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Natural Science

Taygeta Lightkeeper

Ph.D. Geneticist, A.K.A. "Doc"
Time Stand Still (Rush)

"Time stand still
I'm not looking back but I want to look around me now.
Time stand still
See more of the people and the places that surround me now
Time stand still"

Dr. Taygeta Lightkeeper rose from a nap, a light and dreamless nap. She put her sandals and lab coat on again, heading out to see the meditation gardens she was told about. A Jedi master she was referred to, one [member="Maya Whitelight"] , was a regular there, or so she was advised. Datapad in hand, she'd also take the opportunity to study some of the local lifeforms, being that she was a young and very curious Ph.D. molecular biologist.

Her new life ahead of her, Taygeta took in more of the Temple and people that inhabited it. So many people of so many different kinds... different races, sub-breeds of those races, different shapes and sizes, different ages and genders. This place was as diverse as a planet's ecosystem. She wasn't sure how many were Jedi and she still felt a bit out of place, although the imminent meeting with one whom she hoped would accept her as a student would change that with time.

Taygeta finally made it out to the peaceful tranquility of the gardens in the cool of the evening. Of course, it wouldn't be long until the bespectacled geneticist came upon an interesting plant, one that looked carnivorous. She'd lift her datapad up to image the thing and find out what it was.
Why couldn't she have this all the time the peace and calm she felt when coming out here. Even so she couldn't help but look upon the landscape to the fact that there wasn't much of the sun left upon this day. Where had the day gone after all she seem to have been up to her elbow in paper work. Knowing that she would like to be out here then inside some where even in classes or the medical training center.

It seem that there had been so much they had done from the very beginning now it seem that she was only able to get a breather in now and then. Still it was moment like this that she like this more then anything. Wondering why her daughter hadn't fell in love with the nature and its beatify like this.

Even so she couldn't help but wonder about one of the oldest planet she had deep with in the garden hidden from others. Even then there was some that knew about the planet but knew better then to get to close to it. There along the path she went having to pull back some of the branches at which time she could feel something come up behind her.

"Hello old friend" as she petted Hunter on the neck he had gotten big his many years on this planet. It was during those moments that she had to think about a lot more then just that. Then finding it odd as she got near its nesting place that there seem to be a sense that another was round the planet. Quicken on her feet she begin to run at first not very fast but faster as the thought of after all these year having a student be a meal for her pet Fred.

"Hey, dear stay away from Fred, he likes..." as she pulled her back a few steps.

"He likes the flush for a snack." as she let it sink in before she went on any more. "It like to eat things that are made of bone and flesh or creatures that get to close."

[member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"]

Taygeta Lightkeeper

Ph.D. Geneticist, A.K.A. "Doc"
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

"Waa!" she jumped as she pulled back. She got her image, but what was with the ambush?

Taygeta was pulled away from the plant and she turned to see whom it was that grabbed her. She blinked and adjusted her glasses as she beheld what looked like a Zeltron. For some reason, her reaction to a sudden grab like this wasn't a simple fight or flight response, but rather something.... else. Zeltrons had pheromones that tended to have the effect of reducing aggression and garnering more upbeat feelings.

"Sorry... I was just curious. I... was looking for someone called Maya Whitelight, a Jedi master I was referred to by Master Heavenshield." she explained, then briefly looked back to the general direction of the plant before looking Maya in the eye again. "... It has a name?" She added, curiously.
"Its good to be curious but sometimes its better to be curious at a distance" letting a smile come to her lips as she let her hand rest on her shoulder. Even so she couldn't help but be taken back to the fact that she had knowledge of her name and that Master Heaven shield had wanted her to seek her out. This brought a bright smile to her lips more.

"You have seek in the right place, for it is I that is Maya Whitelight." as she wanted to asked more but she wanted to get back to her last question.

"Yes it has a name I should know as I raised it as a seedlings. When it got to big to keep in my closet at the temple then of the green house on top of the temple. " this came as surprise that one wanted to seek her out for this knowledge.

"I would ask which Heavenshield told you to seek me out, but I have a feeling of which one, still come and sit and tell me why you are seeking me out." it would be rude of her to assume that it was for healing training.

