Starin' Down the Barrel

- Intent: Create a custom Corvette that acts as a mobile forge for Tarre to use, as a mobile home, or just a place for the very small Priest clan to hang out.
- Image Source: Artstation
- Canon Link:
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer:
- Mandal Hypernautics - original manufacturer
- Tarre Priest
- Affiliation:
- Market Status: Closed Market
- Model:
- Nau'ur kad be Gar - Forge of Iron
- Heavily Modified Crusader-Class Corvette
- Production: Unique
- Material:
- Classification: Personal Forge, Corvette, Transport
- Length: 200 Meters
- Width: 35 Meters
- Height: 42 Meters
- Armament: Low
- Defenses: High
- Defensive Weapon Systems
- Shielding Systems
- Hangar Space: Low - 0
- Hangar Allocations: None
- Single Craft Hangar: Yes
- Maneuverability Rating: Extreme
- Speed Rating: Very High
- Hyperdrive:
- 1.0 Primary Hyperdrive
- 13.5 Backup Hyperdrive
- C-3a Communications Suite
- LS-132 Life Support Systems
- STS-84 Targeting Sensor System
- IE-10 Ion Engines
- Escape Pods
- Docking Clamps
- G-32 Evasive Armor Plating
- Laser Reflective Armor
- Anti-Ion Emission Tracer
- Shroud
- Aural-Biological-Chemical Scrambler
- Magnite Tractor Beam Array
- Animated Metal Sealant
- Stealth Technology
- Stealth Ship Capable.
- Personal Forge/Quarters
- Quick and Nimble, with good defenses
- Not a Fighter
- Double Blind Stealth
- Can really only defend against vessels of the same size or smaller.
Tarre Priest, a man who has sought to create a Forge for which can move about to whatever system is need of him. More over, as a man who is more nomadic in his personal beliefs, Tarre sought out a ship that was large enough to house all that he would need, without being too large that a couple droids, or those who wanted to join him, couldn't fly the ship. More often than not, the Ship is held out in deep space away from other places so that it won't be in danger.
However, on the chance that it is required to be in combat, it has a host of defensive systems and point defense cannons to defend the ship from fighters, bombers, and other ships of its size. Should it happen to encounter a vessel that is many times larger than it, the speed of the vessel alone, as well as the combined might of various stealth systems, would allow the Crusader Class vessel to slip away before disappearing entirely.
Otherwise, the vessel known as "Nau'ar Kad be Gar" or as the Forge of Iron, is the vessel that would be used as a mobile home for Tarre Priest, and any others of the Priest clan.
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