Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nar Shadda Nights

Verros sat in silence among the uproar of the cantina, slowly nursing his last drink of the night. It was...late. He didn't know exactly what time it was. Nor did he really care. He had enough money to last him for the week, so he didn't need to worry about being up on time for a job. Not yet anyways. He sighed into his glass quietly. Made him miss the Cantina he used to run back in the day. Small place. In the nice part of town too. Maybe he should open one of his own again. But that would require money...

Verros took another gulp of his drink, and reached up to remove his visor. He set his drink and visor on the table, and reached up to rub his aching head. His visor was broken. He needed a new one, but...he couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. And it was expensive to fix. Painkillers were cheaper. But, in time, he'd work up the credits. He just had to be patient. It was at times like these that he missed his father. That and his money. Wouldn't have been an issue in the old days. But those days were over. They died on Ilum.

Verros put his visor back on its perch at the bridge of his nose, his brow furrowing as he looked up. Someone had entered the bar. And for a brief second, a pang of fear shot through Verros. Dark Sider. Calm. He took a breath. Remain calm. Lots of their kind on Nar Shadda. They probably wouldn't know who he was. What he was. And...well with any luck he would technically outrank them. But probably not that lucky, if his track record was anything to go by. He took another sip of his drink, willing the Force within him to recede. One of the most advanced tricks he knew, but it was damn effective at passing unnoticed, particularly when trouble came knocking. Kind of like now...

[member="Elise Ike"]
Nar Shadda, one of the few places she could drop the whole ‘former Jedi facade’ and just be herself. Even if her ability to stay hidden in the force was beyond most masters and easy to maintain it got annoying at times. Here it did not matter, Hutt space. like always was neuatral ground were anything really went, no one would bother her dealings here regardless of their affiliation.

That didn’t mean she had free reign, though no one had legal reason to bother her like on an Imperial or Jedi world anyone could be trouble for other reasons. Thugs, pickpockets, spice dealers, bounty hunters and much much more, trading one sort of watching your back for another. At the very least she could kill any would be attacker and use her full strength though remaining under the radar was an ideal situation, all on needed to do was strike a balance.

Her walking finally brought Elise to one of the many bars dotting the city scape, the smell of smoke wafting out the entrance, her nodded sliding off upon walking through the entrance. Inside there was the regular motly crew you’d find around here, all the stereotypical pirate aliens, smugglers and hunters, typical, all except for one. They were not easy to find, but through the scene of the cantina she smelt someone different, youthful, strong with the air of the force around them, an air of indecision, a rouge perhaps?

It was interesting enough to check out, Elise wading through the crowd coming the the individuals table, looking towards them with a warm smile. “Excuse me but is this seat taken”?

Verros looked up, his jaw set in frustration. Naturally the Sith had made a beeline for him. She too tried to mask her presence in the Force, but Verros saw past it. He made a mental note to thank his Father for that once he reached the afterlife. Very useful skill to have. "That depends, Sithling. You here on pleasure, or business?" Verros's brow furrowed as he squinted up at the woman. He didn't speak loudly, of course. Whatever business was to be had could be held between the two of them, and them alone. He leaned back in his chair, and kicked the chair opposite him from under the table.

It was not a hard kick, but enough to slide the chair away from the table, and into the woman standing across from him. "Not that it matters, seeing how your lot run the place. Or think they do." It would seem that the gesture was some odd indication that the girl could sit. Verros picked up his glass, and held it to the side. "Get another one?" He called out, waiting for a tender droid to come along and collect his glass. He leaned forward again, resting his elbows on the table. "Listen, it's late, I've had a day, so whatever you're here for, spit it out and make it quick."

[member="Elise Ike"]
Even with that visor on Elise could have sworn she could see the boy shooting daggers, perhaps she should have put her old Jedi attire and faked the rouge force user act if just to avoid this persons stares. Still, it was interesting, their cynical attitude towards her, no doubt an interesting story worth hearing. "That depends, define business, I have a feeling we have different views on what that word means, though what I can say is that my dealings on Nar Shadda are perfectly legal". Not that the planet had any laws to begin with, as long as what you do didn't grind someone else gears to much, or you could get away with it no one cared. She stood there for a few seconds, catching the newly freed seat, her head cocking to the side at their apathetic and snarky reply, oh she liked him.

"My lot? that could mean many different things, if you mean Sith, maybe, though I don't have much of an idea of what other Sith get up to on here", no doubt the Empire had some dealings, probably the CIS as well. "Though that could also mean my family, if so there are some sectors under their direct control", a topic she'd rather not go into, her grandmothers escapades on smugglers moon were not her businesses. Not that she'd expect the man to really care, her own replies coming with a good amount of sass and sarcasm in reply to the boys own attitude. Trhough it all Elise kept a straight posture, clearly showing herself to be someone of refined culture and manners, despite the kind of rude conversation the two were having.

