Fabula Caromed
Belle of the Brawl
When I relaunched Niysha, I decided to make her two things that seem to have almost no overlap whatsoever: a black Miraluka. This is mostly an issue when it comes to finding images to do anything with. I have all of two.
[ Image the first ]
[ Image the second ]
My google fu is strong, which is basically the only reason I could find a whole two images of black women wearing blindfoldsthat weren't also porn. Fortunately, both of those are of the same person, and a fantastic size that can easily be used with anything I need them for. Unfortunately, they both have an obnoxiously huge watermark.
If I could get a photoshop wizard to take care of that eensy weensy problem, that'd be lovely.
[ Image the first ]
[ Image the second ]
My google fu is strong, which is basically the only reason I could find a whole two images of black women wearing blindfolds
If I could get a photoshop wizard to take care of that eensy weensy problem, that'd be lovely.