Nakia Bors-Cuiléin
NAME: Nakia Bors-Cuiléin
AGE: 329
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1m57
WEIGHT: 61 kg
EYES: black sclera, ice blue irises
HAIR: long, red hair in dreadlocks, mostly tied back in a tail save for a few shorter strands of dreadlocks that hang forward as short bangs
SKIN: pale, ashen white
FORCE SENSITIVE: latent sensitivity
- impulsive, particularly when choosing bedmates
- requires regular feeding of brain Soup to survive
- blabbermouth, fast with smartass remarks that can get her in trouble
- Anzati supremacist and bigot, can underestimate others for not being Anzati
+ can resist natural feral hunger for brain Soup
+ affinity with Force abilities that cloud the mind of a target
+ wheeler and dealer in underworld environs, as well as instinctively able to navigate large city and undercity streets
+ possesses the unnatural physical strength, quick reflexes and Force affinity of the Anzati
+ very strong family ties ensure support
Nakia looks to be somewhere in her mid twenties, by Human standards. She the Anzati species' ghostly pale skin and the eyes with black sclera and icy blue irises that some of her species have. She has long red hear that she wears in dreadlocks, mostly tied together in a tail behind her hair while some shorter strands of dreadlocks hang forward to form short bangs. She has a lithe but well developed body, and dresses to make use of this. Her usual outfit (see image below) consists of an asymmetrical short top that covers her chest and left arm, as well as a netted strap sleeve that covers her right arm, form fitting asymmetrical pants that cover only the right leg, and knee high boots.
Nakia takes a great deal of pride in who she is, as part of a group of beings she sees as superior to any other. This makes her something of a bigot, openly looking down on anyone who does not share her beliefs. She has a quick, sharp wit, and is prone to use it for snarky remarks, particularly in relaxed situations when she can poke fun at others, such as members of her extended family. However, her remarks can also land her in trouble as her mouth is often faster than her brain, even in situations where she would be better off thinking before speaking. The same impulsiveness can be seen in most of her decisions, particularly in her love life. She is quick in selecting bedmates, but discards them just as quickly. A maneater in both a figurative and literal sense, her affairs rarely last longer than a single encounter, and few men live to tell the tale as it is Nakia's favored 'hunting' technique to seduce a man and then eat his brain Soup.
AGE: 329
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1m57
WEIGHT: 61 kg
EYES: black sclera, ice blue irises
HAIR: long, red hair in dreadlocks, mostly tied back in a tail save for a few shorter strands of dreadlocks that hang forward as short bangs
SKIN: pale, ashen white
FORCE SENSITIVE: latent sensitivity
- impulsive, particularly when choosing bedmates
- requires regular feeding of brain Soup to survive
- blabbermouth, fast with smartass remarks that can get her in trouble
- Anzati supremacist and bigot, can underestimate others for not being Anzati
+ can resist natural feral hunger for brain Soup
+ affinity with Force abilities that cloud the mind of a target
+ wheeler and dealer in underworld environs, as well as instinctively able to navigate large city and undercity streets
+ possesses the unnatural physical strength, quick reflexes and Force affinity of the Anzati
+ very strong family ties ensure support
Nakia looks to be somewhere in her mid twenties, by Human standards. She the Anzati species' ghostly pale skin and the eyes with black sclera and icy blue irises that some of her species have. She has long red hear that she wears in dreadlocks, mostly tied together in a tail behind her hair while some shorter strands of dreadlocks hang forward to form short bangs. She has a lithe but well developed body, and dresses to make use of this. Her usual outfit (see image below) consists of an asymmetrical short top that covers her chest and left arm, as well as a netted strap sleeve that covers her right arm, form fitting asymmetrical pants that cover only the right leg, and knee high boots.
Nakia takes a great deal of pride in who she is, as part of a group of beings she sees as superior to any other. This makes her something of a bigot, openly looking down on anyone who does not share her beliefs. She has a quick, sharp wit, and is prone to use it for snarky remarks, particularly in relaxed situations when she can poke fun at others, such as members of her extended family. However, her remarks can also land her in trouble as her mouth is often faster than her brain, even in situations where she would be better off thinking before speaking. The same impulsiveness can be seen in most of her decisions, particularly in her love life. She is quick in selecting bedmates, but discards them just as quickly. A maneater in both a figurative and literal sense, her affairs rarely last longer than a single encounter, and few men live to tell the tale as it is Nakia's favored 'hunting' technique to seduce a man and then eat his brain Soup.