Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Narek Kalast

Profiled Information

Name: Narek Kalast
Chosen Name: Narek
Alias: FN-4655 (Serial Designation)
Title(s): None
Allegiance: The First Order.
Rank: Lieutenant
Force Sensitive: Sensitive but unknowing. Ren aware.
Languages: Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Binary, Huttese.
Occupation: Servant of the Order - Stormtrooper.


Physical Description

Species: Human.
Race: Genetically Unknown
Birthworld: Listed as Eriadu
Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen
Height: Six Foot.
Weight: One Hundred and Sixty Eight Pounds.
Complexion: Caucasian
Eye Colour: Brilliant Blue
Hair Colour: Sandy Blonde
Distinguishing Marks:
  • Scar Above Left Eye
  • Serial number tattoo

Appearance Details: Among the history books of the First Order many would see the face of Narek through the images of another. One of the founder’s and once respected father of the Order, the great traitor whose name is remembered not for honour but as a symbol of defiance against the Supreme Leader, Narek’s face is that of Aram Kalast. Younger and less weathered yet strikingly identical to the once Supreme Commander.

Perfect features, handsome and well established complimented by a pair of brilliant Ultramarine eyes that hold as much emotion and damning connection as his namesake ever did. The visage of hatred and pure belief into the First Order blazing through any question of his loyalty. A mark of his service is all that marks his profession, encountered by a blade of an enemy in his youth training the line above his left eye serves as a reminder that he would be willing to sacrifice his own blood for the Supreme Leader.

A well toned body, honed through vigorous and controlled training allows him to stand proud like the perfect example of a solider within the service of the Order. Cast aside from traditional pleasures such as property and individuality, Kalast is forever a man of uniform, be it his armour or off-duty attire all know his position and control within the system.

Voice Sample: Captain Titus


Personality: Narek is a by-product. Created purely for what he is to do and fashioned by those around him to live it as if it was his only purpose. He was allowed no childhood beyond the glistening white and grey walls of the First Order’s academies and military bases, from the youngest of ages he has known no different then what the institution wanted him to know. This has made Kalast cold and unwavering in his approach to warfare, while clearly allowed emotion beyond the examples of other militaries he is a traditional Stormtrooper.

Whilst many would cave in under the reputation of name that Narek possesses he has not allowed such talk and prejudice to reflect negatively upon his reputation, instead flourishing under the scrutiny of his teachers, peers and most importantly the ever watchful eyes of the First Order who allow him to survive. This has led him to ace in what he is allowed to excel at and many a commander has deemed him satisfactory for their command and that is a level of respect that Narek returns in his ability to follow orders of his superiors.

On a personal level those who can break through the cold and professional exterior will find a quiet, almost docile young man who knows that it is not his place to be seen doing anything unlike his expectancies. He will keep conversation, even partake in activities if so required, but one will never find him tracking away from the art of being a soldier for long.

  • Soldier Boy: Having been raised to serve the First Order the young Kalast is a honed machine of professional ability. Each world he steps on, no matter how celestial will fall under the boots of the First Order while he has breath in his lungs. His instinct allows him to be effective in a combat experience, but it is his training that allows his enemies to fall prey to his ability with any weapon he may find.

  • Human First: The Kalast of before held a belief that any race had a place among the stars as long as they did their part in the greater good. This belief was not carried over to Narek. He has been told of these aliens, these Xeno who try and claim their rights within a galaxy that is rightfully not theirs. He is a staunch believer in this doctrine and if faced before an alien threat will not allow them to see him bleed.

  • Purpose: Kalast was not pulled from the care of those before him on a simple whim. In him the Supreme Leader saw a chance to hurt the betrayer where it hurt the most and as such even the leader of the Imperial dream has interests in a lowly stormtrooper who holds no significant rank. At times it is with uncanny chances that Narek and his unit finds himself deployed into the thickest of combats rather then the more boring duties of overwatch and babysitting.

  • Stained Heritage: What do you tell a boy when his own blood is nothing but a dirty traitor who abolished all rights his name will ever hold in the galaxy? You tell him to stand and make something of himself. Yet even with his chin held high those will always remember the name Kalast and the dark stain it left on the fledging First Order.

  • Suppressed Ability: Narek is force sensitive. A trait that would commonly see a person placed into the tutorage of the Knights of Ren or the Supreme Leader’s secretive sects. However the boy has no knowledge of his trait and it is kept under constant suppression by several means both physical and mystical. Until these are raised and the flood gates allowed to flow clear he will never understand his true potential or indeed even feel the force.

  • By Any Means: If it needs to be removed it will. Narek has such a belief in the system that were it to fall upon him to destroy a world in order to bring order to it he would press the button without question. This allows no room for care, no place for personal connection or indeed any humanity at all. To be human first you must become the furthest thing you can from it.

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