Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Naive Novice

Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"


Valery Noble Valery Noble
On the verdant, peaceful world of Alderaan, where rolling hills and clear blue skies offered a serene backdrop, a young Jedi Padawan named Braze was about to embark on an uncharacteristic venture. Stepping out of a sleek speeder, parked neatly along the bustling streets of Aldera, the capital city, Braze's usual aura of intense focus was replaced by a subtle air of petulance. This task, a deviation from his rigorous sword studies, was his way of proving a point to his master, Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el — that he was capable of contributing to the greater good in ways beyond combat training.

Braze turned to assist his charge for the day, Valery Noble, a distinguished member of the Jedi Council known as the Sword of the Jedi. Valery was a respected figure, her presence commanding a subtle, yet undeniable, reverence. As she prepared to step out of the speeder, Braze extended a hand, ready to offer support.

Unknown to Braze, Valery had a good reason for requesting assistance this day.

Braze couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. Why had someone as capable as Valery Noble, a celebrated Jedi and Council member, requested help for something as mundane as shopping? His mind, trained to anticipate and analyze, pondered the possibilities, but the answer lay just beyond his grasp.

Braze's usual impatience with non-combat activities was tempered by Valery's presence. He was nothing but the perfect little gentleman so far. "We're here. Where did you want to start? "

Braze cast a discerning glance at Valery, noting a change in her appearance. She seemed... well, let's just say, a bit more 'filled out' than the last time he'd had the chance to observe her closely. His knowledge about her was limited, and when it came to keeping tabs on the galaxy's VIPs, Braze was as skilled as a bantha at a ballet.

He'd heard rumors that Valery was quite ancient, practically a relic in human years, though she didn't look a day over 'fabulous.' Maybe this added 'presence' had something to do with her venerable age? It wasn't exactly polite to comment on a lady's figure, a social rule even the somewhat reclusive Braze was aware of.

As he pondered, a thought struck him – balancing the duties of a mother, a leader, and a Jedi Council member must be like juggling lightsabers while riding a unicycle. And with her rumored age, he silently hoped she wasn't planning on swapping her lightsaber for a walking stick any time soon. This however meant he should be extra nice to her. You were supposed to be nice to teh older folks.

Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Braze Braze

He's staring, isn't he?

Valery squinted just a little while she watched his eyes drift over her body. It only made sense, and Valery certainly didn't feel offended when people looked at her belly. While not as big as it was when she carried triplets, it still showed and she was at a point where she was back to wearing the clothing she had worn during her pregnancy with Vera. But... she wanted some new things as well, and today was offering her a chance to pick up on a few things.

She just felt a little bad about dragging a Padawan along to help her, even if he had offered to. Why he was interested in helping a pregnant Jedi Master with something like this, she didn't know, but she was grateful.

Wait... does he even know...?

"You uh, know that I only asked for the help because I'm pregnant, right?" Valery cleared her throat and smiled sheepishly. "I don't want to create the impression that I boss Padawans around to do the heavy lifting for me. There's just only so much strain I can put on myself now without it becoming uncomfortable." Kahlil was quite strict with her about how far she could push herself, and she wasn't going to risk an angry husband this time around.

"But hmm, I'd like to get some new clothes, and maybe pick up a few things for the kids. Let's start with clothes?"

Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"


Valery Noble Valery Noble

Braze blinked... as if her words didn't register for a solid several seconds of silence as he stared it her squinting in an odd manner as he lowered his head slightly, his brows arching as he looked at her.

"I'm sorry; What? Did you say... P R E G N A N T ?!" He asked in a tone of disbelief shock concern worry and several other uncertain emotions all balled up in to one.

He shook his head and rubbed at his eyes, or maybe he was just covering his face it was hard to tell as he turned away from her briefly.

"That's ... no... okay.. so... yeah... uh huh sure... Mnn...?"

He murmured to himself before turning back around and offering her a faultless smile. " That's fine I didn't think you would ask for help unless you needed it. I just didn't understand- I thought maybe you were- ya know what don't mind what I thought clothing sounds like a good place to start."

