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Namana Namana Batman (Sargon)

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Sargon Vynea"]


Despite his years as a Senator back in the day, Connory still felt naked without his armor. He could slice any kind of travel papers or identity cards, but none of that would let him walk around the First Order in beskar'gam. Today he'd gone with something almost as intimidating in the right context: a plain black suit with a comms wire tucked behind his ear. A man like Sargon Vynea, former governor of Bakura, would know the type. He'd know how to read Connory as a middle-aged fighter, not visibly armed or on edge at all. A professional, ideally.

Connory knocked on the door and eyed what might have been a small intercom. "Mister Vynea, my name's Rel Connory. I'm a friend of [member="Spencer"] Varanin. I have a couple of questions for you if you have a minute."
The quiet meadow had a visitor it seemed, a presence in the Force the Zabrak did not recognize, and that was uncommon. He'd lived on Bakura now for years, and even under the First Order he'd been left completely alone in the middle of nowhere. Well it was the middle of nowhere now, once upon a time it was nestled inside quite the military installation, but that was a long time ago. Still as his mind drifted back to in memories it seemed like just yesterday, it was always far to easy to get lost in what was. At this point he was more hermit then anything else, despite's Jyn's best efforts to pull him into the Order more actively, it simply wasn't meant to be. Still he was right proud of what she'd accomplished with the rebuilding of the Order.

Then came the knock as Sargon considered honestly just waiting it out until he heard those words. For good or ill he supposed he was answering now. Standing up he opened his eyes the colors of the Force and the physical world mixing around slightly before he could focus his sight. Opening the door he spoke slowly as he examined his visitor. "Afternoon, Mr. Connory, welcome to Bakura. Please come in, if I have answers I can give them for a friend of a friend. I've some fresh fruit and a good wine if you'd care to partake?"


Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Sargon Vynea"]

Pleasantries aside, it wasn't long before the two men sat across from each other. Connory peeled small namana fruit, a bit of a process unless you knew the traditional knack. He didn't, but robust experimentation let him find a few ways that didn't work and then one that did. A small tactical folding knife was involved. The knife vanished almost immediately so as not to seem like a threat.

Then again, by all accounts, Sargon Vynea knew the Force from a regime plagued by infighting. He'd be able to tell that Connory came in peace.

"Delicious. Thanks for seeing me, Mister Vynea. I appreciate it.” He chewed and swallowed a namana segment. “I don't believe we ever met - and if I've forgotten, I apologize. You were Spencer's protege; I worked for her as a Republic Senator when she was new to the throne. These days I run a small tech firm on Eshan, with her blessing. Defense contracting, starship design consulting.

“That's part of what brings me here. I understand you were central to the Chimaera cloaking initiative.”
He paused momentary before answering, if there was ever a question his guest knew Spencer it was gone with that statement. The list of people who knew about the project, much less that it was his engineering team was less then a handful. Lady Yun-Harla as he knew her back then, it was actually then he had learned her real name, and now here was a friend of her's asking about an old military secret. "The Chimaera cloaking initiative, now that's something I thought never to hear of again. Quite the alteration, but working for Lady Ashin, and her wife was my greatest honor. They were building something truly great out here in the far reaches of space, but alas not all great things it seems are meant to last."

Moving his hand he touched old blood spots, relics from times long ago perhaps, but meaningful all the same. "So tell me, why do you ask about the Chimaera, and what are you hoping to gain from such questions? Bakuran shipyards have been re-purposed a few times since those days. The resources it took for the initiative were not insignificant either, so if you've your eyes on duplicating the project which I can only assume you do, it's going to be quite the task."


Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Sargon Vynea"]

“I have no interest in building another Chimaera, Mister Vynea. I invented the combination of stealth technologies that the Chimaera used. While I'm interested, don't get me wrong, what interests me more is the ship as a whole. Kuat Drive Yards, Santhe/Sienar, Iron Crown - the Chimaera is a melange built or modified by three of the galaxy's largest shipwrights. If you have any systems readouts, structural scans, maintenance logs, I'd be very interested to know how you did it.”

Connory had a good chunk of that information already, but diluted by time and upheaval. Sargon's files, if they existed, and his perspective came from the ship's origin. Well, one of them.
Leaning back the Zabrak considered the man for a moment as he embraced the Force, he didn't feel hostile, but anyone who wanted that ship's schematics made him nervous. Then again what did it matter anymore, he didn't even know where the ship was or who commanded it at this point. "Now you've got me curious, Mister Connory, I have what you need, but I need to know why. I haven't kept a track of the missing ships from the Fringe in years, had enough trouble keeping the rag tag fleet we had left here after the Black Fleet in good repair. Even then once the local warlords had more to worry about in the First Order they dispersed rather then draw an ugly fight here. So I need to know why, why do you want the ship's details? Whats the old girl up to that's got you so riled?"


Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Sargon Vynea"]

"The original? Nothing of consequence. I believe it's serving as a testbed and research site for the Royal Naboo Shipwrights. As far as I can tell, they've only pulled it out for combat duties once or twice. And that's understandable, but a shame.

"It wouldn't be possible to build the Chimaera again today, Mister Vynea. Every major population center in the galaxy has been hit hard in the last decade or two. Omni, Akala, the Republic, the One Sith - in a few ways, military technology has grown, but many other things have been just plain lost. I'm in the business of innovation, and these days that often means trying to match past accomplishments.

"It cost me a good deal in contacts and resources to find you and come here. Once my burner identity fails, I'll likely have real trouble traveling in First Order space in the future. And past that, I'm willing to pay whatever you ask."
He couldn't help the frown at the fate of the ship, she deserved better, far better. That ship had been a symbol as much as anything else and out here she would always mean more then she did. It was true though governments were falling as quickly as they sprang up, and the people suffered for it. It didn't mean they forgot the few that actually stood up for the people. "Anything is possible, anything. I still have the contacts for every engineer I had in that ship, and each man and woman was proud to do it. That isn't something money can buy, or that can simply be duplicated."

Stopping for a moment he took a breath realizing he was getting a bit on the passionate side, old loves die hard. "I do however have something I need. Some of those very engineers need routes out and jobs. Getting them out I can handle. New governments replace the higher positions quickly enough but the day in and out workers tend to remain the same. New regimes don't always look at old loyalties kindly, and some voices won't be silenced. You've got a project, I've got the engineers who worked on the same project, and technical specs from before and after changes were made. I believe that's the making of solid arrangement for both sides."

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Sargon Vynea"]

This trip hadn't been easy, but of all the things he'd expected to find, that offer wasn't among them. Connory did his level best to restrain his surprise. It didn't go well.

"That would be ideal. Unprecedented. I'm stunned, I'll admit. You say you can handle getting them out of First Order territory; let me know if I can help. As for finding them a safe place, new identities, jobs, housing for them and presumably their families - that's on me."

It would cost an obscene amount in credits and influence and attention and time, set his work back a couple of years...but once the situation stabilized, the investment would pay off. Substantially.

"And I can make those arrangements," he said after a long moment's thought - but sincerely. Wouldn't do to come across as doubtful at this stage. "There's also a place for you if you want it."
A brow raised on the horned head of Sargon at the last, it was an unexpected offer, but he wasn't exactly the engineering type. "Tell me, what would you do with a retired soldier? You have a world that needs conquering? A front line to push?" Yet despite his surprise he couldn't help but wonder, and after the exodus of the old legion and the Fringe engineers above he might have finally done something worthy of catching the attention of the local First Order government.

Embracing the Force again he let it flow through him, the winds were wild in their direction. For too long he'd stayed stagnant, less then a breeze in the chaos of the universe. "All sarcasm aside, Mister Connory, I've been a governor, an Archon, a Council member, a front line grunt, and even had the luck to be a student of the Force. My entire knowledge of engineering is in being given a few choices and trying to make the correct one to make a unit or vessel as devastating as possible to the enemy. I do not look down on your offer I just don't know if you'd fine any use in an old sword hand."


Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Sargon Vynea"]

"You'd be an asset for two reasons. You know these people and could help them integrate and get back up to speed. They used to work for you; in a way, it sounds like they still do. But that's only the first reason."

Connory slid out his knife again and started peeling another namana fruit.

"Reason number two is something I take more seriously than business. I spent, oh, a decade and a half as Mia Monroe's commonl-law husband. I left her when she helped burn my homeworld, Mandalore. I came back around the time she died, because I'd heard we had a baby. Now it turns out that some of Ra Vizsla's loyalists want that child dead. Mia didn't want me to have the kid - something about me being broken too, or maybe that was just spite because I left. Regardless, my goal is to find my son and arrange the untimely deaths of the people hunting for him. Vilaz Munin, Preliat and Silas Mantis, a few other grand old names." Connory snorted. "You can see why an old soldier might come in handy."
Mia Monroe, now that was a familiar name, but that wasn't the crux for him. "It's possible an old soldier may just come in use there, though I think I know now why the Force sent you to me. I have particular strengths when it comes to the Force, very particular. I can't make rocks float, absorb energy, nor well really anything physical. There are a few things I can do quite well though, the Force shows me things. Once in my pride I'd have said all things, but I've learned long ago just how much more there is to the Force then I'd have ever thought. It's a bit more complicated without his Force signature, but still it can be done. I'll need a minute."

