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Name: Natryxsa Neviros (First named Pronounced Nah-trix-sah)
Age: 30
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Height: 152.40cm
Weight: 77.5kg
Force Sensitive: Yes
Faction: None (yet)
PHYSICAL DESCRPITION: Natryxsa has black hair with red highlights when she is out of her armor and has brown eyes. She is of slim, athletic build.
INVENTORY: Custom Armor, Custom Lightstaff/Spear, Custom Chakram
PERSONALITY AND BELIEFES: Natryxsa is originally of Upper-Class blood and looks down upon poorer folk, only having dealings with them when absolutely needed and will try and find a middleman for business dealings unless her employer or commander is of sufficiently high station. She tries to avoid the public eye as much as possible but does have a fair bit of old family wealth and luxury to her name. Natryxsa believes in taking what she wants in whatever way she needs to employ. She will try to avoid direct conflict at first but is not afraid to get blood on her hands and will on occasion show off if her target interests/annoys her enough, if only to show the superiority she believes she OBVIOUSLY possesses.
STRENGHS: "You fight well for a commoner, but you should have learned to be more mindful of your surroundings!" -Natryxsa is not above fighting dirty, in fact she quite enjoys it at times. One of her favored tricks is to use the force to hover her special Chakram in an hard to see spot and have it swoop down on an enemy from where they can't see, or getting off a surprise shot from the blaster mounted to her spear.
"I think we'll get along swimmingly, Darling...for now." -Natryxsa is no stranger to the battlefields of business dealings as well and will use her wealth, looks, and some keen observations to get what or where she wants, then take a little more from whoever helped her get what she desired.
WEAKNESSES: "Ugh, get your dirty commoner hands away from me, I said GET AWAY!" -One of Natryxsa's biggest fears is Claustrophobia, and she will make an effort to keep people at spear's length unless business requires a more personal meeting, and in battle she will make every effort to fight in open spaces with several escape options, resorting to force pushes as needed.
" could I lose to you? My life, my power, I'll NEVER let someone burn down everything I scratched and clawed to take!" -Natryxsa's other major flaw is her arrogance and her propensity to underestimate foes based solely on their looks. She has a few scars to remind her of that and will retreat if outmatched, though any loss usually results in her swearing a personal vendetta to correct her humiliation, no matter the cost or how long it takes.
HISTORY: Natryxsa was born to a wealthy family of middling nobility on a world that spent most of it's time shrouded in night or rain. Little is known of what her family actually did as most of her young life has been lost, and she does her best to actively keep it that way. What is known is that around the age of 14, other noble houses and organized criminal elements set about dismantling her family's wealth and power base, culminating in an attack on her family estate which resulted in it's destruction and the death of her parents. She herself was only saved by a servant of the family, and the two fled the planet and hid for years. Under a new name she worked "Commoner" jobs and involved herself with criminal elements to survive and eventually regain the wealth and power needed to get revenge on those who destroyed the life that was rightfully hers. In her single-minded pursuit of this goal, the rage and sadness in her awakened a connection to The Force which she nurtured and followed, learning what she could of force users of the past. But she had no interest in protecting others, if they could not protect themselves then people like her would take from them what they pleased, as had happened before and would happen again and again, in her eyes. Her journey into the darkness of the force led her to a forgotten moon shown to her in a dream, and on it she discovered a temple and constructed her blades. Later she used her questionably-obtained wealth to have a suit of armor made for her to become something more than a middling criminal boss, something much more powerful.