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Approved Starship NCE-DS02, "Avril" Defense Platform

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost Naval Corp of Engineering, Karl Von Strauss
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Large
Size: Large
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

  • Length: 400 meters
  • Width: 1100 meters
  • Height: 2000 meters
  • Hangar Space: Very High - 17 Squadrons
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 12 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 5 squadrons
  • Hyperdrive: Class 3.0, Class 12.0 Backup
  • Moveablity: Not to be mixed up with manueverabilty, which this has none of. This unit is capable of moving in a system, or hyperdriving to a new system.
  • Advanced Weaponry: This unit comes equipped with some of the best weapons on the market, as well as some impressively distructive weapons, like the concussion cannons and the plasma disruptors.
  • High Defendability: This unit is capable of defending a planet equally to that of a Star Destroyer, with less crew and a higher ability of gaining space superiority (able to field more squadrons).
  • Smoke and Mirrors: This unit is equipped with a HIS-11 system to trick fleeing vessels into think they are trapped within a gravity well when, in fact, they are not.
  • Manuverability: This is a station, it cannot dodge anything.
  • Half-Effectiveness: The way this unit is built puts its weaponry equally on both sides, with the exception being the concussion cannons, which at minimum 6 of 8 will be able to aim at the target. This does however mean that if the unit's weapons are almost completely wiped out on one side, it can turn, albeit very slowly, to reveal the opposite side's weaponry.
  • Bridge-Reliant: This unit is controlled via the bridge atop it, if that is destroyed, this station becomes a huge hangar with no offensive/defensive weaponry, aside from the very small number of automated systems.
Designed with planetary defense in mind, the Naval Corp of Engineering Defense Station Model 2, nicknamed the Avril (after the large bird found on Yavin 8), is perfect for the task. Its design is meant to mimic the power of star destroyers with much less crew, making it a cheaper option than building and crewing and entire destroyer. It's dagger-shaped design makes it easy to be built at the same naval shipyards as other dagger-shaped vessels such as the Imperial Ten-Six, meaning that no new shipyards have to be made to produce the Avril.

It also has ion engines and a hyperdrive, allowing it to move from planet to planet, but it is reccommended that it stays to a single planet. The use of it ion engines are also meant to circle above the planet its protecting allowing for 360 degrees of protection. The Avril is meant to be used in conjuntion with the previous model of defense station, the Hawk. With the tractor beams the Avril has available, it can take four Hawks with it as it rotates around, never leaving its defenses strewn across the system.

Its strong armament and militray-grade shields make it a force to be reckoned with. Like the bird itself, the Avril, is meant to be top of the food chain.

Note from the desk of the designer: The Avril should be used two to a planet in conjunction with four to eight Hawks each, to provide the strength of a fleet for defense. Although its up to the Moffs governing the sectors to review their defense needs and wants. -Karl Von Strauss

"Quality. Perfection. Order."

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a defense platform for the EOTL
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
Model: Naval Corp of Engineering - DS02, "Avril"
Starship Class: Other
Starship Role: Other
Modular: No
Material: See Above
Armaments: -Very High-
[2] Turbo Plasma Disruptors
[8] Triple-Barreled Reductor Concussion Cannons
[16] Quadruple Terminus Megamaser Batteries
[20] AI-T5 "Ifrit" Turbolasers in Triple Mounts
[16] Automated/Slave-Rig TCT-23 Twin Light Turbolaser Cannon Turrets in Fast-Tracked Mounts
[16] AI-IC4 "Shiva" Ion Cannons in Twin Mounts
[32] AI-PD4 "Leviathan" Point Defense Systems in Quad Mounts
[10] Missile Tubes - FAE/WH-04-S6 (Standard Assault Size) Universal Missile
[4] RT-17 Repulsor-Tractor Beam Emitters
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: None
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 100
Optimal Crew: 1200
Passenger Capacity: 250
Cargo Capacity: Large
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