Standing he gave a little stretch of the neck before leaving the room for a few minutes before returning with a sword on his hip, and shield strapped to his back. "I know, it's a bit dark age looking, but it's helpful with all those excitable folk and their laser swords. Everything else I'll need is already on my ship, but we'll need to make a stop somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Can't keep top secret files planet side now that it's a foreign government. I used to hide things at a hidden Blas-Tech site, but I'm sure the new owner will eventually realize she has a black site listed no where. Eventually. Bakruians and droids don't go together, ever. So when we made the contract it had to be an extreme secret. So we put one out in the open making blasters and one very hidden making some rather mean protection units."

Handing over a chip with coordinates on it he offered one last piece of advice before exiting. "Don't get excited when you get there either, the last of Bakura's old defense fleet is there. An old Permanence, but well below a skeleton crew runs her, and she's less then a shadow of her former self. Should have seen her back in her prime though, she was a thing of beauty. Sadly there isn't anywhere I can dock her for repairs since Bakura was taken by the First Order. Files are all there though, in cargo ships I once bought in hopes of starting my own business. Turns out I wasn't very good at seeing that through, but still they've come to some use holding old secrets, among other things."


Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Sargon Vynea"]

Connory pocketed the chip with a nod of thanks. "You're a tracker. That, I didn't know. Spencer always was private about her students."

He mulled over the details of the databank's location and defenses. "Sounds well managed. I think I've even heard of the cover. I'm a member of the Foundation Trust." The Trust, a quiet association of investors, had stock in any number of companies. They'd bought a majority share in Iron Crown some years ago, expanded the business exponentially, and sold their stocks back to Darell Irani. Sargon, as an ICE shareholder, would know the name of the Trust; they'd radically increased the value of his investment.
He grinned a bit ruefully at the last, "Well then, neither of us will be breaching contracts then. I'm surprised you needed to come to me even about the plans for that ship, I'd have sworn Rave got it with Iron Crown. Scared the hell out of me when she got that company, but she was Fringe. Better that she got it then the First Order when they arrived, or the various warlords rip it apart in the years directly after the fall. She did right with it though, last I heard of her she was on her way to becoming the richest person in the galaxy, or maybe just owning it."

Shrugging he headed towards the door leaving the house empty once more, but he was sure he'd be back. He always did come right back here, after all it was still home. As he walked towards his ship he wondered for a moment just how many credits were hidden away in an account waiting for him? Probably better to not know too many credits did strange things to people. Still, the curiosity remained.


Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Sargon Vynea"]

"By the time the Trust bought Iron Crown, the files had been bounced through a few hands - Primeval, One Sith - and plenty was missing. I found indications that Ashin Varanin eliminated some of that material to keep it out of their hands. Your files date from before all that. Purer."

He mulled over the comments on Rave Merrill as they made for Sargon's ship, whatever that might be. Normally Connory would have done more background research, but First Order customs networks had decent security by his standards. Not a necessary risk.

"I never knew the Merrills," he said. "I've been through some of Rave's files, not enough to get a feel for the person. Apart from Ashin and Spencer, I have real trouble putting together a coherent picture of the early days of the Fringe."
That brought a bit of pleasure to him, so not all the secrets were out there at least. He supposed he'd know more about that if he paid any attention to the company but it did very well without him so why poke at something that wasn't broken. It gave him a bit of pause that Lady Ashin had taken files out of the list, if it was her will these didn't go out then he had a small problem, or rather Connory did. Once on board he'd take a quick moment to send out a rather well encrypted message to his retired liege and make sure this wasn't information she wanted hidden. "We need to make a quick detour to the Je'daii temple, I keep my ship docked there less questions. Whisper is a good ship, she's gotten me just about everywhere in this galaxy since I've entered civilian life. I still miss my old one though, she was a beauty."

Connory had entered dangerous waters mentioning Fringe history, something he would undoubtedly regret as he spent the trip being tutored in the history of the Fringe. Sargon lost in memory didn't even notice if the man even really listened, or not. It didn't even matter to the Zabrak, it was more self indulgence then anything else. The few guards at the Temple waved them through without a pause, most of them former 121st Legion pleased to find a place that wasn't in the First Order military.

"In the long and short of it, Connory, I've yet to see a government who is truly as free as the Fringe, nor as accepting. I worked with a variety of Sith trained who never gave a second damn about where I stood in the Force. The fleet stood absolute vigilance, and yet we didn't rule over the Confederacy with an iron fist. In fact the military mostly left it to it's own will and taxes paid. No matter your past you were a new person in the Fringe, your history didn't follow you, you were just what you made yourself. The Outer Rim Coalition reminds me of the early Fringe days before we became so big we had to create a solid legitimate government outside the Junta. At our height we were undeniable, we were the bulwark the Republic broke itself on. Yet like all things these days everything changes. In all the history of the galaxy I've never read of another as chaotic and in constant movement as these days. More governments have risen to dominate the galaxy and completely collapsed then in a hundred years of galactic history pre-plague. The galaxy is in need of a rest from the storm, but I see that coming no time soon."

