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Character Naxa Zalita: Jedi Consular

Naxa Zalita

Height1.7 meters
Force SensitiveYes they are force sensitive


Naxa is a blue skinned Nautolan woman, that some slight purple hues along her shoulders and arms. On her forehead she wears a piece of jewelry that adds to her exotic look, along with a golden collar around her neck. Often wearing unconventional clothing due to her love of water, Naxa sports an athletic frame to show off her Jedi training. The many tendrils on her head are covered in black stripes.


Modified Jedi Robes
Hinged Double-Bladed Lightsaber


Naxa like most Jedi are kind and good natured, wanting to prevent the Sith from conquering the galaxy. She highly dislikes the exploitation of beautiful planets for resources, often looking down upon alot of strip mining operations in the galaxy. Naxa however enjoys studying the Force and how it interacts with the galaxy at large. She can always be found with a holocron, studying it's secrets or meditating in her chamber. If she is not at one of the many temples, she is often at places where there is large bodies of water


Powerful Force User- Naxa is highly attuned to the Force, allowing her to wield formidable powers against the Sith and other enemies of the Jedi

Acrobatic- Naxa is highly nimble and agile, allowing her to move gracefully and quickly when dueling enemies.

Scholarly- Her training to be a Consular has given Naxa the ability to unwravel certain mysteries of the Force. As such she has become quite knowledgeable about a multitude of scholarly subjects pertaining to the Force.


Highly Vulnerable to Force Dead- Force Dead species or devices that nullify Force powers work extremely well on Naxa as it removes alot of her capabilities as a Jedi Consular.

Eco-Centric: Naxa's love for nature, especially the oceans can sometimes feed into hatred for those that ruin the natural beauty of worlds. Its a darkness that Naxa constantly fights off.

Dislike of Droids- Naxa is tolerant of droids. Why she understands they can be useful, and even uses them herself, they are always a constant sign of heavy industry that pollute worlds.


Born on Glee Anslem, Naxa was gifted in the force even when she was a child. Her father often caught her using the Force to play with her toys and sometimes to even lift small rocks off the sea floor of their home. Her parents knew she was destined for something great with the Jedi. So when they came to collect Naxa, they knew she would be in safe hands. Naxa's training as a youngling to padawan was uneventful for the most part. The Masters sensed her close connection to the Force and thus always kept an eye on her. Naxa's first Master was a Twi'lek, whom alot of their training focused more on strengthening Naxa's connection to the Force. The New Jedi Order lacked alot of what Naxa's master called, Consulars. Most of the prominent and powerful Jedi in the NJO were more martial based. But Naxa's Master saw the potential for her to possibly revive a dying class of Jedi.

Naxa enjoyed her time with her Twi'lek Master, as they often traveled to Ryloth, Glee Ansem, and other worlds throughout the galaxy. They have stopped illegal mining operations, and dismantled small time pirate gangs and crime syndicates. Unfortunately, Naxa's Master would die during one of those missions, sacrificing herself so Naxa could escape a collapsing mining complex. Her body would be recovered and buried, with Naxa getting some jewelry to wear as a reminder of her first master. Naxa's second master was a Cerean woman who took Naxa under her wing.

During this time under her second master, Naxa focused more her studies of the force along with some more duelist training she got from her Master and the other apprentice she had. Naxa often went to Cerea, seeing at how a planet's beauty can be preserved. Cerea often became a planet where Naxa could meditate easily on the planet's coastlines. But while Naxa only continued to rise, the other apprentice Naxa's Master had, seemed to lag behind. Jealous of Naxa being their Master's preferred apprentice, despite Naxa not being there for long, a plot would begin to form. Indeed Naxa's fellow apprentice, had tried to kill her while she was meditating to make it look like an accident. Only reason why Naxa was able to stop it, was that she foresaw such an event happening the day before while she slept. Naxa dueled for her life but she was not the superior lightsaber duelist. Naxa was about to receive the killing blow before her Master stepped in and killed the other apprentice.

It was a dark day. They returned to the main Jedi Temple, where Naxa's Master formally granted her knighthood but then resigned shortly after. Now..Naxa is a young Jedi Knight who now tries to continue on becoming a Jedi Consular, keeping up with her studies and lessons.
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