Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Naval Conflict Management Division

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  • Strengths:
  • Guerrilla Warfare - Typically using hard hitting, and fast ship.
  • Weaknesses:
  • Unorganized compared to other fleets
  • Relatively small and limited in versatility
The NCMD (Naval Conflict Management Division) is main naval combat department of Uniform Octopus Co.. Acting as a smaller fleet of privateers that works better as an auxiliary then a main naval fighting force like a faction fleet. Meaning where it may fall short when it comes to massive fleet battles, on smaller skirmishes that can significantly harass and enemy they would do well at.

The fleet colors are the red and teal found on the corporate logo of Uniform Octopus, typical ships will have the company's coat of arms with the symbol of an octopus. Generally this naval fleet is view as not much more then a hive of scum and villainy from more prestigious and uniform commanders and admirals. Given the more cut throat nature of privateer work.

This department of the company was made soon after the formation of Uniform Octopus as a way to better distinguished it from its parent company, putting some more from product development to naval combat and privateering.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
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