Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"
On the verdant, peaceful world of Alderaan, where rolling hills and clear blue skies offered a serene backdrop, a young Jedi Padawan named Braze was about to embark on an uncharacteristic venture. Stepping out of a sleek speeder, parked neatly along the bustling streets of Aldera, the capital city, Braze's usual aura of intense focus was replaced by a subtle air of petulance. This task, a deviation from his rigorous sword studies, was his way of proving a point to his master,

Braze turned to assist his charge for the day, Valery Noble, a distinguished member of the Jedi Council known as the Sword of the Jedi. Valery was a respected figure, her presence commanding a subtle, yet undeniable, reverence. As she prepared to step out of the speeder, Braze extended a hand, ready to offer support.
Unknown to Braze, Valery had a good reason for requesting assistance this day.
Braze couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. Why had someone as capable as Valery Noble, a celebrated Jedi and Council member, requested help for something as mundane as shopping? His mind, trained to anticipate and analyze, pondered the possibilities, but the answer lay just beyond his grasp.
Braze's usual impatience with non-combat activities was tempered by Valery's presence. He was nothing but the perfect little gentleman so far. "We're here. Where did you want to start? "
Braze cast a discerning glance at Valery, noting a change in her appearance. She seemed... well, let's just say, a bit more 'filled out' than the last time he'd had the chance to observe her closely. His knowledge about her was limited, and when it came to keeping tabs on the galaxy's VIPs, Braze was as skilled as a bantha at a ballet.
He'd heard rumors that Valery was quite ancient, practically a relic in human years, though she didn't look a day over 'fabulous.' Maybe this added 'presence' had something to do with her venerable age? It wasn't exactly polite to comment on a lady's figure, a social rule even the somewhat reclusive Braze was aware of.
As he pondered, a thought struck him – balancing the duties of a mother, a leader, and a Jedi Council member must be like juggling lightsabers while riding a unicycle. And with her rumored age, he silently hoped she wasn't planning on swapping her lightsaber for a walking stick any time soon. This however meant he should be extra nice to her. You were supposed to be nice to teh older folks.