Saera Willamina Savan
~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Image Source: CNOU Snub Fighter Concept – RSI Forums (An excellent 360 video can be seen here!)
Affiliation: Selective Open Market
Manufacturer: Ri'ess-Emeritus
Model: Naiad-Class Starfighter
Modularity: Aftermarket parts, but may require unique submission.
Production: Minor
Material: Adamithium, Durasteel, Glassteel, Gold, Misc.
Classification: Heavy Interceptor
Length: 8.88 m.
Height: 2.16 m.
Width: 6.48 m.
- Foxtrot Vulcan Blaster Cannons – Fixed, Insections (2)
- Light Ion Cannons – Fixed, Canards (2)
- Light Concussion Missile Launchers – Fixed, Ventral (2)
Squadron Count: 12 Intended – 14 Optimal
Special Features:
- Atmospheric Cockpit
- Basic Autopilot System
- Life Support System
- Ejection System
- MMSHMD Compatibility
- Astromech Droid Dock
- 2 Twin WhisperThrust Engines + SLAM (-1 Spd, +1 Man)
- Syliure-45 Hyperdriv Ring Compatibility
- Axial Microthrusters
- 7 Days Air / 14 Days Consumables / Medkit Bay
Maneuverability Rating: 2.0
Speed Rating: 1.5
Hyperdrive Class: 3.0
- Fast and agile, more than a strike fighter but less than a snub fighter
- Approximately 100% increase in thermal and chemical armor protection (bolts, plasma, etc)
- SLAM-capable for up to 20 consecutive seconds without overheating
- Fixed stock weapons (non gimbal/non turret)
- Niche class/role
- Approximately 50% decrease in kinetic armor protection (slugs, shrapnel, etc)
- 3.0 hyperdrive core is the -fastest- possible unit that can be installed due to size
Description: The E9-A Naiad-Class starfighter was largely inspired by the Eta-2 and Eta-5 starfighters of the New Republic era. It's original designation was to be the Eta-9 Aurek, but the project was named E9-A due to KDY owning rights to the Eta brand. The Naiad was a blend of former Kuat and Ri'ess aesthetics, enhancing the design traits of both into a fighter truly superior to its predecessors. It suffers in speed—particularly due to its lack of twin ion engines—but excels in firepower for its class range. The inclusion of two twin fusial engines facilitates its SLAM upgrade, which is able to push it to speeds reaching that of snub fighters, though temporarily and at the cost of steep maneuverability losses during use; this niche makes it ideal for interception* and rapid dominance**, as it is able to catch high-priority targets and outrun strike fighters over expansive areas which would otherwise outclass it, but inferior in protracted engagements.
(* Intercept Fighters are traditionally viewed as lightweight for high performance and heavyweight for high speed/long range.)
(** Rapid Dominance—otherwise known as "Shock and Awe"—"[affects] the will, perception, and understanding of the adversary to fight or respond to [one's] strategic policy.")
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Capacity: 30.0 kg.
Operation Notes: SLAM and internal hyperdrive unit become offline and are non-functional when docked with a Syliure-45 or aftermarket hyperdrive ring. Sustained use of SLAM may cause engine or system damage from overheating, as well as rapid consumption of fuel. The Naiad-Class starfighter should not be operated without a g-suit and dedicated air supply unit. Do not operate while under the influence or alcohol or other inebriators, or while taking medications for sleep or blood pressure. Please consult with a species-certified physician for a full list of safe-operation medications. Ri'ess-Emeritus is not responsible for any damages caused by third-party components or modifications to the Naiad-Class starfighter or misuse of any systems made by the original equipment manufacturer(s).
Development Thread: –
Intent: The Starfighter Queen strikes again, and another new model hits shelves! I have always wanted to make this thing since the author released the model. This one is for Kass Sja as well as the Covenant faction.
Who Can Use This: Purchasing Player Characters / Covenant Player & Non-Player Characters
Primary Source: –