Braze didn't know the first thing about pregnancy other than it typically happened to the female sin most species and it normally resulted in new smaller versions of sai species. Abd teh whole idea of 'growing anouther being in side you', kidna freaked him out on a plethora of levels. But he didn't wantto make Valery self conscious or concerned so he laughed, nervously.

Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Braze Braze

Valery blinked at his reaction.

"You didn't think I had just gotten fat, did you...?" She asked carefully, but with a tone that suggested he could just choose to not answer that question. Most women didn't exactly appreciate it if you talked about their weight, so it was a dangerous one to navigate. She was just proud about how well she kept herself in shape, and didn't want people to think that she was throwing that away for nothing.

Especially not in her position — the Sword of the Jedi not being physically fit would be a problem.

"Alright, cloth stores it is." Valery started guiding Braze down the shopping street, until she spotted the store she wanted to go into. It was somewhat fancier than what she'd usually go for, but Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble had told her to treat herself to something nice with all the visions and nightmares she had to endure.

Best hubby.

"I'd like to get a new dress and some casual stuff to be comfortable in," Valery commented. "I'd like the dress for a date with my husband, so... maybe something classy?"

Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"
Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Well, it's more about realizing you're reaching a stage in life where some extra assistance might be beneficial," Braze explained with sincerity. "To be honest, I'm not fully versed in matters of women, pregnancy, or anything related." As he walked alongside her, Braze attentively listened to her preferences, nodding subtly in understanding.

Throughout their journey, Braze consistently took the initiative to ease her way. He would gracefully step ahead to open doors, ensuring a seamless path for her. His demeanor was one of respectful deference, valuing her choices and decisions on where they should go. In every possible manner, Braze acted as a supportive aide, dedicated to making this excursion as comfortable and effortless for her as he could.

"Maybe something dark in color?" He suggested knowing full well darker colors tended to have a 'slimming' effect.

Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Braze Braze

A stage in her life when... assistance... might be needed?

Valery blinked. Was he calling her old now as well? The thought of him thinking her fat, rather than pregnant, was funny, but she squinted a little now that he made her feel old. Valery felt like she was in the prime of her life, or well, before she got pregnant she did, and she looked like she hadn't aged a day past her late 20s.

how dare he.

With a soft sigh, Valery decided to just chalk it up to him trying to be kind, and followed him to the clothing store. He even offered an idea that made her smile, "Sure, I do like darker colors. Black is classic, and darker greens look really good with my hair." She wasn't sure if all that made any sense to him, but maybe he'd be able to help her find something.

"I'm not that self-conscious about my pregnancy, so it can be a little show-y, still."

Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"

"That makes sense," Braze explained with a confident tone. "Your hair is a warm earth tone in color, and your eyes have a golden hue. Green often pairs well with gold because the secondary color green is derived from the primary colors blue and yellow, which essentially is a 'gold'. Therefore, green and yellow can create a beautiful display when they are analogous tones."

He continued, "This means that gold would be an excellent accent color for jewelry or warm-hued metals. These tones would harmonize well with the earthy colors of your hair, and the darker tones would contrast with your paler complexion, enhancing your natural radiance. "

He paused, considering, and then added,

"I suggest a dark emerald green, maybe in a soft stretch velvet, which can be comfortable but made to have a nice texture and play on light with how it's draped. If you go somewhere cold, the velvet will help keep you warm. Perhaps some dark sheer black in an elegant lace or chiffon with embroidery or jeweled appliqués can give you a touch of romantic elegance.

For your eyes, let's start with a base of soft, matte earthy shades that fade into a smoky eye. Think of gentle browns and subtle beiges, like those of sun-kissed fields and autumn leaves. These will create a perfect backdrop, enhancing the depth of your eyes without overpowering them.

Perhaps introduce a hint of luxurious gold on the inner corners and a warm coppery highlight in the center. Lining your eyes with a sharp coal wing will help the gold of your eyes catch the light. The more subdued gold and copper blended out with black will make your eyes pop.

