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Private Navigating the Navi.

Second King of The Elysium Empire

The quickest weeds are the easiest to pull. The weeds that take years to cement themselves onto a surface are the strongest. That was a lesson Rex learned in the wilderness, and one that he intended to apply to his return to power. No rushing, no unforced errors caused by throwing caution to the wind and losing his patience. He would let his roots dig deep into the soil before revealing himself to the surface. Then, he would slowly appear. At first as nothing but a small green stem in a mount of dirt. But with time, his influence would spread, and overrun that of those wishing harm upon him and his people.

His growth started on Damascus, meeting Burtch, Var-Sulis, Dorthea, and Cruk. He had apologized for his failures, and in return he had gained the support of his old allies. He came expecting forgiveness at best, and he received not just forgiveness, but a call to action: Dorthea Dobson, of all people, requested that he retake the throne. He accepted. Now the time for work had arrived. Just like the old days, some politicking would need to be done; The Navi needed to be secured. The loyalists were all but guaranteed to accept Rex as their monarch, their king. But The Navi were a significant force on Damascus. Outside of Damascus, their influence in former Elysium territories was not to be ignored or underestimated. Rex was advised to meet with Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed and Kalic Daws Kalic Daws to attempt to earn some favor with The Navi.

Unfortunately for Rex, his idea of taking things slow didn't apply to meetings. To establish any sort of relevancy in the galaxy, these meets were crucial. So, when Rex realized his study of the current state of the galaxy had gone on for over an hour longer than he intended, he was not pleased. Being late to an important meeting was a horrible look for anyone that desired to call themselves King. Especially when that person was Rex Valhoun, the primary cause of his Empire's collapse the first time.

His X-Class fighter, modified to include a hyperdrive, had barely made it to Damascus from the wilderness, and needed work. Therefore, Rex decided to invite his guests to Leonmar, Lionus. Lionus was briefly an Elysium-controlled planet, and was not far from Damascus Station. But it was technically neutral ground now. Rex utilized a mixture of public transport, hitchhiking, and walking to arrive at a luxury restaurant in the capital city. Here, he would meet Gabriel and Kalic in the outdoors dining section of the restaurant.
He hadn't brought much with him, only his lightsaber, and the credits he'd need to make it back home. Though he was able to find some nicer clothes in his old wardrobe. Good thing, too, since some hackers had apparently emptied his bank account some time ago. He probably couldn't afford anything nice...yet.
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Gabriel Creed

The Prophet's Executioner
The large man shifted uncomfortably in his chair at the luxury restaurant, it was clear he looked out of place being a man far more used to wearing heavy armour instead of high-end suits, while he left all his gear in storage he refused to part with the pistol on his hip. Checking his watch and grumbling to himself about people's time keeping even if they are royalty. Closing his eyes and leaning back Gabriel let his senses flow over the area tempting to check for any hostile intent and finding nothing, switching over to comms to check in with the dozen or so Paladins trying and failing to lurk in the area and getting all clears from all. Sadly even out of armour the weren't hard to spot much like Gabriel himself although unlike him they at least had their rifles held in a relaxed manner.

"Tell me sir Kalic Daws Kalic Daws what do you think of the man Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun , I've never man the man and I was wondering if you had, is he normally late to meetings? Gabriel asked while reaching for another cup of tea.
Kalic looked out of place in the restaurant. He wasn't in fancy gear or clothing. Just his usual clothing and eye wrap. He wasn't exactly sure why he of all people was picked to come to this. Either way he'd do his best. Jee floated nearby, the green Q7 astromech keeping her optics peeled. He looked around, thinking. He'd told Starcrest to just rest during this meeting unless something peaked her interest.

The Miraluka "looked" at Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed , shrugging as he thought. "Can't say I've heard much about him. Might be great. Might a pain the rear." He said, nursing a cup of caf as he looked around. "Maybe he's trying to be fashionable?"

Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Rex finally spotted the duo that he was set to meet. One wore a wrap across his eyes, a Miraluka pilot named Kalic . That was a strange combination to Rex. A blind man, flying? But many things were strange in this galaxy, and he could not hope to understand it all. The other man, a large, muscular man, with many visible scars, and a blaster strapped to his hip. This would be Gabriel Creed. Rex did not know a great deal about the man, but he had been told that led The Paladins of The Navis...and was thus a very influential figure among the group. Rex's sole purpose today was simple: Earn support with these figureheads of The Navis Sacra.

He straightened out his clothes, wiped his face off really quickly, cleared his throat, and then made his way to the table. "Hello, gentlemen. I am Rex Valhoun. I will get straight to the point: I am the former King of The Elysium Empire, and I have been called on by my people to take the throne once again. That means I need to earn the trust of The Navi. They need to know that I will support them, protect them, and most importantly, that I will not make the same mistakes I made in the past. I am told that you two can help me with that."

It had been too long since he had initiated diplomacy. He bit his tongue, aggravated that he hadn't thought to break the ice any before jumping into the business aspect of the meeting. But then again, perhaps men like Gabriel Creed and Kalic would appreciate the lack of 'fluff', especially since things were already behind schedule.

Gabriel Creed

The Prophet's Executioner
"Can't say I've heard much about him. Might be great. Might a pain the rear." He said, nursing a cup of caf as he looked around. "Maybe he's trying to be fashionable?"
"Perhaps you are right" Gabriel spoke "Either way I'm sure we shall find out soon enough"

"Hello, gentlemen. I am Rex Valhoun. I will get straight to the point: I am the former King of The Elysium Empire, and I have been called on by my people to take the throne once again. That means I need to earn the trust of The Navi. They need to know that I will support them, protect them, and most importantly, that I will not make the same mistakes I made in the past. I am told that you two can help me with that."
Gabriel looked at the newcomer with piecing gray eyes taking in as much detail at first with a glance and then a more measured one after, the man in front of Gabriel could best be described as world weary if judging by the well worn but looked after cloths was anything to go by.

"Greetings Rex Valhoun, I am Gabriel Creed the current commander of the Paladins of The Navis and the Prophet's executioner. Before we begin I have one question for you, why do you want to be king again?"
Kalic looked, surprised when he finally noticed the man. Force sensitive? The Navi Monk thought this was interesting. He'd never realized it before. Either way, at least the man was here now. It was a bit odd to him still that he asked for the pilot, but he was hoping to figure out what was going on. He just hoped he figure out what was going on. Was he here because of the whole seeing the future thing? Either way, Kalic figured he'd let Gabriel take the lead for now, especially since he was curious too. What made Rex want to come back?

Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Second King of The Elysium Empire

The larger man, Creed, responded to Rex's statements, while Kalic continued to observe. This made sense, Kalic was a pilot, while Gabriel Creed commanded hundreds of men. He would likely continue to be the dominant figure in this negotiation. Though, Kalic's own influence was not to be underestimated. A talented pilot often had a large following.

Creed asked a valid question, Why did he want to be King again? Rex thought for a moment. Was it for pride? Did he want to leave a better legacy and prove that he could lead again? No, he was content with just living his life. His self-exile into the wilderness taught him to appreciate the simple life. After a brief silence, Rex responded to the man:

"It is my duty. I returned home after my self-exile, with nothing to my name, and a legacy in ruins. I came only to apologize and seek forgiveness. Instead, I found almost everyone that I hurt in the past, all in one place. And they asked me, after all this time, to take the throne once more. It is the will of The Force.

But furthermore, Mr. Creed, I want to fix what I broke. I want to restore what was before things went bad: An Empire that protected its' citizens, rebuilt planets, defended the average man from forces beyond his control. This galaxy is always tearing itself apart. That is just its' nature. I believe I can restore an Empire that brings some stability to part of the galaxy."