"You know my name what would your name be young lady." as she let some of the other plant life take on a life of its own as if it was now feeding off her own life force itself as if she had a deep root in this place this planet.

[member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"]

Taygeta Lightkeeper

Ph.D. Geneticist, A.K.A. "Doc"
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Taygeta would back away from the presence of the carnivorous plant and sat down with Maya. "I'm Dr. Taygeta Lightkeeper, of Theed University. I'm a molecular biologist." she answered, providing her name and her profession.

"It was Master Coci Heavenshield that sent me. She advised me that you might be able to teach me the ways of the Force... and well, My parents are medical doctors themselves, so learning to heal would be doing good by them, even though the science of genetics and biochemistry took my interest in college." she added.

Her datapad would by then be searching for the plant species, running the image-based query through the Holonet. She wanted to know what that plant was and how it operated. Of course, it was this sort of curiosity that put her here on Voss in the first place.
This brought out the interest of why Coci would send her to her after all she couldn't help but then be very interest in this student. "I'm glad to met you Miss Lightkeeper, yes you will not find a planet like this on Voss as it was when I was younger was still smuggler that I came a cross this planet from where it came from I can only guess, maybe this could be your first task." [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] .

Even so as she let herself think of another good place to take them. "So training , how much do you know of the force. Show me." as she knew that this would be the right place to begin at.

Taygeta Lightkeeper

Ph.D. Geneticist, A.K.A. "Doc"
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Taygeta looked at Maya a moment and shrugged. "Not much." she admitted. "I know next to nothing about the Force. I know it's something Jedi make use of as a kind of mystical tool that aids them in their heroics and that it supposedly comes from organelles in our cells... that's what ultimately brought me here in the first place." she said. "i did a blood test on myself and didn't know the analysis computer was rigged by occupation forces. A Force user working for them, a dark side jedi... sith.. whatever you wanna call him, traced me through the computer and tired to kidnap me. Master Heavensheild happened to be there to save me and brought me here. Apparently, I'm Force sensitive, which is probably why my stalker wanted to capture me and was willing to fight for it." she explained.

Then she went back to the mention of a task. She blinked, connecting the dots intuitively. "You mean, you want me to try and obtain a cellular sample for genetic analysis?" she asked. She looked again to where the big plant was. She thought about it a moment, remembering it's shape and form, it's estimated reach, and how deadly it seemed to be. Then she looked to the ground. "How deep does its root system go?" she asked. "And how far do they spread?"
This only raised her eyebrow a bit to the fact that a stalker had wanted to capture as the first thing that happen was the flash back to the fact that of her own child being taken from her. It only made it harder for herself to know that most of what was being said was true to the word.

As her lips slip a smile and her head nodding to her to just that. Even so she couldn't help wonder what she wanted with the root system.

"Well if its the root that you need to get the sample from then I will enlighten you, call this your first lesson, as I know what I"m about to do is far from what you will start out doing but it will give you a sense of what is possible down the road. What I want you to do is see what i'm doing and try and feel the changes not only in me but the plant itself."

Slowly she raised her hand to the the ground as she let the force flow through her hand into what look like it was nothing at first but slowly she could see the changes in the groun the soil was shifting then came the tip of the root of the planet before them "Fred" as she called it.

As she look to her as if she was ready to do her part a she let the root be held into place but some unknown force barrier.

[member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"]

Taygeta Lightkeeper

Ph.D. Geneticist, A.K.A. "Doc"
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Taygeta watched her with facination. Indeed, she felt... different. Something was changing in the ambient energy in the local area... like a ripple in a pond. It was the best way she would be able to describe it with her current vocabulary.

"It... feels like the background energy is... rippling?" she asked, putting her feelings and thoughts into words. "I think I've felt this before, but I didn't know what it meant until now." she added

The root peeked through the ground and it was then that Taygeta very carefully approached. There was a tiny, hair-thin piece hanging off of the main root that she would reach out and grip between her fingernails. With a pinch, the thin piece of root was clipped free. She would then quickly withdraw away from the plant.