Or, to complement the dark emerald of your dress, I suggest a palette that includes shades of deep green. A rich, forest green eyeshadow, applied along the crease and outer corners of your eyes, will create a mesmerizing contrast to the gold of your eyes. For a touch of drama, we can add a smoky effect using a blend of dark charcoal or soft black to this option as well. This will tie in beautifully with a black sheer trim or fur lining of your dress."

Why Braze of all people had these opinions or ideas on color theory was perhaps a wonder to some one like Valery- or most people in the NJO. He then continued on to say ,

"You strike me as an autumn type of girlie. Emerald green can be a good choice for someone with an Autumn color palette, especially if it leans towards a warmer, deeper shade of green. Autumns typically look best in rich, earthy colors, and a warm-toned emerald green could complement the warm undertones in their skin and hair.

Colors that would likely look flattering on you might include deep, warm tones like olive green, dark gold, burnt orange, deep reds, and rich browns. You might also look great in warm neutrals like camel or beige, and rich, earthy shades of green and blue. Autumns are typically advised to avoid overly bright, cool-toned colors, as these can clash with their natural warmth and richness."

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Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Braze Braze

Valery blinked.

She had hoped for a second opinion on some outfit choices here, and some toy choices for the kids there. But... she hadn't expected an entire dissertation on color theory, and how specific colors would fit her eyes, her hair or her skin. It was interesting though, but perhaps too much for her to really understand just in one instant. Valery had an eye for what outfits looked good on her, either because of design or color.

Never before, had she thought about it quite like this.

"That's... how do you even know all of that?" Valery chuckled and guided him into the clothing store to start looking around. "I agree about the autumn colors, though. But now I don't know where to start anymore..." she smirked and let her hand brush over various dresses, shirts and other items in any color one could imagine.

"Maybe we both try to find something? I'd like to see if you have an even better eye for it than I do."

Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"


@ Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Well... I make Artisan Style Figurines from colorful modeling clay in my spare time. If I want to make a new or custom character I have to come up with a design and outfit. I usually draw the designs first before trying to sculpt them. It's better to have a good idea drawn first before using the materials. " Braze offered just barely above a murmur with a blush. He followed her.

"Well you can start anywhere you like it's just easier knowing what colors generally work best with your tones. Accessories, accents and statement pieces can do a lot. " Braze added. He looked around where they entered and looked at Valery. he looked very thoughtful for a moment before walking around her staring at her intently. " Okay. I think I can help. I'm not entirely sure what your dress size is but I'll try and find things I think look like they would be nice. "

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Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Braze Braze

"That's... really cool," Valery said with a genuinely warm smile. It was a rather unique hobby, and one she imagined took many hours to really master. It also explained his good eye for color and design, which in turn only made her more confident about his ability to find something fitting for her.

Not that she wanted to take advantage of him, but it was more fun to find something together, right?

"...we could always have measurements taken to fit a dress to me," Valery said when he started walking around her. If it had been anybody else, for any other reason, she might have taken offense when his eyes inevitably scanned her chest, butt and hips. Not that she wasn't proud of her feminine curves, but staring was rude.

He started rather intently.

"For now, let's find something good."

Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"

He perked up, his interest visibly piqued at the mention of tailored measurements to ensure the dress would fit perfectly. "Tailoring tends to be the best overall for making sure an outfit looks as intended. Good idea," he chirped enthusiastically.

"Let's see... something special. I'll take a look around and pick a few options, then bring them to the changing rooms for you to see. If you select a few as well, we can determine which ones suit you best," he suggested, his voice trailing off as he scanned the boutique they had entered. He observed Valery, noting her preferences as he sifted through various designs hanging elegantly on the racks.

Initially, he was captivated by a stunning black dress, crafted from lustrous satin and silk. It featured intricate beading that shimmered subtly under the boutique's lights, creating a vibe of understated elegance.

Next, he chose a violet dress, its long, dark drapery cascading gracefully, complemented by sheer, romantic floral panels that added a touch of modesty while maintaining an air of allure. Another purple dress caught his eye, this one boasting a flowing waterfall skirt and similar modesty panels, but crafted from smooth satin, contrasting with the soft velvet and satin details of the previous dress.