"What I'm I hear for? talking of crouse, just because I am a Sith doesn't mean I am an inhuman monster incapable of normal conversation and life", even if she wasn't actually human... not that the boy could really tell. "I simply found you to be the most interesting, and with decent seats, after all wandering Jedi always have the best stories to tell while passing the time".

Verros sighed, rolling his eyes and leaning back in his chair. He turned to get the drink he was being offered by the server droid, and immediately took a gulp. He wasn't sure which was worse, the fact that a Sith had found him, or the fact that they were a complete moron. "Listen, don't play dumb with me." Verros set his drink on the table, leaning forward again. "You and I both know that Sith don't ever just come round to talk. Not in a dive like this, not with a person like me."

Verros' brow furrowed as he squinted at her. "You're old, that much is obvious. You people carry yourself funny. All under the thin veneer of refinement and propriety. But the same tells are all there. Slight sag in the shoulders. Your walk. How you speak to people. World takes its toll after a while. I'm a little rusty but I'd place you at....what, two thousand? Two and a half? See it all the time in the Empire." Verros took another gulp of his drink, before focusing his attention back on Elsie. "Your technique hiding the Force is good, but it's got flaws. I was able to spot it, for one, and I don't think that was my Father's blood telling me that. It's not a skill you use often. Can't tell if you're rusty, or just careless." Verros leaned back in his chair. "And I'm not a Jedi. Anything but. You don't get out much, do you?"

[member="Elise Ike"]
Well, he was conversing, even if the conversation had taken quite the nose dive, still could be worse, much much worse. ".... you have a very narrow view on what Sith do don't you, no matter, not the first time some child has thought they had me all figured out from simply viewing silly Sith form some government". Half the reason she spent a good amount of time setting up a solid alternate identity to go by while traveling, one she more or less lived fully by these days.

"You are quite observant though, living so long does mean I do stand out differently, your estimate is a bit off, add another thousand years or so and that is more or less correct". Sometimes it was hard to fully count, the chance in dating since the battle of Yavin and the years of darkness following the plague kind of screwed up ones sense of time. "As for my skill in hiding the force, if I wanted to I could competently nullify it, appear as if I was dead in the force, or my favorite, project a false light side aura, quite useful in my dealings with a few Jedi". One of the few to see through her disguise was an anzt Jedi master, almost as old as she was, but he didn't seem to mind her company. She relaxed a little, letting her shoulders down and back lean against the chair while continuing to look at the stranger across, "not a Jedi, but you still have a problem with a Sith, one that you assume to be apart of the Empire, I think the one that doesn't get out often is you".

Verros arched an eyebrow as he took another gulp of his drink. "So a rogue then. Great. Empire wasn't dark and brooding enough? Wasn't able to get your kitten kicking quota met?" Verros shook his head, tipping the glass back to drain the contents in a single gulp. "Listen, you can sit here and gab all you want, I've seen your kind all over. Good for nothing more than an inflated sense of self worth. That much was obvious by how much time you spent pointing out how wrong I was." Verros stood, and counted out a handful of credits.

He tossed them down on the table, and stooped to pick up his backpack. "So whatever you seek to gain here, I wish you luck. Maker knows you socialites only ever get by on luck and a prayer." Verros shouldered his backpack, and nodded to the Sith. "Maybe your next victim will be appropriately awestruck by your self-absorbedness and revere you as the legend you wish yourself to be. Good day, miss." And with that, he walked past the Sith, heading out into the cool night air. It was time to go home.

[member="Elise Ike"]
Elise didn't bother to make much of a reply, just sitting cross legged and listening to the strange fellow rambling off, perhaps the boy was drunk, sure acted like it, then again Sith didn't have a good reputation, unfortunate. She kind of wanted to see their reaction to the multitudes that didn't fit the stereotype, off the top of her head she knew quite a few Sith that would probably shake his entire view point, all in good time though. A small chuckle had to be repressed as her though continued along those lines, his comment of kitten kicking not helping in any regard, perhaps she should use that in future, bound to piss someone off.

As the stranger got up to depart she to rose from her seat, "you have a nice attitude, I'd have put you on my team in the old days when still a Jedi, your hatred for Sith and imperials would have come in handy during certain... events". Her smile never wavering, "perhaps we will see each other again, but before you leave, what is your name boy"?


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