Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nassier Zirfae


NAME: Nassier Zirfae
SPECIES: Caprine, Asti
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’10”
WEIGHT: 166 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Copper

Glimpse into the Future: Slight precognition. We’re talking like maybe days/weeks into the future, certainly not something beyond that. It’s really not much but you take what you can get, right?
Sturdy Build: Being from a people who celebrate physical activities like dance, sparring, and all around revelry, Nassier can take a couple hits.
Static Shock: A practitioner in tutaminis and force lighting, Nassier’s created a sort of static barrier around herself. Perfect for overloading circuits but moreso for her own safety, any unwanted touches will receive a nasty surprise.
Social Species: Caprine are known as socialites. They don’t do well in isolation. In fact, Nassier feels the need to talk to anyone and everyone, even those she really has no business talking to.
Wild at Heart: Still quite used to the lands of Iktotch, Nassier isn’t one for social constructs. How was she supposed to know that shoes were something she was expected to wear?
What was that?: Like all Caprine, Nassier’s hearing is subpar. She’s learned to read lips and would like at some point to get hearing aids, but her ever moving attention span doesn't help.
Patience: She’s young. She doesn’t have time for formalities and all those boring meetings. She’d much rather do something a bit more interesting, especially when that something else includes revels.

Aside from larger than the norm ears, horns, and fur, Nassier could pass for any old near human. Now, giving that the horns are pretty big indicators one does not simply hide, it’s pretty clear that that’s not the case. Having lived a wild life, Nassier’s got energy to spare and the stamina to support her antics. In terms of clothing, she sticks to greens and browns, colors of nature, and avoids shoes at all costs. She’ll force on some sandals for formal events, but the moment she can get away with it, they’re going off.

Caprine value physical activity. That bit of their culture becomes clear when one meets Nassier. She’s a creature of motion, seemingly incapable of holding still more than a few seconds. Her very walk is very much like a dance, especially when one takes into account her vendetta against footwear and refusal to wear it even in new territory.
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