His attention then shifted to a charming woodsy green dress. It had a flowing quality, with its light, airy fabric that seemed to float around an imaginary breeze.

Finally, he selected a dress in a warm champagne gold hue. This piece was a monochromatic blend of soft satin silk and flowing chiffon drapery, exuding a sense of luxurious sophistication.

Gathering each of the selected fabric treasure carefully he brought them over to the changing area and put each of them on the door to displaying them for Valery's approval. " How about these?I tried to pick out designs with more give and flexibility with how they are put together. "


Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Braze Braze

Valery had kept herself busy with some idle browsing in the store while he looked around, mostly to pick up a few outfits for the little ones. Aeryn especially was tearing up her clothes a little fast, and Adam needed some new pants. Not much later, Braze returned with several dresses and Valery just looked at them for a moment.

Oh wow.

They all were perfect for her, both in terms of style, and palette. Each one could have a different purpose, or be worn for different occasions. From fancy dinners at her favorite restaurant with the husband, to a night out with with the girls. Valery grinned, and nodded approvingly.

"I'll start with the black one. It's beautiful," Valery said, and after a few minutes in the changing room, she came out with the dress on. Of course, she didn't have the time to do anything special with her hair or make-up, but it still felt amazing. Valery never minded her dresses showing some skin either, and this one certainly did, but it was also appropriate.

Perfect for something more formal with her partner.

"Well, what do you think?"

Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"


Valery Noble Valery Noble

Braze watched intently as she stepped out, his eyes taking in her appearance with a thoughtful gaze. "Well, black is traditional and holds a classical beauty to it," he began, his voice trailing off as he searched for the right words. He wasn't entirely sure how to articulate his thoughts on fashion, especially for special occasions. "But perhaps that's just a basic staple?" His tone was tinged with uncertainty, reflecting his inexperience in matters of dressing up.

He paused, considering his next words carefully. "Valery? Do you dress up for yourself, or to impress Kahlil ? Or is it a bit of both?" Braze asked, genuinely curious about the motivations behind choosing an outfit. He wondered what the 'right way' to approach dressing up was, if there even was one.

Braze reflected on his own experiences, recalling times he had tried to dress nicely for others. He wasn't sure if his efforts had been the best approach, but he knew that people often dressed up for fancy parties. Was it to impress others, or to feel good about oneself? He hoped Valery, with her apparent ease and confidence, might shed some light on these questions.


Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Braze Braze

Valery blinked at the question.

She could tell that it was meant with genuine curiosity, so she offered a smile and answered, "A bit of both. Maybe you know the feeling, but when you spend some time to look good with clothes, a fresh haircut and then look in the mirror, it gives a very satisfying feeling. For me, I do like to show off a bit for my husband as well because his opinion of me matters a lot to me." She also did it to tease and provoke him, but she wasn't going to tell him that.

That was just for the Nobles to know.

"Sometimes, it's also just to fit a certain setting. If I'm attending a very formal event, I'll wear a dress because it's more appropriate. Just the design and style might be to make myself satisfied with how I look."

"Or, well, because I think my husband might like it."

Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"

Braze hesitated for a moment, recalling the effort he'd put into dressing up for Loomi, and how that had turned out. "Has Kahlil ever found your outfit... odd or amusing?" he ventured, a hint of curiosity in his voice. His question was more posed about the concept of dressing up itself, something he wondered if Loomi ever engaged in or even enjoyed.

He pondered, considering Loomi's unique nature. She wasn't the typical girl obsessed with typical girlish things; she had her own distinct style and interests. Maybe, he thought, the whole idea of 'playing dress-up' was foreign to her, or perhaps she had simply never been drawn to it.

Braze's question was an attempt to understand Loomi better, to grasp what experiences she might have missed or deliberately skipped.

He glanced over the array of dresses and looked Back to Valery looking this one over, "Want me to take a picture so we can compare them better?"


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