Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nar'vash Ver-Sha


NAME: Nar'vash Ver-Sha

FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems

RANK: Apprentice

SPECIES: Dathomirian

AGE: 1436

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 7"1'

WEIGHT: 298 lbs.

EYES: Black

HAIR: Grey wisps of hair

SKIN: Grey tainted green from years of magical confinement.



-Deep atonement with the force: Being locked away, consumed in the Force for a very long time has left him pretty connected to it.
-Wise: Because he was somewhat conscious during his imprisonment, he had time to think. A lot. He got to a few conclusions.
-Dathomirian ancestry: He has the ability to pick up a lot of ancient and power skills easily, given the time to train.
-Patience: He could wait over a thousand years. Time is infinite.

-Muscle deterioration: Confinement led to a bit of deteriorated muscles. He has to move reliant on the Force for now.
-Ancient: He's freaking old. Technology has changed. He isn't used to it.
-Not compassionate:, he isn't the best of friends to make.


He hasn't been outside of his armor since he was put into containment. The only physical feature he is aware of are the small tufts of grey hair that poke out from his helmet. Other than that. Refer to picture.​

Born into a rogue group of Sith lords Nar'vash was mistreated as a child. He was beaten, treated as a slave, and locked in psychologically detrimental confinement. The lords sold him away to Dathomirian witches.

The witches experimented with him and after extremely painful tests, they converted him to Dathomirian. He was forever changed genetically. After the tests were over they cared for him and taught them their ways. He learned their magic. He learned to fight. It didn't take long to realize the full extent of his power.

When he had finally grown up into a man. They gave it to him. The armor. It was infused with Force and was some of the most powerful armor of its time. With that, he became a walking weapon. Fear was struck through his enemies as he vanquished them in impressive shows of Force and saber mastery.
One day though, he remembered. He remembered the pain. The experiments. The terrible things those Dathomirian witches did to him. He began to kill them​
While trying to kill the witches that had tormented him and changed him, he was overpowered. They took him to Mustafar and sealed him away. His imprisonment was put on him by the witches. They surrounded him in a magic that not even he could break. Their combined power left him unable to do anything except for think in a paralytic semi-lucid coma. The Force tainted him, beyond what he was before, doing a few things to him: 1) His Force powers are a great potential, 2) He is even more evil than before, and 3) He leaks threads of physical manifestations of Force from underneath his armor that appear in green.​
After being discovered by Isley Verd, the Dathomirian was taken in and put pack to full health. Well as much as someone who spent 14 centuries in confinement. Soon after he was discovered by the Horde. The vong overlord had personally been sent to find him. With a new ship from the supreme overlord and a new set of allies, Nar'Vash was given a master. Krag, otherwise Darth Vulcanus was sent by the Vong to train him, and in doing so, he joined the New Order, to fight for the new rise of the Sith.​

His armor, which is more or less bound to his skin.​
Force Quickness: Competent​
Force Telekinesis: Competent​
Force Pyrokinesis: Apprentice​
Force Destruction: Apprentice​
Force Jump: Master​
Force Pull: Competent​
Force Push: Master​
Force Throw: Master​
Mind Trick: Competent​

As most people don't want to part with their characters, it may be a long while until this is updated.
Thread Listing
Total Threads: 11 | Completed: 4

Training Threads
Total: 3 | Completed: 1
When "No" Isn't Good Enough - (Completed / New Order link) Darth Vulcanus is sent to train Nar'Vash, and he is taught Djem So, and the begnings to using the Force to create fire.
A Powerful Sith You Shall Become - (Ongoing / New Order link) Darth Vulcanus Brings Nar'Vash to him on the academy with a couple of surprises; a Sith scroll with teachings of how to wield the power known as Sith Destruction, and a start to training with Sith Alchemy.
Do You Bite Your Thumb at Me, Sir? - (Ongoing) Sadrion teaches the Sith knight Juyo.

Teaching Threads
Total: 1 | Completed: 0
An Untrained One - (Ongoing / New Order link) Description unavailable.

Faction Threads
Total: 2 | Completed: 0
This isn't the Faction you were looking for... - (Ongoing) A skirmish between the LC and the NO in which Nar'Vash is cut short from another battle to go save a fellow battlemate.
One People, One Empire, One Goal - (Ongoing) A Sith version of a high school pep assembly.

Duel Threads
Total: 3 | Completed: 1
On Swift Wings - (Ongoing) Description unavailable.
Not Til God Make Men of Some Other Metal Than Earth - (Dropped) Duel stopped after some BS OOC drama.
A New Challenger - (Ongoing / New Order link) Description unavailable.

Development Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0

Miscellaneous Threads
Total: 2 | Completed: 2
Between The Ice - (Completed) Nar'Vash is recruited by The Horde and given command of a star destoryer.
A Body at Rest... - (Completed) Nar'Vash is woken by Isley Verd and help with recouperating is given to him.
Its kind of a rule that you can't use armor pictures unless you own the armor I believe? I am not to sure about that, but I was just telling you to be safe.

@[member="Nar'vash Ver-Sha"]
I'm not using it as armor. I'm using it as basically his essence. Trust me, when I finish the bio, it will make more sense. :p

EDIT: I did go find the submission. It was from like June of 2013. I'm willing to bet he doesn't use it anymore. Though I may be wrong.



Well-Known Member
I actually use it more then any of my Armors lol. next time ima read the posts before making my own lmao. YepI do use it, and I guess if it's not the armor your seeking in the image, then that's fine. But I'd request that if anyone comments on it that you explain forthwith. So everyone will know there is only the one armor. @[member="Nar'vash Ver-Sha"]

Also, thanks for havin ma back @[member="Dove"]
Yeah, you've got your armor. This is more of his cosmetic look, nothing special other than the fact that it looks cool. IC wise, I don't think we'll meet. We should be good :3
Thanks. Gonna have another guy do some discovery of me. Finding me in imprisonment. Then we will meet up later, kay?


Thanks man! I sorta was like "Hmmm, ancient + viking + exotic = ???"

@[member="Bjornveld Skjoldsen"]

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