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Approved Starship Negotiator-class Battlecruiser

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Manufacturer: Hex Incorporated
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: Very High
Width: Very High
Height: Very Large
Size: Humongous







  • Negotiator: The ship is an incredibly powerful weapons platform, sporting hundreds of deadly weapons and systems.
  • Defense: The ship is incredibly well protected, featuring numerous point defense weaponry and incredibly powerful shield generators.
  • Space: The ship features enormous cargo holds, as well as hangar bays that can be easily modified to contain multiple capital ships
  • Retractable: All the guns on the ship are situated in turrets that can retract into the hull of the ship for extra protection and camouflage.

  • Slow: The ship suffers from terrible handling and speed due to its size
  • Shields: While present, the shield generator’s molecular system is somewhat underpowered.
  • Expensive: Due to the complexity of the vessel, it is expensive to produce and can’t be fielded in large numbers.
  • Big: For all its weapons and defenses, the ship is a massive and vulnerable target.

A ship built solely to crush enemies with overwhelming firepower, the Negotiator-class Battlecruiser is a brand new project started by Hex Incorporated after lessons learned from previous naval engagements.

A truly immense vessel, the battlecruiser follows the typical Hellion naval doctrine of hiding its true capabilities and numbers. The enormous hangar bay and cargo space can be converted to house no less than 8 Ambassador-class corvettes, 4 Voyager-class heavy cruisers, or in extreme cases, 2 full-sized Conqueror-class star destroyers. A massive secondary ventral hangar bay can open for rapid deployment of these capital ships along with its hefty complement of starfighters and support craft. The ship carries enough troops and materiel for an entire Hellion army group.

However, due to its size, expense and complexity, the ship can’t be fielded in large numbers and is only deployed when serious firepower is needed, or the homefront is at risk of being attacked. Otherwise, the ships are either docked or serve as a planetary defense for Hex Incorporated’s headquarters on Christophsis.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create powerful battlecruiser

Technical Information

Affiliation: Hex Incorporated
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: Yes
Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, Glasteel, various other materials
Armaments: Seismic cannons, ion cannons, mass driver cannons, turbolaser cannons, laser cannons, launch tubes
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 50000
Cargo Capacity: Very Large
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