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Approved NPC Nathanos Darksword

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  • Intent: To submit a former PC as an NPC point of contact to be used for the purposes of helping manage SoroSuub.
  • ​Image Credit: Battlestar Galactica
  • Role: Corporate executive, right hand, and personal confidant to [member="Miel Tevv"]. Long lost brother of [member="Deacon"].
  • Links: SoroSuub Corporation
  • Age: 38
  • Force Sensitivity: Borderline
  • Species: Human (Hapan)
  • Appearance: Cutting a fairly handsome figure physically, there are in a sense two different Nathanos’ in terms of the way he presents himself. There is the cool, calm, ultra-slick business persona he presents to the outside world, and the fraying bundle of nerves and neuroses that he tries to keep private. Wealthy from a young age, he likes to dress well and in quality material, although his Royal Court sensibilities can often flirt with the ostentatious.
  • Name: Nathanos Darksword
  • Loyalties: Deputy Director of Public Relations, SoroSuub Corporation
  • Wealth: Nathanos enjoys a not insignificant salary commensurate with his position in SoroSuub's upper hierarchy. While he has accrued a comfortable amount of personal wealth, much of it is new money, as he was forced to start over upon traveling to the Outer Rim.
  • Notable Possessions: A personal estate on Sulon, Sullust's agricultural moon, replete with valet.
  • Skills: Market Economics, Drinking.
  • Personality: Unerringly perceptive when it comes to galactic market trends, Nathanos is less so when it comes to social interaction. Best in larger groups, he disguises this handicap in more intimate situations through means of intoxication.
  • Weapon of Choice: ELG-3A blaster pistol with custom gold plating for personal defense.
  • Combat Function:
(+) Savant: Nathanos takes to most theoretical subjects like most people take to a speeder bike, and possesses passing fluency in a variety of languages.
(+) Well Traveled: Having spent the better part of his adulthood criss-crossing the galaxy before “settling down” so to speak on Sullust, Nathanos has been all over and possesses the connections to prove it, no matter how unlikely his surroundings.
(+) Scoundrel's Luck: Or at least, that's what Nathanos has always led others to believe. In fact, the Hapan noble's borderline Force sensitivity allows him the occasional flash of insight or uncanny reflexes.
(-) Civilian: Although Nathanos has seen his fair share of the galaxy, even spending a few years on a privateer frigate, his position as ship’s purser didn’t afford him a lot of opportunities for combat. He can aim and shoot well enough, but against any decently trained opponent he would have very little chance on his own.
(-) Glitterstim Addict: High functioning and usually in lower quantities, Nathanos nonetheless has an unhealthy dependency on the illegal narcotic. Carefully monitoring his intake, he has managed to avoid the worst of the long term symptoms so far, save nerve damage which occasionally causes his hands to tremor.

Born the second of three eventual siblings. House Darksword, a particularly infamous noble family of the Hapan Royal Court, had wanted daughters to secure their lineage, and yet they had been cursed with sons instead. Already having slight educational difficulties as a child, he likely wouldn’t have survived the environment at all had it not been for his older brother Damian’s protection.

Not long after his older brother left for advanced studies, amazingly something seemed to click inside the boy’s head, and he was able to generate a sort of outward persona that he calculated was expected of him. Finally able to express himself somewhat normally, Nathanos’ grades improved so dramatically his teachers soon realized they were no longer capable of teaching him at anything resembling his age level.

Attending university in his mid teens, Nathanos continued to excel at everything he put his mind to, until two personal tragedies happened almost at once. His older brother was assassinated by an unknown rival house, and then a few weeks later his family announced that his father had finally given the matriarch of the house a daughter. Overwhelmed with despair and unable to process, the young Darksword turned to spice.

When his grades began to slip and his family discovered the true cause, he was slowly cut off from the family financials. Already defeated, Nathanos dropped out and caught the first transport for the Outer Rim. Bouncing around the galaxy, making credits any way he could to pay grow a spiraling drug and alcohol problem, there was enough brilliance left in his mind to avoid running afoul of any sort of authorities until he tried to con the captain of a privateer frigate.

The captain was shrewd enough to pick up on hints of who he truly was, and rather than turn him into the authorities, Nathanos was offered a place on his crew on the condition that he at least get his drug problem under control. Sobering up for the most part, from his post on the Dawntreader, Nathanos began to amass his own personal fortune.

Finishing his education and attaining advanced degrees in mathematics, economics, marketing, and a doctorate in sociology entirely through the HoloNet, he began consulting remotely with various high profile PR firms and megacorps, making a name for himself in the galactic financial community as a short seller all from his berth on an escort frigate pirate hunting in the Kathol Outback.

When the Dawntreader was stored away and Captain Zark took a posting in the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, Nathanos followed for a little while. But he didn’t find the work as stimulating, often in the heart of civilization and always with the full weight of Navy logistics behind him. So when he heard about the restructuring going on in the upper levels of SoroSuub, he resigned his post and use the Defense Force connections he had developed so far to get himself a meeting with Admiral Sieb Tevv.

Leaving the room with a provisional managerial position under Sieb’s nephew Miel, the megacorp’s Director of Public Relations, Nathanos has since been one of the driving figures behind the scenes of the new initiatives devoted to ushering SoroSuub into a new age of prosperity.
[member="Jairus Starvald"]

He is a borderline sensitive, which from my understanding is a fairly well defined category in Star Wars. In the same vein as someone like Chirrut Imwe, he may get a flash of supernatural insight or make it through some form of adversity despite unlikely odds, but he can't read thoughts or lift things with his mind no matter how much training he might receive. Would you like me to find some place in the sub to clarify this?
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