Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Need to tag everyone from the Faction - here's the list

[member="Adelram Thul"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]
[member="Delia Panteer"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]
[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Jonathan Baliss"]
[member="Lucien Dolos"]
[member="Niall's OOC"]
[member="Suravi Teigra"]
[member="Thalia Rist"]
[member="Velos Rist"]

[member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]
[member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]

The fourm has had trouble with an apostrophe one or two letters into names for a while. Typing in the actual code ([ member="Name Here" ] without the spaces) should do the trick.
[member="Jonathan Baliss"]

Jonathan Baliss said:
[member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]

The fourm has had trouble with an apostrophe one or two letters into names for a while. Typing in the actual code ([ member="Name Here" ] without the spaces) should do the trick.

Ah i see....well it seem sort looks ok now but yeah am still here though for most part am sort relegated guarding duty. Will try be round meet and be bit more active as best can.....

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