Naomi Saxon
The one and only
The Elk of Manda'yaim

Name: Naomi Saxon
Species: Chiss
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 176cm
Weight: 58kg
Homeworld: Mandalore
Faction: Resol'nare
Rank: n/a
Orphaned not even a month after her birth, Naomi was adopted by an unknown Mandalorian into the Saxon clan, bearing the last name proudly. Since that fateful day, she learned the ways of the warrior, training with her adoptive parents almost daily. Her family soon found she was ready for her first hunt at 10, taking Nexu fangs and fur as trophies. She began to learn about the profitable career of bounty hunting, and soon started to find a suitable mentor.
Strengths and Weaknesses
(+) Gifted Gunslinger - Naomi is very adept with blasters of most types, unless they're heavy.
(+) Proud Mandalorian - Even though she looks different, she is still 100% Mando, and can 100% Kick your tush. You can thank clan Saxon for that.
(-) Drinking Problem - Naomi picked up a serious drinking habit, which is ruining her health.
(-) Hotheaded - She can go off like a bomb if you so much as look at her funny.
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