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Naila Rokh

In Umbris Potestas Est
(Art credit to UselessKitsune at
(Sorry for it being so big ^_^")

NAME: Naila Rokh
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Shistavanen
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
EYES: Green
HAIR: Orange-red with black tips
SKIN: Naila comes from an uncommon line of Shistavanen. Where most of her species can be described as lupine or wolf-like, her features and those of her immediate ancestors are more fox-like. Her fur patterns resemble those of a red fox, with a longer, thinner snout, bushy tail, and slightly larger ears. Naila's hair is kept shoulder length, and her Padawan braid is decorated with two black-striped, bright green feathers.
+++Force Speed
+ Force Push


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Predator- Shistavanen have a heightened sense of hearing, keen sense of smell, and excellent night vision.
Runner- Shistavanen can run at high speed for long periods without getting tired.
Gearhead- Naila is good at fixing and maintaining electronics, as well as making some machines form scratch.
Quick Reflexes- Naila's reflexes are highly tuned, making her a quick, agile combatant.

Isolationist- Naila, as a Shistavanen tends to be a bit of a loner, loathe to associate with most people outside of the Dragonsnake crew.
Force Inept- Naila can grasp the basics of the Force, but more complicated concepts and powers take significantly longer for her to learn. This is why she was paired with Drel, who is a more patient and understanding person than some others.
Serious- Naila has a hard time relaxing unless she's working with machines. She's a bit uptight, and her Master strives to make her enjoy life a bit more. Her seriousness also makes her prone to a bit of frustration.
Quiet- She doesn't talk much around strangers (Except Jedi), which ties a bit into the Isolationism of her species. She intimidates a lot of people with this demeanor.

Naila's lightsaber is fashioned similar to those wielded by those of the Old Republic. The hilt's grip is augmented by two redwood panels opposite each other and the metal of the hilt is wrought in swirling patterns, not unlike the swirls of a tree's wood.

+ Niman/Jar'Kai

(See Drel Ansek's bio)

Born on Uvena Prime, this young Shistavanen was always a curious child, seeing things that were about to happen before they did, reacting to things in an instant. She was an outcast among her people. “The witch-child” they'd call her. Then the Order found her. Her mother willingly gave her up at the age of four. Her father had died and the woman wasn't able to take care of her alone. Naila's mother believed that she would have a better life among the Jedi.
At first, Naila was very distant from her fellow students. She spoke little to them and spent most of her time alone, but when she did interact with her peers, it was with terse speech and she tried not to let them know much about her. As she lived and trained with other Initiates at the Temple, she began to open up to a few of them, even going so far as making some friends. Naila learned quickly, besting most of her comrades in lightsaber combat, partially due to her species' enhanced speed and strength. Despite her skills with a lightsaber, Naila struggled with the Force. She had trouble with the most rudimentary aspects and required a private instructor. Eventually, she was able to pass Initiate Trials and begin training with a master. She was paired with Drel Ansek, a young Jedi of great skill and, more importantly, a friendly personality. The Council believed that she would be able to develop her skills, both social and spiritual, under Drel more effectively than many other Knights that were candidates for her training.
Now, she aids her Master on his missions aboard the Dragonsnake, his YT-1930 transport ship, training in the ways of the Force and the Jedi. The Sith, however, pose a great threat. She may soon have to test her abilities first-hand, and neither she nor Drel are sure that she is ready for such a challenge.

(Beginning of On-site History)

Recently, Naila met a strange human Padawan by the name of Josh DragonsFlame in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. This curious human claimed to have amnesia, remembering virtually nothing earlier than five months before their meeting. She challenged him to a sparring session to see if any dormant memories remained, and was surprised to find that after some prodding, he displayed immense skill, besting her before nearly fainting. In a later conversation, she discovered that he'd blacked out during their fight as well as a bit of his history. Needless to say, it was a curious tale.
Like most Shistavanen, Naila is very terse with strangers. She doesn't like new people and is slow to trust outsiders. She tends to associate only with her Master and those aboard the Dragonsnake. The only exceptions to her rule are other Jedi (Most of the time) and droids. She likes the straight-forward nature of droids. They almost never hide something from you and you get straight answers from them. Naila is very protective of those she does call friend, and will fight tooth and nail to defend them. She's prone to frustration when training with her Master. Her difficulty to grasp the nuances of the Force are an endless source of irritation with her. She is used to figuring everything out with ease, but Drel is teaching her to be calmer, more laid back like he is. Though she won't admit it, he's starting to succeed. Her temper has gotten better in the years they've spent together and so have her social abilities.




The Meeting of the Padawans (Naila)
Shades in the Trees [Invite/Ask to join]
[Private]Secrets of Hoth (Naila)
Knight Initiation of Josh Dragonsflame (Open Invitation)
[Private] Religious Intolerance (Josh)

Ral Telon

My dear. You're too pretty to be fighting for the Republic.

Seriously though, I like it. :)

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