[member="Jay Scott Clark"] I know! It's like-- picking candy from a-
actually no it's not. It's like picking steam games and trying to find out which one is good but both are good and you only have like 50 bucks on you. And both are around that price range.
[member="Orihime Ike"] Honestly, Satyana's personal goal is that she wants to become one of the greatest Jedi known in the universe and maybe become more powerful than any other Jedi (hey, all warriors desire to become the best of their class so, why not!), of course, she has allot of hatred that is deep within her due to some things happening in the past. But for now, she seeks to atleast learn the basics of how to really master the lightsaber since it's in her mentality to study a blade and master it. Honestly, it could go either two different ways. She could either continue on the path of the Jedi and completely loose her hatred and vengeance, OR she could betray her master and at a later date, become a Sith, hell, maybe even a Dark Jedi or just completely leave the order and become a Grey Jedi. Anything is possible. Honestly, those are my two ideas of how things will go. I'm pretty sure however, Mastu will probably not want her apprentice to turn to the dark and such. Don't worry, Satyana will probably not be so easily manipulated to get to the dark very early. But way later on. Anything can happen years later and all. But you know.
Again, this is only hypothetical. It's a long road ahead for the two, and well, the ultimate fate is up to the character and the chemistry and bond the two share. If the bond is real strong, I think Satyana will try to keep it strong. Of course, there is always manipulators out there that can seduce to the path of darkness, whether it be a Sith Lord coming up to her, and manipulating her, tragedy with family, having a lover and her lover being harmed and/or killed... there's allot of things that can factor in. But yet again, for now, she isn't gonna be so easily manipulated. So don't worry 'bout that. XD