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Approved NPC Narma - Tuk'ata Nobilis Good Girl

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Good Men Don't Need Rules
Image One - Side/Length

Image Two - Height/Back

Image Three - Back/Tails

Image Four - Chest/Jaw

  • Intent: Create a Beast Companion that can be a sidekick, or be ridden into battle. Cus why not?
  • ​Image Credit: Artstation - Darren Bartley
  • Role: War Mount, Beast Companion, Good girl
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: ~ 150 Galactic Standard Years
  • Force Sensitivity: Force User - Limited Command of Force Abilities (Expanded in Strengths and Weaknesses)
  • Species: Tuk'ata Nobilis Altered by Alchemy of the Flesh
  • Appearance: A very large canine like beast, Narma's shoulder reaches just over 3 meters in height, and has a length that is almost triple that (9 meters) from snout to tail tip. With potentially more room to grow. With quite a bit of flesh that is covered by hardened plate like armor that can protect the creature from injuries. It is unsure who actually created Narma, but it was clearly meant for battle, or as a war mount. Maybe sent in a pack meant to hunt down an escaping foe. What little plating it has is highly resistant to lightsaber, and energy based weapons.
  • Name: Narma
  • Loyalties: Kale Seleare
  • Notable Possessions: Snuffles - Stuffed Nexu toy
  • Personality: Territorial, and protective of her owner, Kale, Narma takes very much after a guard dog, or even an attack dog. Doing what the master commands, be it attacking an enemy or guarding a specific spot. Considering the kind of creature this is, and how it was meant to guard locations by many Sith in the past, it performs this job very well. Even more so, Kale typically has Narma by his side as a deterrence for people to get into scuffles with him, or to even ride around.
  • Training: Training is ongoing with how much Narma trusts Kale. While Kale seems to have some limited control over the beast, Narma in some cases would not let go of a ball when thrown, or even not let go of someone she was trying to "play" with. Resulting in the person's injury. Even at times, Narma will directly do the opposite. This is a work in process to continue their relationship.
  • Combat Function: Beast Companion, and War mount, Narma typically is good at fighting standard soldiers, droids and the like. However, finds it more difficult against heavily armored enemies, or even powerful force users due to them having a stronger presence in the force, as well as just having to fight a force user is difficult to begin with as a Sentient species. Try fighting them when you have the intelligence level of a Dog, or a cat. However, it does have a leg up by being sensitive to the force as well.
  • Armed to the Teeth - Literally: Narma like any beast, is prepared to fight with whatever she has. Mostly using claws, teeth, and even prehensile tails that have spike protrusions that can be used much like individual fingers to wrap around prey, or even stab them through. Typically Narma can pounce upon an enemy to keep them down on the ground, hindering their movement so it is more easier to claw, bite, and stab into them.
  • Armored Fiend: Due to some kind of process of altering, the Tuk'ata has gained a unique ability for more durable skin in the form of almost plate like armor. It is unsure if it is real armor, or a bone protrusion in the shape of plates that can resist lightsabers, and energy weapons to a degree. While some resistances to melee and kinetic weapons, it is not impervious to higher impacts, and the like.
  • Good Girl: As a pet and companion, even while still in the learning and growing stages, Tuk'ata tended to be very loyal to their masters or to whatever they were meant to guard. So much so, that they would give their life to do so. Typically one could call this a Force Bond, if it were to become powerful enough.
  • Force Enhanced: Due to the nature of the Tuk'ata, they typically have a presence within the force, and were even rumored to be able to communicate to others of it's species via means unknown to humans. It was assume to be through the force in many cases. Continuing with this trend, The host of smaller skills that Narma has can be linked to abilities such as Psychometry, Increased Jump height, Increased movement speed, Rally cry, Life Detection, A loud bellow, or even scream.
  • Weak-Sauce: While normally a Force sensitive being can improve upon their skills within the force, Narma is very much limited to her extent of any kind of abilities that could potentially be bonded with the force. In many cases, for Narma to perform some of the more energy intensive powers, she needs to draw strength from her master, which case she needs to form a bond with someone in order to operate at her highest capacity. Even then, it is dependent upon how strong her master is, and it is further limited by Narma being Semi-sentient rather than a full intelligent species.
  • Limited Use: While Narma would be great in many situations, there are sometimes where a 3 meter tall, 9 meter long being would not fit. Such as a small room, cramped spaces in ships, or even just going to various rooms in a house, or temple. As such, due to her size and even more potential growth, its difficult to move around in some situations.
  • Light on the Feet: Narma is not heavily armored, nor is her body completely composed of this stronger plate like protective bone. As such, weapons such as Swords, Slugs, and even larger Anti-personnel weaponry can do quite a bit of damage to Narma. Even Vehicle based weaponry would tear her to shreds. She has to be very careful on where she fights and how she fights. Which is difficult considering her lack of understanding of conventional weaponry.
  • That All in the Cards: As a creature, Narma is not privy to being able to use weaponry or technology. While maybe being able to pick up someone in armor to bash into another person, she isn't going to be able to pick up a blaster for long range fights. She is a close range fighter, and she will be required to close the distance in order to get her prey. This gives time to those who she is gunning for to run away, get into an armored shelter, or even fire on her with heavy weapons and kill her.
Kale is not talented within the force. In fact, he has not been "awoken" to his abilities. It troubles him day in and day out that he has not been able to use the force to hardly any capacity. While the best he can do is having a supernatural "Gut" radar with feeling when things are going back, and maybe being able to sense the presence of powerful beings, he has nothing.

So when the call came out that on the planet of Byss, a nearby planet to the Corellian Confederation, where a "monster" was hunting down people and feeding on them, He answered. Hopefully he would be able to stop the problem, as well as awaken himself. However, what ended up happening, is he gained a friend, and still stopped the killings.

Construction had started on top of an old buried Sith Temple upon Byss. Housed inside was a peculiar creature that came to be known as Narma. A Tuk'ata that had been modified via Alchemy of some form. However, it was strangely not of the darkside, and rather had a neutral presence. Almost as though someone was trying to make a Light, or neutral sided pet so that anyone could have one. However, there were no others like it. Upon entering, Kale and Narma tussled and were fighting one another. While Kale happened to be wearing some simple armor to protect him, so most of the clawing, and biting was reduced to a degree, he eventually smacked the creature upside the head hard enough that Narma backed up and seemed to visibly shake it's head.

Standing up, Kale attempted to calm it down. At first to try and kill it, but strangely as Kale had his hand extended out, Narma had prodded his hand with her snout. He was utterly confused with what was going on. However, It was within a mere moment that he felt a presence within his soul. One that felt lost, alone, and forgotten. Almost as though he could feel the emotions of this Tuk'ata.

While still within the confines of the temple, he contacted all he knew who could understand anything of this, and the best he could get, was that he had proven to Narma that he was the Alpha, and so she relented to his "servitude" Therefore, he know owned the creature. Granting it the name of Narma, it has now started a trying relationship between beast, and man.
[member="Kale Seleare"]

Elpsis would like Narma. :)

This is a nice submission. Also nice pics.

Kale Seleare said:
Force Sensitivity: Force Sensitive - Limited
I need you to pic one of the categories in the template.

Force Sensitivity: [ Choose from: Force Dead, Non-Force User, Untrained Force Sensitive, Force User. ]

Since she does have some powers available (e.g. psychometry, Force Bellow etc.), I'd recommend Force-User. You can add in as a caveat that her command of the Force is still limited, if you like, though this is already well-conveyed in the Strength/Weakness section.
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