Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA Need to step away for a bit

Some of you already know, but my Grandmother in-law is not doing very well and suffers from PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy), which is getting into its later stages.

Things are sort of touch and go right now, but she was recently moved into Hospice a couple days ago and there's a good possibility she might pass soon. I thought I could put this off until something definitive happened, but I am just not in the mental space to keep trying to be around on Chaos.

So, until things either look up, or she passes and my family and I have had the time to mourn, I won't be around.

I apologize to anyone I am posting with whom this effects.
Want to say a big thank you to everyone who has reached out during the time I've been away, it's been a huge comfort and I appreciate you beyond words.

The situation with my grandmother in-law seems to be stabilizing and we haven't had any more incidents. She won't ever get better, because that's not how this disease works, but I think we're out of the woods in terms of her potential passing - at least for the time being.

That said, I want to try and make a come back to writing over the next week. I will still be slow (we make frequent trips to to our Ginlaws house to help them, sometimes multiple times a week, sometimes only on the weekends, but they live two hours away and it ends up being an all day affair, so please bare with me), and I'll really only be writing to a thread or two in the beginning.

As time goes on and if everything stays stable, I might try to take on more, but we'll see.

Anyways, thank you all again for the love and support, it really has meant the world.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink
Real life comes first, never apologize for it. Just be close to your family and take care of each other. That is more important than a silly game.

I stand by this, but want to add that you should not need to feel you have to come back so soon. If you do and everything works out? GREAT! If you can't, then you know what? You are doing the right thing because real life comes first. Don't worry.

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