Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Need a darkside master or something

As the reincarnation of the supreme overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong in a Epicanthix female clone of [member="Darth Vornskr"] Dibella is pretty evil. Not as evil as she was as dredge but the genocide has been toned down and I'm just generally looking to get her to knight so I can just do a bunch of self training threads and stuff. Anyways I do need a darkside master to train me. So yeah please and thank you everyone
Well no offense is meant to be given, but well ICly Circe is kind of like the Star Wars chaos equivalent of Malibu's most wanted and well to be trained by her would put me on the chopping block ICly for the long list of people who want to murder you both IC and OOC so you know I'd just rather avoid the drama all together and just try and find someone else
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="High Goddess Dibella"]

She does have the Echani body now, though, and few people can identify her as who she really is. There's no issue - besides, I want to RP with you some more. :)
[member="Enigma"] like I said I would like to just avoid the drama. While we can RP and you are more than welcome to set up a thread so we can post I can't have you train me. I'm just trying to fill my RP life with less drama

[member="Ahani Najwa"] I'd like that but are you able to be active through training I know you have a busy personal life and I don't want to hold you back

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