Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
Outer Rim Territories
Late afternoon
A small group of members of Silver Jedi are on assignment to procure Nightshadow hull plating for a secret project. The Antarian Rangers alongside the Jedi of the Order have come to engage in negotiations with Kegan Resources Pty Ltd. Juliette had arranged the meeting, using her old contacts from her past, although she had never been out this far, she had it on good authority that this company would have what they required and the Nightshadow set at a reasonable price. A Mister Jats Crecker is owner of the company and their immediate contact. In an old looking Hammerhead Freighter, called the Wobbly Boot, Juliette sits in the Captains chair. Around her the ships crew are busy with business and preparing for arrival, as they are only minutes away from existing hyperspace.
Juliette checks all systems, and sends a message to Mister Crecker that they will arrive a little over an hour.