time. At the age of 14, Nagisa would convince her father to join the Planetary Security Forces to follow her family's footsteps, in hopes that she could one day bring honour and light back to her family. Her father would eventually accept, and took her to Anaxes to have her be initiated into the College of Planetary Security Forces. Nagisa was a very gifted youth, and was praised by many of her instructors, though, did also frequently received harrassment, due to her attractive looks, the fact she was a woman, and being smarter than the average student. One man, by the name of Cornal Hex, was one of the worst condenders of this harrassment. He once had Nagisa so fed up with him, that as a result, had him and Nagisa fight on the courtyard. This would of had Nagisa suspended from the College, if it was not for one instructor, Captain Bennett Ardun, who had admiration for Nagisa's potential. Bennett convinced the College's Headmaster, understanding the circumstances, and instead let Nagisa off for a week probation.
By the time Nagisa graduated at the age of eighteen as a Lieutenant, the Clone Wars broke out, and Nagisa was assigned to help commodeer the Clones that were operating the naval vessels. She would serve under Admiral Veerus Hoss, and fight in the Battles of Kamino, Christophisis, Felucia and Crait. In one battle, Nagisa managed to save her Admiral's navy from a surrounding Sepratist Navy, by suggesting to her admiral to drive the ship along the command ship. Suicidal, he initially refused, but either or, pulled on with it, resulting not only the command ship to be destroyed, but for the Republic ultimatly win the battle despite an attempt at retreat. This would prove the briliance of Yamamoto in her early years by the Chancellor himself, and was praised, even by her higher ups. At the end of the Clone Wars, and Order 66, Nagisa was reassigned in the Imperial Navy as the rank of Captain, due to her admirable service as a Clone War Veteran. Her loyalty to the Empire and to the Republic at this time was strong, as she felt a deep connection between her people and the service they did under now Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Palpatine himself was interested in watching the young Yamamoto's progress as a Naval Officer under his new Galactic Empire, and appreciated her loyalty to the cause.
During the early years of the Empire, Nagisa was often sent on patrols, and to help new Ensigns and Lieutenants get used to their new positions in the Navy. Throughout her career, Nagisa would partake in battles against the early rebellion, as well as help quelling dissent on planets when needed, however, unlike many other Imperial Officers, Yamamoto not only tried to instill fear, but confidence and nationalism into the Empire they are under. These tactics she would suggest to her higher ups, were often laughed at by more superior officers, mostly the other Admirals besides her own that she served under, but many at around Commanders or Rear Admirals would understand, and try to follow the advice given. Yamamoto's determination and tactics in her service helped her quickly rise through the ranks, eventually rising to the rank of Commodore, and was assigned to command an Imperial Star Destroyer, which she renamed, the Setsuna, in honour of her ancestor. In 0BBY-3ABY, Yamamoto was at the height of her career, and was eventually promoted to Admiral during the Battle of Hoth, and was given command of the Ninth Fleet. Her major promotion made many fall under her wing. However, she suffered her first major defeat at the hands of General Hera Syndulla, which her squadreon of X-Wings killed more of the Setsuna's TIEs, as well as Stormtroopers.
A Warphole into Chaos
Nagisa experienced defeat for the first time at Hoth, but did not took it as one, rather, a temporary setback, due to the lack of supplies and the impending rebel blockade of the system. However, as the fleet begun to escape through hyperspace, something abnormal happened with Nagisa’s ship. Thought to have gone through the hyperspace as normal, her officer, Gaius Pidmut said that they will arrive back in Coruscant in about a few hours. However, days turned into a week… and a week turned into two weeks… something wasn’t right. As the crew started to get worried and some chaos ensured between some officers and personnel, Nagisa tried to mend as many of the conflicts as she could, in order to find out what was going on.
However, they did eventually came to a stop in hyperspeed and emerged. However, the ship found itself near the Bilbringi system, away from Coruscant, perhaps overjumping it a bit. Upon trying to contact base command, the links were no longer working, as if they were outdated, and staticy. It was extremely strange… Comlinks just don’t jam, especially in planets near the core.
Upon further investigation, gaining information, the weird glares and the obvious questioning of why they were in such old uniforms, and of course, being apprehended several times by this “Galactic Alliance”, and even meeting the patrol, Nagisa was just in shock, and disbelief that they couldn’t of been far from the empire. Leaving the worlds near the Core, and gaining more information via news sources from the holonet, it begun to make more clear sense that they weren’t in the proper galaxy anymore, hell, the proper time. Could she have really time travelled over 800 years into the future?... Perhaps it was destiny that was calling to Nagisa...
Finding Answers
For the past three years, and being the only member, if not possibly, if not is, the last Imperial unit left, no results came in from any single system that would have an imperial outpost. It was when one of her officers discovered that there was a dead imperial outpost near Ilum. Upon investigating it, it was discovered the last transmission was a distress signal in 24ABY, but it was then recorded to have voices of what appears to be that of Thrawn's Seventh Fleet. It then went on to another distress signal to a strange sounding language, and so forth. From what she learned, the Empire that she served loyally, and fought so hard for is dead... she couldn't believe this. Nagisa broke into tears upon hearing this news, and swore to one day restore it... but she didn't knew how, or when. Upon returning to her ship, she would order the crew to just remain around the reaches of Ilum before setting a slow course towards Csilla, and linger around there for a while.
Imperial Coat, Boots, and Pants (with Admiral Plaque)