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Nalis Kane

Nalis Kane

Bane of the Sith
Name: Nalis Kane
Faction: New Rebel Alliance
Rank: Dark Jedi Padawan
Species: Human
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: Emerald green (Natural); Yellow (During intense moments of rage or hatred, and/or when drawing heavily on the Dark Side)
Hair: Brown
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitivity: Yes
Strengths and Weaknesses: Unlike most of the Sith he hates so strongly, Nalis is not an animalistic, unthinking slave to his fury. Disciplined by years of Jedi training, he is capable of calm, levelheaded tactical thinking that most Sith disregard in favor of giving themselves to their rage during battle, although, being human, this has its limits and he does experience moments of extreme emotion, and has trouble composing himself when he is provoked, even if his experiences and wits tell him that he is being baited or goaded. While a member of the Jedi Order prior to his fall, Nalis was an avid practitioner of Form IV: Ataru, the Aggression form, which fit well with his personality and his fast paced Jar'Kai dual-blade combat style. Although he was forbidden to study Juyo as he was not a Knight, he was also proficient in Form VI: Niman, drawing on its techniques of utilizing Force-based powers in combat, and studying its elementary dual-blade exercises as a gateway style to Jar'Kai. However, due to Ataru's focus on bolstering oneself in combat using the Force, and Niman's heavy usage of Force techniques in combat, Nalis can exhaust his energy early in a duel throughout his prolonged, relentless offense, and thus masters of defensive forms such as Soresu could simply tank up and draw out the fight until Nalis's fatigue led to his defeat. At one point, Nalis was captured by a Sith Lord who interrogated him in order to find the whereabouts of his master by mentally assaulting him with the force, ravaging his mind with Sith magic, causing excruciating pain and horrifying hallucinations. To this day, Nalis carries the scars of this traumatic encounter, and remains venerable to mental attacks by his opponents.


Nalis Kane was born on Coruscant into a lower-class family in the deeper levels of Galactic City. Discovering he was Force Sensitive, his parents gave him up to the Jedi Order at the age of 4 in order to protect him from the violent Black Sun, one of the prominent criminal organizations in the lower levels of Coruscant. As a Jedi Initiate, Nalis displayed exceptional skills in the Force and a remarkable aptitude for combat, quickly mastering the basic Form I of lightsaber combat, Shii-Cho. With the return of the Sith Empire, the Order had a high demand for trained, capable Jedi, and so at the age of 16 Nalis was chosen as a Padawan by Jedi Knight Lara Hasen, whom Nalis quickly came to view as the sister he never had, despite her stern warnings on the dangers of attachment. After constructing his lightsabers on Ilum at the age of 18, Nalis and his master were increasingly called upon during the recent times of crisis.

One such fateful mission, Nalis was separated from his master when he stayed behind to fend off several Sith so that his master could escape the planet with a captured Republic noble. He was overpowered and taken prisoner by a mysterious Sith sorcerer whose name he mind-wiped from Nalis's mind, he was mentally subjected to unspeakable torture and psychological torment as to his master's whereabouts. When he gave the Sith nothing, the sorcerer decided to use him as bait in order to lure Knight Hasen into a trap.

Unfortunately, the ploy worked, and his master was brutally murdered by the sorcerer himself as she tried to rescue her Padawan, as Nalis was forced to watch. Although overwhelmed with grief and rage, he escape from his bonds and managed to flee in the commotion, but he vowed to himself one day he would have revenge against all Sith for their crimes.

Although he was emotionally unbalanced, Kane continued to serve in the Jedi Order, but quickly became disillusioned with the Republic's ailing democracy and corrupt politics. Outraged that the Jedi refused to be proactive in addressing the threat of the resurgent Sith Empire, and disgusted with the greedy politicians who used the current crisis as an excuse to gain support for reelection, Kane publicly renounced the Jedi and the Republic, vowing to take justice into his own hands.

Kane knew no emotion as strong as his burning desire for vengeance. Fueled by rage, Nalis accepted and embraced the Dark Side as a necessary evil to defeat the Sith. Pursuing Sith loyalists throughout the Outer Rim territories for months on end, he was approached by a mysterious cloaked man, who told him he was a recruiter searching for Force users to join the cause of the new Rebel Alliance, a splinter faction of systems sick of the Republic's corruption and inaction against the oppression of the Sith and the countless others who destabilized the galaxy's long lasting peace since the Gilag Virus. Sympathizing with the rebel cause, Kane agreed to join the Alliance, and prepared to meet his new master, who would complete his training in the ways of the Force...


I'm just a newbie, so forgive me for obvious and stupid plot misconceptions in my bio, I apologize and will rewrite it if needed. Did I do this character profile right? Do I get my Dark Jedi Padawan title and all that now?
You're fine. There is no real acceptation process. You wright the bio, and as long as it isn't ludicrously dumb, you're fine :) (by ludicrously dumb I mean like DUMB. One paragraph full of.... junk. Your profile is acceptable, and all you have to do is ask in the request thread for ranks such as that Dark Jedi Padawan title your after)

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