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Naval Training Academy

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Name: Black Rose Naval Academy​
Intent: To have an Academy to train citizens for the Black Rose Naval Fleet​
Classification: Training Academy​
Location: Kesh, Keshtah Minor​
Affiliation: Covenant of the Black Rose​
The Council of the Black Rose hired independent contractors and engineers with funding backed by Taobh Dorcha Industries and revenue collected by taxes on the citizens to design and build the Naval Academy. Several designs were presented to the Council of the Black Rose and after many days of deliberation, the Council had settled on one.​
The contractors, along with their own labour force, went to work at once. After two months of round-the-clock shifts, the naval academy was completed.​
* Crew Quarters: The facility can handle up to one-hundred (100) applicants. The quarters, erected in the east wing of the academy, is broken down into five (5) sections with each section housing twenty (20) applicants. Bunk beds were brought in to reserve space while footlockers were chosen over cabinets to allow applicants to store personal belongings.​
A rotating closet system was added to store uniforms and other clothing articles. Each applicant was given a password which they would input into the small computer situated on the left side wall of the closet to allow not only access to their belongings but to prevent theft.​
Each section had it's own refreshers and shower systems. Camaraderie was encouraged among the applications by the naval academy administers, so the shower system was designed as unisex, allowing for both males and females to shower together. However, relationships at the academy was discouraged and if such relationships were formed, applicants guilty of breaking this rule were immediately expelled.​
* Trainers/Teachers Quarters: The academy staff compromises of ten (10) trainers/teachers, meaning 10 applicants will be assigned to a trainer/teacher. Their quarters are also on the east wing of the academy but on the second floor.​
Each trainer/teacher has their own room, allowing them to decorate it any fashion they desire (i.e. furniture, paintings). There is a walk-in closet that is only accessible to them via using a password to gain entry. Since their quarters are bigger than the crew quarters, a small enclosed addition has been added to allow them to have their own personal office; complete with computers, bookshelves, etc.​
Each room has a small refresher and shower system.​
* Kitchen/Cafeteria: The west wing of the academy, both floors, has been designated as the kitchen and cafeteria section.​
The kitchen, operated by twelve (12) staff members with six (6) on each floor, is complete with food processors and other various food cooking machines as well as cleaning machines. The first floor is where the main equipment is located and has a section where applicants can place orders for different food types, while the second floor has a buffet line that is operated by six(6) staff and various vending machines.​
The cafeteria itself has ten (10) tables, five (5) on each floor, with each table comfortably supporting 10 chairs. The staff also have their own tables and chairs, five (5) on each floor, to allow them to eat with the applicants.​
Two conveyor belts, one (1) on each floor, is in place to allow for the applicants to place dirty trays. Small buckets are built on the conveyor belts to allow the applicants to put various garbage in.​
* Training Grounds: The north wing, both floors, is dedicated to the training of the applicants.​
Various computers with programs that host different scenarios of naval combat have been established along the walls as well as flight simulator machines on the first floor.​
The second floor is where the applicants are taught the various styles of combat, such as hand-to-hand, melee weapons, and energy weapons.​
* Classrooms: The second floor of the south wing houses the classrooms, ten (10) in all, where the applicants are taught about naval protocols, naval etiquette, naval rules and laws, etc.​
Each classroom has ten (10) desks each with a computer. The trainer/teacher has their own desk and computer as well. The wall behind the trainer's/teacher's desk has a wide-screen holomap of the known charted galaxy. The map can be switched out, and when it is, a projection screen comes into play. It also contains flight-simulators to be used for training exercises such as formations, mock dog fights.​
Mechanics, twenty (20) in all, work in shifts to keep every working and up to par. Also, a section inside and to the left of hanger was built as a barracks for the mechanics. Their barracks are similiar to what was designed in the crew quarters.​
Total Occupancy: 142​
The Academy has a defense force to guard the building and those that live and work here. They have a separate facility from where they are housed. The defenses consist of:​
A. The Jequirity: Seven of these turrets are strategically placed around the perimeter of the academy​
B. Sabi Star-class Gunship: 2 Squads​
C. Uada Somnia: 1 squad​
E. Sisterhood Troops: 1 company​
The only notable historical event was the appointing of the Supreme Admiral of the Black Rose Naval Fleet by the Council. Since that glorious day, the academy has been turning out quality officers and naval personal on a 95% success rate. But to get into the academy is not easy.​
From the time of it's doors opening and the appointment of the Supreme Admiral, any citizen wishing to gain admittance must pass a series of tests such as an aptitude test, common sense test, a physical exam, and must complete a minor obstacle course. Once accepted, they go through basic training to learn such things as the procedures and protocols of the Black Rose Navy.​
Upon completion of basic training (75% success rate due to the training involved), each recruit must decide on a career such as gunners, pilots, mechanics, and engineers. Only those that score extremely high at the end of basic training are admitted to the Officer's classes.​
Links: N/A​
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