Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nam Karakk

Josiah Saedrin

[Insert a cool Yuuzhan Vong image]​

Social Information
  • Name: Nam Karakk
  • Alias: "Yammka"
  • Titles: N/A
  • Homeworld: Yuuzhan'tar
  • Living Situation: Coruscant
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual (?)
  • Martial Status: Single
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Rank: Initiate
  • Force Alignment: Neutral
  • Voice Sample: Patrick Seitz
Physical Information
  • Species: Yuuzhan Vong
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 23 GSY
  • Height: 1.89 metres
  • Weight: Unknown
  • Eye Colour: Orange Peel Orange
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Rose Quartz
Affiliated with
  • The One Sith - Hrosha-Gul
General Description - Nam Karakk (or 'Yammka', as he calls himself) could be described by two words: Yuuzhan Vong. As a typical member of the species, not much could be talked about him as the species talks about him already as much as needed. He deeply believes in the Yuuzhan gods and is totally against the standard, "evil" technology. That's mostly what he is. A fact worth mentioning would be torturing himself. He enjoys pain, just like the faith of Yuuzhan tells, and he would cut off his limbs if he knew it will grant her a better 'life' when he is dead. His typical torturing devices include blades of many kinds, spiky items, poisons, etc. His little abode in Luminoss is full of such things and he would pridefully show them to any guests.

  • + Yuuzhan Vong Strengths - These Yuuzhan strengths include longer lifespan (when not killed by another cause than old age), protection from direct Force-usage and many more.
  • + Physically Strong - Yammka is stronger than an average Yuuzhan Vong, though not a lot, but slightly.
More TBA...

  • - Strictly Following His Faith - Yammka won't let go of his faith, even if it becomes nearly deadly for him. His dangerous lifestyle is typical for a Yuuzhan Vong, but others (humans) would consider him crazy.
  • - Low Intelligence - Compared to a standard Yuuzhan Vong, Yammka is... stupid.
More TBA...

Yammka was born in Luminoss, to a Warrior Caste family. Both of his parents were known for their notable fighting skills and they were indeed noble people. Even though they participated in many battles, they were not too honoured, which sometimes depressed the family. Believing, that their second son will be a gift from the gods, they started training him from a young age, the child being only a few years old. He was taught to stop playing with his toys and get into real fighting. His first, though minor, battle was when he was but ten years old. He was near to death, which was (according to the heads of his family) a good sign.

The Karakk family had to move to a smaller house when the boy was about eleven years old and that only because of not being favoured by the neighbours. The tiny abode in the edge of the city was enough for them to manage, even though it was not as good as they wanted. All of the three boys of the domain were sent to many battles, their parents also participating in them, and during them, Nam and his two brothers were near to death many times, yet as time passed, they gained more knowledge of fighting and became more experienced. Yammka, the second son, became the best in fighting and over time, he became better than his enemies were.

Time passed, Yammka discovered the "loveliness" of pain, and started torturing himself. His parents knew that and considered it as a good sign. Humans would have said, that it was unacceptable, yet for Yuuzhan people, it was quite normal.

Yammka brought honour back to the family with his fighting styles and thus, the rest of the family moved out of the tiny house, into a huger one, when Nam was 22 galactic standard years old. He started living on his own.

Only some time ago did he discover a new, interesting movement called "Hrosha-Gul", which he would love to join one day.

Yet after the Hrosha-Gul came being a member of the powerful Horde which had started rising from the Outer RIm areas. Nam Karakk, just before joining the faction, died a horrible death due to his stubbornness, stupidity, and strict folowing of his gods. He became someone who would be known as an undead. This death had a strange effect on him, though. As a Yuuzhan Vong, he hadn't been able to use the Force. With the death, though, she got the powers of the Force.

Josiah Saedrin

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