New Member

Faction: The Ancient Eye
Rank: Lord of the Eye
Name: Neb-ka of Myth
Race: Anubian
Age: 751 (force assisted)
Height: 2.6 meters (8’5’’)
Weight: 113Kg (250 lbs)
Eyes: Red
Fur: Black, though it has fallen out from the effects of relying on force drain and the dark side to extend his life.
Skin: Black
Build: Athletic and thin (partially due to negative effects of elongating his life)
Force Sensitive: Yes
Strengths and Weaknesses
++ Masterful Close Quarters Combat (Personal): Though physically he is not what he used to be, the practice and training gained over hundreds of years has made him an extremely skilled hand-to-hand fighter and bladesman aided in part by the force.++ Prophet (Personal): At a young age Neb-ka was discovered by the Anubian priests to have a special gift for divination. Though the force and the future is always in motion, making it difficult to pinpoint specific events, Neb-ka finds it easier than most to sift through the changing storylines to find the grain of truth. Which is why he was able to correctly fortell of the rise of Mythos. Though even he has been known to be wrong.
++ High Intelligence (Racial): Anubians tend to possess a very high intellect compared to many races in the galaxy, this, combined with his extremely long life devoted to studying the magic and powers of the force, has made Neb-ka a scholar of some aspects of the force and a capable tactician.
++ Heat Resistance (Racial): The Anubian body has naturally evolved to thrive in hot and regular climates, and due to such, they can survive on hot planets like their home world, or perhaps even hotter, without even breaking a sweat.
== Physically Honed (Racial): Anubians tend to maintain a very fit physique due to their unique metabolism, and as such, Neb-ka is stronger and more agile than a human or many other races. However, due to the negative effects inflicted upon himself through the use of force drain and drawing so heavily on the dark side to extend his life, he has lost some of that strength and agility. Making him a less imposing and swift combatant than he used to be.
== Sensitive Hearing (Racial): Anubians have especially keen hearing which means Neb-ka can detect others easily around him, but he is also vulnerable to loud noises like sonic-based weaponry.
== Stature (Racial): Standing in at 8’5’’, Neb-ka can be an imposing figure to behold, especially in his armour. However, his extreme height also makes him an easier target.
-- Egotistical (Racial + Personal): Due to their wealth and standing, the large majority of Anubians tend to possess an overwhelming ego and confidence in themselves. Neb-ka is no different. His extremely long life, divination, and position as High Priest has made him very egoistical and overconfident. He tends to underestimate his opponents and defeat hits him especially hard.
-- Digitigrade Legs (Racial): The Anubians’ legs make it so that they are unable to use unmodified foot controls for things like spacecraft that have not been customized for their physiology. It also makes Neb-ka more easily tripped if caught off guard.
-- Lack of Cold Resistance (Racial + Personal): Adapted to hot and mild temperatures, Anubians are useless in cold weather without proper protection and clothing. This has not been helped by Neb-ka’s loss of fur due to the effects of elongating his life. Which means, he is particularly unsuited for cold temperatures and would likely quickly freeze to death without proper clothing.
-- Bad Shot (Personal): While Neb-ka can obviously point and shoot a blaster, he isn’t very good at it. Always gravitating toward the close and personal, and in his view more honourable, form of close hand-to-hand or blade combat, he’s never bothered to pay much attention to the art of gun slinging or ranged combat. Which means that he needs to get up close to his enemy in order most effectively inflict any real damage, putting him at risk of being blasted before he closes the distance.
Force Powers
Apprentice - Knight - Master - Specialist
Force Drain
Battle Precognition
Drain Knowledge
Biography (WIP)