"That's a neat application of the Force, Master Whitelight. I wonder what else can be done with it... I mean, I know Jedi can move things without touching them." she said, showing her the prize that will soon find itself in the lab.
There it was the free well of thinking that she had wanted to get her to do. This only brought a smile upon her face after she let the root go back down in the soil that it called its home. Even so as she let the wind catch the leaves from above to loose some of the leaves to be brought down to their feet.

"Every good, yes there is such a thing to have the power to do with the force at you finger tip, young [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] . First I want you to see the leave that just touch the ground then pick it up with your hand. " waiting for her to do that after with she would speak again.

"Now that leave that is a few inches from it I want you to reach out in your mind and pick it up like you did with your hand. Image that its your hand reach out with it to gather it up in your hand but let it be like your hand.

[member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"]

Taygeta Lightkeeper

Ph.D. Geneticist, A.K.A. "Doc"
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Taygeta would nod and reached down to pick up the leaf nearest her right foot. She scooped up the leaf before turning her attention to its neighbour that lay near her left foot. Incidentally, she was somewhat dainty and her shoe size was a bit on the small side. Taygeta would attempt to lift it up without touching it.

It sort of helped her focus when she physically felt an object like that which she was trying to move, but exactly how to project the Force the way Jedi did, she wasn't overtly sure. "What do I do? Simply tell it to move through my mind?" she asked. She'd point a dainty finger at the leaf she was staring intently at.

The leaf hardly moved and the movement might be attributed to wind, so subtle it was. This was her first attempt at telekinesis, after all.
Watching her for a few minutes before she spoke once again. "Something like that I want you to see it in your mind then I want you to picture in your mind to you want to move to another point. " as she paused again seeing that there was another way. Holding up her hand for a moment as she then pick up a leave let it float over to her palm that was now held open.

"I know its not easy at first to do something so basic as this but I want you to close your eyes think deep with in your to feel that there is something very very special in you deep with in there always has been. Now putting her hand on her shoulder before speaking

"You need to clear your mind first empty of it of everything."

[member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"]

Taygeta Lightkeeper

Ph.D. Geneticist, A.K.A. "Doc"
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Taygeta listened to Maya and would attempt to clear her mind. This was easier said than done for someone who thought constantly for a living. Eventually, after what seemed an eternity, her mind calmed with the only thing on it being the leaf in Maya's hand. She put her focus on it and reached within herself, seeking the power she was supposed to possess.

She envisioned the leaf and saw in her mind the movement she wanted it to perform on contravention of gravity. She figured merely thinking of it alone wouldn't do the trick, so she tried reaching out with her mind to the leaf. It was a long shot, but part of it happened by not thinking about it consciously. She eventually could almost feel the leaf's texture without touching it.

It was at this point, just over ten minutes since her first attempt with the two leaves at her feet, the leaf in her Master's hand began to quiver... and she didn't feel a breeze at all. Rather than force it to move, she would take her time and let it move.... and move it did. It rose up several centimetres before her sudden sense of excitement broke her concentration and with it, her unseen grip.

"... I did it.... i think." she said simply. Of course, as raw and feral as her abilities were, Maya would have felt a greater draw on the Force than Taygeta knew was necessary.
Being very patients with her all together she would find herself a place not far off. As she sat on the ground as she watch on of her new student she had taken under her wing. Even so she couldn't help but see what she could do if that was a little. Finding herself able to see something more deeper. Wondering now as she look upon her face.

"Good Good I would like you to come and sit and close your eyes upon then feel what you just done." as she paused for a time.

"Now tell me what you felt in that moment, I know unlocking what you did is just a first step into a great ability.

[member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"]

Taygeta Lightkeeper

Ph.D. Geneticist, A.K.A. "Doc"
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Taygeta sat down with Maya and closed her eyes. She had to calm herself of the excitement of actually succeeding in doing something she never thought she could do. When she was ready, she answered.

"I could almost 'see' the leaf in my mind and as I was thinking of what I wanted it to do, it reacted to my thoughts. Is there a technique to doing this more easily, like as easily as I can physically lift a leaf with my hands?" she asked.

She figured that the amount of time it took for her to do this basic things with the Force wouldn't be practical if there was a dire need for telekinetic ability. Surely there was a technique she could practise to make the ability come more naturally.

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