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Approved Melee Weapon NCE-MW03 "Las-Hammer"

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Melee Type:
  1. Other
Size: Large
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

  • Monomolecular Energy Ribbon
    • The head of the hammer has monomolecular energy ribbons running from under one side of the hammer's head over the top and to the bottom of the head's other side. These ribbons cover the striking faces of the hammer and the top of it. These ribbons similar to the laser ax they are derived from are meant to increase the destructive power of this hammer. Not only does the hammer bludgeon its enemies, but it also cuts them as well.
  • Steel Composite Alloy
    • With the weapon being made from a conglomeration of three materials, Ersteel 145, Ferrocarbon, and Phrik make this weapon strong against most types of damage, such as thermal, energy, and corrosive damages. With the inclusion of phrik, it makes the Las-Hammer resistant to lightsaber strikes.
  • High Energy Diatium Power Cells
    • The Las-Hammer is designed with two power cells within the handle, the first is to make sure that the energy ribbons are always powered. The second energy cell is to 'overcharge' the energy ribbons to create even more destructive cutting power. When activated during a swing the second energy cell is able to 'overcharge' the energy ribbons 20 times before needing to be recharged. The first power cell holds enough power to keep the energy ribbons running a full twenty-four hours before needing a recharge even with heavy use.
  • Bludgeoning and Slashing: The las-hammer is an unusually destructive weapon. Not only damaging its foes via bludgeoning them, but also severely cutting them in the process thanks to its monomolecular energy ribbons.
  • Lightsaber Resistant: Because of the use of phrik in the las-hammer's construction, it is inherently lightsaber resistant. This allows it to clash against saber-wielding foes.
  • Heavy: This weapon is quite heavy slowing down its user and making its full swings slower as well.
  • EMP/ION: Despite this weapon having a de-ionization system, the technological parts in this weapon are still susceptible to large-scale EMP/Ion blasts. However, this only takes away 50% of the weapons usefulness, making it a 100% bludgeoning hammer.
Another weapon commissioned by the Imperial Paragons, this warhammer is easy to use and wield while also giving its user a distinct advantage over traditional bludgeoning weapons. This weapon is equipped with monomolecular energy ribbons, similarly to a laser-ax, around the head of the weapon. These energy ribbons give the weapon a cutting edge that is constantly applied rather than needing to be turned on. The weapon is made in one-hand, one and a half-hand, and two-hand figurations, with two-hand being the most popular amongst the Paragons included in the first trails of the weapon.

When swung the operator has the options of overcharging the energy ribbons or not overcharging them. Not overcharging them means this weapon will function how it was designed, to bludgeon and cut. Overcharging the energy ribbons by way of activating the secondary diatium energy cell while swinging the weapon allows for the cutting power of the ribbons to exponentially grow. However, the secondary cell can only be used approximately twenty times before it is considered 'dry' and needs to be recharged. It is recommended to overcharge the ribbons while swinging to make the best use of the energy cell and potential energy of your swing.

Useful tactics while using the weapon are heavy swings and quick forward jabs with the top of the weapons. Using either striking surfaces or the top of the weapon will still result in both cutting and bludgeoning.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a cool hammer
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost Imperial Paragons
Model: Naval Corp of Engineering Melee Weapon 03, Las-Hammer
Modular: No
Material: Synth-Leather, Steel Composite Alloy (Ersteel 145, Ferrocarbon, and Phrik), monomolecular energy ribbon, combat de-ionization system, high power diatium power cell x2
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