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Approved Tech NCE-SC01, Planetary Defense Shield Complex "Yggdrasil"

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost Naval Corp of Engineering, Karl Von Strauss
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: N/A
Size: Humongous
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

  • The Shield Complex Yggdrasil is made up of three 'buildings.'
    • Alfheim - Shield Gate
    • Jotunheim and Niflheim - Planetary Shield Generators (Heavy Deflector [particle and ray] Shield)
  • The weapons used in the defense of the Yggdrasil Complex are as follows
    • AI-T5 "Ifrit" Turbolasers
    • AI-IC4 "Shiva" Ion Cannons
    • AI-PD4 "Leviathan" Point Defense Systems
    • RT-17 Repulsor-Tractor Beams
  • All Other Systems are as follows
    • Phase II "Divine Eyes" Sensor and Electronic System - Alfheim
    • Phase III "Dream Sight" Combat Electronics System - Jotunheim and Nilfheim
    • FAE/S-02 Tractor Guidance Network - All
    • FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix - All
    • Starscourge Reactor System - All
  • Planetary Defense: The Yggdrasil Complex is designed for the complete protection of planets.
  • Heavy Deflector Shield: Since the shield is being powered by two generators, the effective resistance is improved.
  • Redundant Stations: The three-part system means that the shield itself has redundancies built into its design that are not able to be sliced as effectively as traditional redundancy systems.
  • Backup Power: The Starscourge reactors that both generators have, have capacitors that can store power. This allows for either station to be able to power the shield by itself for a while, with the maximum being 2 hours.
  • Backup Power: If a station is taken out, this puts a timer on how long the shield will stay up. Once they're down, they're down until either station is repaired.
  • Subterfuge: While the shield and Alfheim are meant to protect against incoming threats, threats that are already on the surface of the planet effectively have circumnavigated the problem of getting past the shield.
The Yggdrasil Complex is meant to be the next step in the evolution of planetary shielding technology. The Complex is not one system, but three working in tandem: Alfheim, the shield gate, and its two shield generators on the planet's surface, Jotunheim and Nilfheim. The Yggdrasil Complex is meant to be put on all Imperial worlds, allowing for increased protection of the planet's populace, as well as Imperial assets the planet might hold.

Alfheim is the shield gate for the Yggdrasil Complex. It allows for a section of the planetary shield to be opened and closed to allow vessels access, although, the largest vessel that could make it through would be larger freighters. Alfheim is responsible for the primary scanning of every vessel that would want to enter the atmosphere of the planet below. It is also responsible for closing the portal if a threat is detected or if something from a cargo manifest seems off.

To facilitate this, Alfheim has five landing bays for vehicle inspection and storage. There is also a private landing bay for the gate's crew shuttles. Unfortunately, the gate itself does not have a complement of starfighters, it should be backed up by an Avril Defense Platform and its starfighter complement. That being said, the gate is not defenseless, it has multiple high-tech turbolasers, ion cannons, repulsor-tractor beams, and point defense systems; as well as its shield array comprised of particle, ion, and ray shields. Though those shields would only be able to withstand bombardment from a standard line of capital ships. A line is described as, "Typically four larger ships..." from the Imperial Handbook. (OOC: My interpretation of that is four cruisers, not destroyers)
All in all, Alfheim is just one part of three much larger parts to protect our Glorious Empire.

Jotunheim and Nilfheim
Jotunheim and Nilfheim are designed exactly the same, the only difference being that they are separated from each other. How separated? They are to be placed on opposite poles of the planet as part of their defense. They will also have a contingent of troopers and walkers protecting them. There should also be four turbolaser towers surrounding the station. The station itself is also built like a bunker allowing for heavy defensibility. Additionally, if Alfheim were to be overrun by hostiles, the Station Commanders of either Jotunheim or Nilfheim are able to override the controls for keeping the gate closed. Making sure that the planet below is kept safe as long as possible, and giving time to prepare for an assault. But enough about defense, what do the stations actually do?

Station Jotunheim and Nilfheim are meant to be always active. The unique design choice of having two shield generators allows them to share the burden of keeping the shield up at reduced energy costs to both generators, although it's already a huge cost to begin with. This also means that the shield itself is bolstered and is able to take more of a beating. This coupled with the Starscourge Reactor gives them more than enough power to keep shielding and with the built-in capacitors of the reactor allows them to keep some energy stored in case of emergencies. The main emergency being the destruction or disabling of Station Jotunheim. If that station was to go down, the backup energy is meant to allow station Niflheim to effectively keep the shield up by itself for a maximum of 2 hours, in perfect conditions. Note: perfection conditions mean that the shield itself is not under attack and that Station Jotunheim is actively being worked on to get it back up.

Notice that in the above example, Station Jotunheim was the only station being destroyed or disabled, this is because Station Nilfheim is meant to be a closely guarded secret at the beginning of this program. The NCE does entirely understand that if a planet with the Yggdrasil Complex is attacked by hostiles, the secrecy of Nilfheim will be exposed. Despite this, the choice to build Nilfheim on the opposite pole was meant to split hostile forces in an effort to make them more unorganized. Additionally, the time limit, if one station is disabled, is not known to the public or to the defense force. It is only known by the Station's Commander and Chief Engineer who will be in contact, through the use of heavily encrypted channels, with the Commander of any friendly fleets or defense platforms (if fleets are absent) above the planet.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a planetary defense shield for the Empire of the Lost
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
Model: Naval Corp of engineering - Shield Complex 01 "Yggdrasil"
Modular: No
Material: GATE: Alusteel Frame with Impervium Reinforcements, Quadanium Plating. SHIELD GENERATOR TOWERS: Durasteel Frame with Impervium Reinforcements and Quadanium Plating.
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