Finally realizing as they boarded the ship that he'd simply talked for entire trip without stopping he gave Connory a sheepish grin. "Apologies, it's something my heart hasn't quite given up on yet no matter how far behind the rest of the galaxy it is. We all mourn in our own way. Now welcome to my ship, the cargo sections have all been ripped out for gardens I meditate in. I always found ship air to be stale and dead. So I added as much life as I could to my own. The last room on your left is the combat training room, if you haven't worn out your curiosity on the Fringe you'll find a bit more there. Weapons, training equipment, armor, and the Confederacy Flag I used to hang in my office. Your room will be across from that, now do you have a ship you need to be dropped off to, or straight to the site?"


Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Sargon Vynea"]

"Straight to the site. Believe it or not, I used public transportation." The HALCYON space trains, to be precise, installed back in Sargon's day and still largely operational. Also heavily inspected, the main reason Connory had traveled with an ironclad ID and no weapons or unusual gear.

"Nice ship. Feels like a home. Must be great on the life support, having all these plants aboard." Connory sat down on a bench between ferns and rubbed his half-metal knees.

"I suppose I've been lucky or selfish. I've been able to carve out my own freedom living in more restrictive governments. I was a Republic Senator."
"It's definitely a home yeah. You know once upon a time I hated these things, preferred my feet on solid ground and out of the void that was space. Helps once you know the void isn't such a void I suppose. Well that and when you're aboard them so long you just don't care anymore. Republic Senator you don't say? I have had very limited contact with the Republic once the whole auction thing went off. Had good contacts with the Chancellor before that, frail girl, but preferred peace at least. Excuse me one moment."

Going to the cockpit he set in the destination and let the droid pilot take over from there. Space flight might now longer bother him, but flying still wasn't his thing. He also sent out several encrypted messages, some to the engineers, one to warn that he was coming to the vault, and another to the retired couple to see if they objected. After all it was her ship, and she was still the boss, retired or not. He doubted she'd agree with that at this point in time, but that was the issue with taking oaths of loyalty he supposed.

Giving the engineer a minute to relax he hunted him down shortly enough with a cup of tea. "Believe it or not, grown on ship. It requires a good chunk of room and some good insulation, but I think the lost space is well worth it. Well that and the extra precautions on water damage etc. My life support as you noted has a hell of an easier time, and its certainly a space of solace on longer journeys. Either way, it makes some damn good tea, and a few other bits. Now as much as I hate to open up a wound I have to ask, have you any word on your son yet? Anything of his? Searching for someone through the Force isn't an exact science, and I can find pretty much anyone who doesn't know how to hide themselves once I know their feel. The problem here is I don't. I can look for something like yours but that isn't quite the way it works. If you have a generality, or a who he's with if I know them I can start there. Otherwise, it's quite a bit of meditation sometimes to sift through a galaxy of life if the Force doesn't lead me straight there."


Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Sargon Vynea"]

Connory sipped aromatic tea in the shade of the onboard foliage. Of the self-contained ecosystems he'd seen, this ship-garden had to be one of the best, a notch below Ithorian work.

"I've never met my son," he said. "Didn't even know Mia was pregnant when I left. So I don't have anything of his, no. As for his companions, though - the names I got were Ginnie and D'ral Ordo. He's the son of Jasper Ordo, if you ever heard of him - the man that the Dark Lord of the One Sith possessed. Jasper died last year during Ra Vizsla's comeback tour. Ginnie and D'ral are fugitives from the Mandalorian Empire like me. I've got nothing against them, but Mia informed me she'd told them to keep the kid away from me. That girl always could carry a grudge."
With a nod Sargon accepted the information, he knew Ordo, but he doubted that would lead him directly to the son. He didn't know about his death though, and that gave him pause for the moment. "I see, not perfect but it's something I can work with. When we arrive wherever you plan on going after the checkpoint I'll see what I can come up with." A small warning chirp went off throughout the ship, "Speaking of the checkpoint, it's time to see the Vault."

Leading Connory up into the helm he nodded to the battleship ahead of them. "She's a thing of beauty, that ship. Her time's almost done now, the soldiers have been sent to peaceful fronts. The engineers have been taken care of, and this is the last of it. The rest have settled in or left long ago, and once I give you these last secrets I don't think there is anything else left for her here." Pausing for a moment he finally shrugged his admittance, "or me I suppose. Its time I found her a new home."

"Speaking of which I need a location to send to one of those ships. It contains quite the database on a few of the more unique ships of the Fringe. The Astral Horizon, the Chimaera, and our ridiculously huge transport ship. I believe there is some data on our smaller cloaked transport as well. Well worth the well being of a few scientist I believe, no?"


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