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Approved Tech Nav'it Orb

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Manufacturer: Vivi Iruis | Novatar
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Light
Size: Average
The Burning Star




  • Intent: To create a material from Novatarian innovation for the Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Can siphon heat through the core of the orb to manifest newly formed sources of fire.
  • Doesn't overheat like typical conductors of immense heat.
  • Trapped energy that provides a source of energy basis for a wide range of applications.
  • The Nav'it Orbs come in all sizes to remain versatile as a source of power for many inventions.

  • Incredibly durable containment for massive amounts of energy.
  • Extreme heat in the orb allows for more innovations with weapons, armor, and vehicles.
  • Source of fire energy to manipulate in versatile ways safely without overheating.
  • Manufactured in all sizes for ingenuity purposes.

  • Lightning or static can harm the shell of its natural defensive metal layers.
  • First creation of the energy basis of the Novatar allowing for mis-fires and complicated adaptation for the future .
  • The Orb can be rendered completely useless based on length of time in water.
  • Energy Overload - The energy trapped by magnetic pulsars within keeps the swirling fire energy of a Fytar encased safely from deadly explosions. In the event where magnetic properties are disrupted by cracks in the natural defense mechanism of Novatrite an energy overload could happen, spanning a total of half a kilometer unleashing flames in mere minutes. (Extremely Rare)

Vivi Irius wasn’t too keen with the innovations left behind from previous generational Novatar before him. He was one to question everything and find ways to make them better. With allies at the forefront of his mind, Vivi began to consider a better way to utilize energy. Having seen the miraculous work of Rakvul Rakvul he became enthralled with the creation of an encapsulated source of fire energy for his kind to use for the betterment of progression.

So, Vivi asked for resources and went to work. By formulating the same process of crafting weapons he began to use Fytar energy to supplement his idea. Vivi Trapped the energy with metals that were able to withstand immense amounts of heat like Ostrine and Dallorian Alloy.

The outcome was a stable source of energy and natural fed pulsar manipulation to keep the fire contained inside. The material quickly became used for everything that required contact with a hot source of energy to operate.

The Fytar called it "Na'vit"


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a material to use for Novatar.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Vivi Irius | Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate.
Modular: No
Material: Dallorian Alloy | Ostrine | Agrinium | Novatar Energy
Last edited:
The Burning Star
MANIAC MANIAC I have changed the special features to a few points of it's actual features, such as heat conduction, form of energy usages ect. I hope this is ok. I have moved energy overload to the weakness section as it can be detrimental to friendlies and enemies alike. Please let me know if these changes are appropriate. If you need any other changes, please let me know! :)
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