Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Neema Farron

NAME: Neema Farron
RANK: Smuggler
SPECIES: Tatooinian Human
AGE: 22

SEX: Female
EYES: Gray
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Tanned
DESTINGUISHING FEATURES: Missing Smallest Finger on Right Hand
SOCIAL BUTTERFLY: Neema can and will strike up a conversation with anybody, winning them over with charisma and a disarming smile.
EXELLENT PILOT: Neema took to outer space like a fish to water, almost feeling more comfortable flying than walking.
QUICKDRAW: Can get her DL-44 out for a headshot in a flash.
ATHLETIC: A career of quick escapes has greatly increased her speed and stamina.
GREEDY: Has a generally positive moral compass, and knows right from wrong, but it's very hard to say no to a pile of credits.
COWARD: Sometimes gunplay is inevitable, but if there is a way out she will almost always go for it.
PHYSICALLY WEAK: Due to her size, Neema won't have much luck overpowering anybody by force.
Neema is a 5'2 human with Lightly tanned skin and blonde hair to her shoulders. She typically wears loose-fitting brown pants, a comfortable white shirt, and often-times an old brown duster coat, as she finds many worlds she travels to uncomfortably chilly at times. She has a wrist-mounted comm unit and a DL-44 Heavy Blaster holstered on her right thigh.

Neema was born and raised by moisture farmers Dogun and Meema Farron on Tatooine. Her parents had been trying for a son, but could not support two children. Neema helped out where she could as she grew, and when she turned 15 she would join her father on trade visits to the local trading post. Aside from her small group of friends, this was her first real taste of all the different cultures she luxuries she was missing.
When she was 17, she and her friend Logrin broke off from their respective families to meet up in the local watering hole, as they often did. As they laughed and drank, a large man with an obscure face rushed up to them. He shoved a small bag into her hands and whispered something in a language she did not know. Not a moment later he was gone, seemingly vanished into the crowd. The couple carefully peeking into the small sack, only to share a gasp at a sparkling ruby sphere 2 inches across. It was the most beautiful and expensive thing she had ever seen.
About an hour later, tipsy and with mysteries pushed aside, the two meandered out into the setting suns of Tatooine, only to be grabbed by a group of intimidating thugs. As they were pulled into the nearby alley, the leader bellowed to them through dry lips and broken, jagged teeth, "A friend says you have something of mine!". Neema was speechless. This was obviously about the jewel, but she could not force herself to utter a sound. The thug pulled a large knife from a sheath across his chest, centering it to her face, turning to Logrin, "One chance, boy! Where you kriffing brats put my ruby!?"
After a few pregnant seconds passed, Neema turned only her eyes to the boy, for fear of cutting herself, desperately searching for an exit plan. She wished she hadn't looked, as three things happened in quick succession. A sharp sensation spread up her right arm, a volley of lasers perforated Logrin and the man holding him, and deafening shouts called out from the street.
Neema wrenched her teary eyes from her dead friend's falling body to see the thug that had her pinned to the wall was dying on his back. She had not realized she had been pulled to her knees with him. It was then that she registered that his uneven teeth were clamped down on the smallest finger of her right hand hard, she was trapped and what appeared to be a small-scale gunfight between her and Logrin's fathers and a handful of thugs.
She didn't know what possessed her to panic like she did, but with a cry she stood up, tearing herself from the man's mouth in one horrific action. Neema fell back to her hands and knees crawled the 4 feet iver to Logrin and started searching his body. She checked his pockets, his sleeves, even his boots, only then did she find the bag.
In a rush of adrenalin she turned and sprinted deeper into the alley until she emerged at the far end. She didn't know where this compulsion came from, but she ran out into a small expanse of desert before getting to the small spaceport.
She was not seen as she snuck into a still loading YT-2400 until they were in hyperspace, at which point she had passed out from shock. The elderly ship owner did not have any medical equipment, so he lopped off the remainder of her pinky finger and cauterized the stump on an engine wall. When she came too, he explained to her that they were making a quick stop to drop off some cargo over at Naboo and refuel, before changing course and going all the way to Nar Shaddaa.
Not wanting to go back, and with nowhere else to go, Neema asked the older man if she could stay with him on his ship for a while. As he began to tell her where she could shove that idea, she dug the ruby from her shirt and shoved it into his chest with shaking hands. "That's gotta be enough to buy a seat for a while, huh?" she pleaded. The man quickly changed his tune, welcoming her aboard jovially after snatching the gem with remarkably quick fingers.
Over the next four years they became partners. Neema found out that the man was an old smuggler,Kedren, who ran everything from spice, to medicine, to dirty illegal holovids to paying rich folk the galaxy over, and now, so did she. They had a good thing going, splitting the profits, delegating specialties, she even became the unofficial pilot.
Neither could say how it happened but at some point she just ended up giving the orders, and he would follow her lead. She was getting better where he had plateaued, and they both knew it, so it never came up.
As Neema settled into the pilots chair, her copilot punched in their next destination. Before long they were enveloped in the swirling hyperspace curtain, on their way to make more money.

YT-2400 Light Freighter (the "Profit")
A Day At The Mos Eisley Cantina
Poolside Cantina

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