Gabriel Creed

The Prophet's Executioner
"It is my duty. I returned home after my self-exile, with nothing to my name, and a legacy in ruins. I came only to apologize and seek forgiveness. Instead, I found almost everyone that I hurt in the past, all in one place. And they asked me, after all this time, to take the throne once more. It is the will of The Force.

But furthermore, Mr. Creed, I want to fix what I broke. I want to restore what was before things went bad: An Empire that protected its' citizens, rebuilt planets, defended the average man from forces beyond his control. This galaxy is always tearing itself apart. That is just its' nature. I believe I can restore an Empire that brings some stability to part of the galaxy."
As Rex spoke and explained his reasons Gabriel started to give a rare smile, those were the correct reasons to retake the throne at least in his mind.

"Very well your Majesty those are the correct reasons, the galaxy has enough petty tyrants vying for power already. If you had given any other reason I would have struck you down here and now and saved the galaxy the trouble" Gabriel rumbled while inserting only a brief portion of force fear to emphasize his point.

Pausing for a moment to think and to allow Kalic Daws Kalic Daws to interject if he felt the need.

"I understand why you've been spent to me, I'm a high ranking and well respected member of the Navis Sacra. I'd want to know what specifically you want and what you are willing to give in order to get it"
Kalic was paying attention, but his vision would drift between the present and some point in the future. Brief glimpses, and nothing he could tell was serious. He'd mentally tell Starcrest about it, and letting her help keep him in the present, and keep him up on what was going on. Thankfully the vision ended before he needed to talk. He shook his head a little. Really the only sign anything had happened.

"Well, you seem honest, Valhoun. At least best I can tell. Sounds like you want to do right. I'll admit to not quite getting my part in this, but I'd be willing to hear out what you have to say."

Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Second King of The Elysium Empire

The men were both open to the idea of helping Rex, it seemed. That was good. Though Rex could have done without the threat from Creed. It was unnecessary, and revealed a lot about the man, if he felt the need to suggest he would have killed Rex for a "wrong" answer. Only a man with a very short temper, bloated sense of self-importance, or some sort of mental break would openly suggest such a thing to someone they don't know. It was concerning, causing Rex's stomach to drop when he first heard the statement. Rex would not forget it. He made a mental note to share this sentiment with his allies next time Creed was mentioned.

Regardless, the man was open to help, and wished to know what specifically Rex desired. Rex hadn't fully answered the question to himself, so he threw out a few suggestions, and Creed could decide what sounded most reasonable:

"Firstly, and most importantly, I need your political support. You hold a lot of influence with The Navi. Tell your closest allies that I am on your side. Tell them that you trust me.

Secondly, I'm going to need security. I don't expect an army yet, but I have many enemies that work in the shadows. They scheme, and surely, the day I take the throne, they'll begin to act against me, and all of us, again. If you can negotiate some form of military assistance, it would help us greatly.

Finally, I need to continue to build a web of connections. If you know anyone that I should meet with, please help me contact them. I need to earn friendships. I can't rule alone, I never could, no matter what I may have thought in the past."

Rex turned to Kalic, whom had been quiet for the first part of the meeting, but now expressed that he didn't know where he fit in with Rex's plans.

"Kalic, I'm not entirely sure yet, but I know that you're a well-known pilot. That means you have respect from a lot of the Navi, and probably connections. So, like Mr. Creed, if you could express your support for me to your friends and fans, it would help me to gain their trust."

Gabriel Creed

The Prophet's Executioner
Nodding along to Rex's words and with a thoughtful look on his face just trying to figure out the best way to help the man. With a smile Gabriel took out a data pad with various non-restricted information on Paladins and other armed forces of the Navis

"In terms of security I can offer two squads of Paladins, there could be more should you need them but I'd like more resources in return to train more and get there numbers up. As for an army yes I believe your right it maybe a little early, I can certainly send people to you to help train anyone you've got. I can certainly promise military assistance when you need them"

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