Darth Ferus
Nar Shadda had never been a good planet. Crime was rampant in all forms, often encouraged by the Hutts that ruled the world. Murder, theft, prostitution, smuggling. Yet, it was as good of a place as any to find a good pilot. If one could make it on Nar Shadda, they could make it anywhere, right? The Zabrak certainly hoped so.Darth Ferox found himself in the familiar setting of a bar, sitting alone. In his hand, a whiskey. The Sith was normal around here, though none knew who he was. He was dressed in the run of the mill smuggler outfit, with his large pistol on his hip and his sword on the other. Most thought the blade was only the average vibroblade, but some knew there was something off about it.
Not that the Sith ever cared. They left him alone, and he left them alone. Heck, the only reason he was here now was because he finally made contact with a pilot. [member="Phoebus"] was her name, and he hoped she would be here soon.