Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nai' Frerstal

Nai' Frerstal

NAME: Nai' Frerstal
RANK: None
SPECIES: Barabel
AGE: 34
SEX: Male
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: Green


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Extremely Strong: Raised in a constant state of warfare and combat, plus his species inherent strength capabilities makes him extremely strong.

+ Smart: Not the brightest, but still intelligent and smart enough to take his clan far.

+ Tough: Barabels, having a thick layer of fat and tough and hardy scales, helps the fit Nai' Frerstal stay safe. Blaster fire from a pistol wont affect him.

- Slow: Due to his armor and fat, he is slow and not agile in any way or form.

- Brash: Wired in his very DNA is the function to attack, so he isn't very wise, and will rush into situations.

- Uncharismatic: Due to his thick lisp and rasp, he isn't someone you'd like to talk to.
He is rather tall, and walks with a menacing stance to him. His scales are shiny, but extremely sharp at the edge. He has a tendency to stare, often thinking about ways to hurt or manipulate them.

Nai' Frerstal was raised in the isolated tribe of Dukai, which split from the rest of the Barabel's when they befriended the Jedi's. His early life was ripe with ritualistic murders and sacrifices, which were created by the tribes return to brutal and savage hunting instincts. He became renowned for his cunning and clever strategies, but his best moment was when he raided a large band of around 6,000 nomads that traveled nearby the rocky steppe. They led a midnight ambush, ransacking the town and burning or beheading all that remained. His renown led to a rivalry between Clan Hargest, and his clan, Yorstghi. Hargest ruled the tribe, which led to a bloody coup led by Nai' Frerstal. Although his Clan became extremely powerful, when he discovered that somewhere along the line his clan was related to the Hargest, he personally led on a genocide of anybody who was in these clans, or who were distantly related, or who could make claims. But due to the high respect Barabel's have for mates and family, they banished him off world, where he began wandering the fringes and rims of the galaxy. Now, he seeks to take back his homeworld the now unified clans, Yorsgest. When he returns, there will be mass bloodshed...




ROLE-PLAYS: -Purifying The Clan: Nai, after killing one of his old clan, must elude a Gungan bounty hunter. -A New Power Is Rising... : Nai enters a shady deal with a mysterious crime lord.




[member=Mehrk Gorbi] - The Gungan bounty hunter tried tracking him down on Nal Hutta, and ever since they've had a heated rivalry.

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