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NCE-MW01 "Chain Vibrosword"

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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

(Mark Ranson [It is the third from the bottom])​
  • Modularity: This weapon can be requested to be the size of a great-weapon upon commissioning. Additionally, the Paragon wielding it can modify its outer shell to their liking.
  • Materials:
  • Size:
    • Average, longsword-sized scales to fit the Paragon in armor but can range from as small as 100cm (39in) to 140cm (55in).
    • Large, greatsword-sized scales to fit the Paragon in armor but can range from >140cm (>55in) to 213cm (84in).
      • NOTE: These lengths are from the pommel to the blade's tip.
  • Weight:
    • Heavy, longsword-sized is relative to the length of the weapon.
    • Very Heavy, greatsword-sized is relative to the length of the weapon.
  • The teeth (52 for longsword-sized or 112 for greatsword-sized) of this weapon are made from a high-quality mono-molecular-edged songsteel, making this weapon highly resistant to lightsabers, other vibroblades, and some energy weapons.
  • The teeth of this weapon are equipped with monomolecular energy cords giving a higher damage output when cutting into creatures and objects.
  • This weapon has an ultrasonic vibration generator giving the weapon even higher damage against creatures and objects.
  • Cutting, Cutting, and More Cutting: This weapon not only has the strengths of a chainsaw, but the strengths of a vibrosword, giving it the capability of cutting through limbs, durasteel, and other similarly resistant materials or objects.
  • Lightsaber Resistant: The NCE-MW01 is highly resistant to strikes against lightsabers. This is thanks to its songsteel teeth and the energy cord 'sheath' covering them.
  • Heavy: This weapon is special-built for the Paragons meaning that is it used in their powered armor. Thanks to its weight most normal soldiers or enemy combatants cannot wield it with the proficiency of a Paragon if it was to be dropped or disarmed. This also means that each strike with the weapon is heavy and can possibly knock an opponent off-balance.
  • EMP/Ion: While this weapon comes equipped with a de-ionization system, it is still vulnerable to powerful and large-scale ion blasts. This would disable the chain blade, effectively making this weapon a large club.
  • Energy Shields: The monomolecular energy cord's energy can be diffused when it strikes energy-based shields.
At the behest of the Sword of the Empire Shov Brald Shov Brald , Karl began designing a weapon to surpass the vibroswords and blades currently at their disposal. Instead of going the normal route for vibroswords, Karl wanted to give the Paragons a weapon that matched their ferocity for defending their Empire and Emperor, so instead of a single blade he broke it into fifty-two teeth arranged like a chainsaw (or one-hundred and twelve).

To give them an edge against all types of weapons he imported a vast quantity of songsteel despite the exuberant cost and long forge time to make the weapon excel even against lightsabers. The design, making it into a chained-type weapon, increases its cutting capabilities even before adding the monomolecular energy cord sheath and the vibration generator. This weapon can cut through most things like butter, thanks to its construction and the technology its been upgraded with.

"I wouldn't want to be on the opposite end of that." -Karl Von Strauss, member of the Imperial Corp of Engineering.

"Quality. Perfection. Order."
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi

Thank you for your reply. While I am aware that the crossover rule might apply here, there are canon items from the wiki that have used technology similarly to this sub. Both uses are obscure but help defend my argument. Firstly, is the Vibrosaw, while used mainly for logging, it has also been used in military and pirate boarding actions and combat even with its extreme size. Second is the existence of the chainsaw variant for the B2 super battle droid. This shows that chainsaws have been used in combat albeit not effectively. All I'm trying to do here is miniaturize the tech from those sources since we are way in the future for the SWU.

All this being said, if I need to extensively rework the writing I can do so. Once again thank you.
Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge
Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

Alright, I talked it over with John, and despite canon precedence for saws as weapons in canon, there's not canon precendence for chainswords.

While it's not much a difference in the micro, in the macro, that's what makes it a crossover. This is very much still a warhammer weapon being given star-warsy technobabble to justify it. At the end of the day, we're not a warhammer forum. If you wish to give your stormtroopers greatswords, give them that. If you wish to give your stormtroopers chainsaws, give them that. The fusion of the two is Warhammer, not Star Wars.

I'll ask you heavily rework this, but I'll leave it up to John Locke John Locke to make the decision if that goes through. I've seen people put chainsaws on blasters, on vambraces, on even sniper rifles.

But lugging them around as swords is a step too far. There's better, more creative ways to do this that aren't simply recreating something from an adjacent sci fi franchise.
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi

Thank you for the opportunity. It may sound like a weird request, but would you be able to archive this for me? I'm just going to completely rewrite everything, more in the style of the SWU, and I'd rather do that on a clean slate rather than this one. And when I finish the other, do you specifically wish to be tagged or would you rather I just leave it to the universe who judges it?

Thank you.
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