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Approved Starship NCE-418/i, Paralyzer-Class Interdiction Cruiser

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost Naval Corp of Engineering, Karl Von Strauss
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Large
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector



  • Interdiction Field: The Paralyzer can generate up to two gravity wells to stop enemies from jumping to hyperspace. It can also be used to pull fleets strategically out of hyperspace right on top of the enemy.
  • Defense: The Paralyzer has an impressive double-redundant shielding suite, with additional quadanium plating around the hull, and seigurium-reinforced hardpoints.
  • Defensive Weaponry: Not only does the Paralyzer have quad mount point defense cannons, but its light twin turbolasers are fast-track mounted to keep up with the average starfighter.
  • Sitting Duck: While the field(s) is active, the Paralyzer cannot move. It is completely stuck where it activates the generators. It can turn, but it cannot go forward or backward.
  • EMP/Ion Blasts: This vessel is equipped with advanced systems that are a boon to its operation, but being hit with EMP/Ion weaponry, after the shields are down, can drastically decrease its overall effectiveness.
  • Role Dedication: The Paralyzer is an interdiction cruiser, meant to stop the enemy from getting away. It is not a fighter, if it were to go up against ships in its weight class, it would most certainly lose.
When going through the catalog of ships the EOTL has, there was one specialization that was unfilled: Interdiction. Therefore, Karl and the Naval Corp of Engineers whipped together the Paralyzer-Class Interdiction Cruiser. The ship boasts high maneuverability and defenses, with average metrics in everything else. Unlike the interdictors of old, the Paralyzer, resembles a Secutor-Class, since the bridge is in the middle with the gravity wells placed behind it. Speaking of the bridge, it has medium turbolasers in a barbette formation on the port and starboard sides.

Now the main weapon of interdictors are its gravity wells, which this vessel has two of, instead of the four seen on cruisers like the Immobilizer 418. This doesn't decrease effectiveness, but simply limits the amount of active gravity wells that can be created by the Paralyzer. When the Paralyzer has its wells active, it creates a 'vacuum' of space around the vessel reducing its speed to zero; it can still turn however which may catch incoming enemy vessels off guard. During this time the Paralyzer relies heavily on its complement of starfighters to protect it, which unfortunately is only two squadrons.

The Paralyzer is not a fighter, but a specialist who is meant to be supported. When it comes out to play, there will not be an easy means of escape.

"Quality. Perfection. Order"

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an interdiction cruiser for the Empire of the Lost
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
Model: NCE-418/i Paralyzer-Class Interdiction Cruiser
Starship Class: Cruiser (500-1000m)
Starship Role: Interdictor
Modular: No
Material: See Above
Armaments: Average
[8] Quadruple Meadium Turbolasers (around the bridge)
[12] Fast-Track Mounted TCT-23 Twin Light Turbolaser Cannon Turrets (6 ventral, 6 dorsal)
[20] Quad Barreled PD-13 "Iron Curtain" Point Defense Cannons (10 ventral, 10 dorsal)
[2] Gravity Well Generators/Projectors
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 1500
Optimal Crew: 2850
Passenger Capacity: 78
Cargo Capacity: Average
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