Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nattov (Kurik)

NAME: Nattov
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Investigator
SPECIES: Geonosian
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.75 metres
WEIGHT: 64 kilograms
EYES: Black
HAIR: None
SKIN: Reddish
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not force sensitive.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Extreme Flight Ability - As Geonosian, his powerful wings allow him to fly at high speeds and with immense agility. Although he is no match for a jetpack user, he can fly faster then some of the fastest runners.

+ Climbing Ability - With his strong insectoid feet, he can grip on to even the most slippery of surfaces if needed.

+ Extreme Sight - His powerful compound eyes allow him to see things that are a great distances, farther than most humans.

- Poor Walking Skills - He prefers flying to walking, and while he can walk, it is a severe hamper to his movement.

- Terrible Charisma - He get himself out of most situations with the right word choice, but his leadership skills are flushed down the toilet if he tries to convince people to follow him.

Standing at an average species 1.75 metres, he is no intimidating figure. His skin is sort of a maroonish-red, common of Geonosis dwellers. Most of the time he wears civilized clothing, (light robes) unlike the natives at his home planet.

Born into the Aristocracy on Geonosis, he had his life set for him. His family was in the ruling class of the Geonosian society, so it wasn't hard to get by. But after his father was murdered by someone who had sneaked into the hive, he realized that his destiny couldn't be confined to the solitary life on Geonosis. And so he set off to Coruscant to seek his new life. He figured it would be odd to just be almost naked, so he bought some robes and cut holes in them for his wings.

He established himself as a private investigator, and his physical abilities helped him do it. It was a good life, he made good credits. He often missed his home on Geonosis, but he figured it was worthwhile to stay on Coruscant.





Hasjo Hallu


District Oddities

When Two Padawans Go Missing

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