Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nar Shadaa Nights

I am a son of the Mountain.
In orbit over Nar Shadaa~02:30
A loud yawn escaped Dominic as The Mad Bastard came out of hyperspace over Nar Shadaa.

"Damn, another boring trip. We couldn't have even gotten hit by pirates or something?" The impetuous pilot muttered underneath his breath.

The pilot had only just received his wings with The Dominion and had already been given the assignment of escorting a Jedi Knight to Nar Shadaa. Of course this mission had already introduced him with two things he heavily disliked, Hutt's and Jedi.

Pulling his feet off of the console he began to key in the coordinates for the main landing pad. "Hey!" He called back to the deeper recesses of the ship. "We're here." He stated.

​After keying in the coordinates and activating the autopilot Dominic turned back to the holds of his ship, curious to see whether the Jedi was even awake or not. It had been a long trip and Dom had only been awake for the select few parts where a live pilot was truly needed.

"Jedi." He called out, making his way back to the main bay. There was a small weapons locker sitting next to the holoterminal, he opened it up and glanced at the small arsenal inside. "Damn I shouldn't have agreed to this. I can't stand babysitting." He said, taking one of the blaster pistols into his hand for inspection. "Jedi?!" He called out yet again.

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