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Approved Location Nal Hutta: Balihl Repair Yard

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Force Sensative

  • Shipyards Name: Balihl Repair Yard
  • Classification: Minor Repair Port
  • Location: Nal Hutta, Bilbousa
  • Affiliation: Hutts, Hutt Cartel
  • Population: Sparsely Staffed
  • Accessibility: Located just outside of Bilbousa, Balihl Repair Yard provides a cheaper albeit less convenient repair option for incoming transport vessels. The spaceport is open to the public but is less favoured compared to other commercial locations within the city.
  • Description: Balihl Minor Repair Port, nestled in the murky swamps of Nal Hutta, serves as a critical haven for the galaxy's more discreet spacers and smugglers. This modest outpost is renowned for its reliable, no-questions-asked service, catering primarily to the underworld's varied clientele. The Establishment is owned by Dol-a Vars, a cunning Twi'lek in service of the local Hutt rulers. Most of the repair work is undertaken by Sullustan slaves.
  • Production: N/a - Limited to repairing existing ships.
  • Specialty: Repair Work
  • Output: Able to repair most damaged ships within a week given enough credits.
  • Market: N/a
  • Repair Bays: Balihl boasts several compact repair bays equipped to handle a range of minor to moderate repairs on starships of various classes.
  • Parts Depot: The port includes a well-stocked parts depot, featuring a mix of standard and hard-to-find components. Whether it's a hyperdrive motivator or specialized shielding parts, Balihl ensures most common needs are met on-site.
  • Staff Quarters: Poor quality sleeping quarters for slave and conscript staff.
  • Guard Quarters: Modest sleeping quarters for slave overseers, Hired Guns and Gamorrean Guard


Balihl Minor Repair Port was originally established by a savvy Rodian entrepreneur named Garvikk Lek. A former smuggler himself, Garvikk saw the need for a reliable and discreet repair facility catering to the less lawful denizens of Hutt Space. Leveraging his extensive network and knowledge of the underworld, he chose the remote swamps of Nal Hutta as the perfect location, where privacy and security from prying eyes could be ensured. With his background in ship mechanics and his connections within the smuggling community, Garvikk built Balihl from the ground up, focusing on efficiency, discretion, and quality service.

As Balihl's reputation grew, so did the interest of the powerful Hutt Cartel. The Spaceport was brought forcefully under the control of the local Hutts, and ownership changed to Dol-a Vars, a Twi'lek working under the local Hutt rulers.
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