Bringer of the Dead

NAME: Nekros The Undying
FACTION: A faction helps a character get into the galactic scene and grow in strength. Feel free to join any that suit the character.
RANK: As a member of society, your character might have a rank that exemplifies his or her importance.
SPECIES: Unknown
AGE: Unknown, very old
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: This will help writers know the size of your character.
HAIR: Unknown, most likely gray.
SKIN: Gray
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
1. Dark Magic
Darth Nekros is well versed in the arts of ancient Sith Magic and Alchemy. He commands the powers of the darkness and the shadows to strike down his enemies and bring them to their pitiful knees. He is also proficient at Sith Necromancy.
2. Fear Is My Ally
Darth Nekros is an embodiment of fear and terror from beyond the grave. He strikes fear into the hearts of the weak and is well versed in using the Dark Side to affect his enemies psychologically.
3. I Arise From The Dead
Darth Nekros was resurrected by means of an ancient Sith ritual. He is undead and for the most part does not suffer the consequences and requirements of the living.
1. The Light! It BURNS!!
As a being of darkness abilities such as Force Light can cause great damage to Nekros. The Light Side of the Force is his true weakness.
2. These Frail Old Bones.
Darth Nekros is for the most part, a walking corpse. He is a shambling creature of bones and rotting flesh, and therefore he does not have any great physical strength.
3. I Must Feed!
As I said, Darth Nekros is an undead monster risen from beyond the grave. However, there is a price to pay for such power, and that is he must feed. He must sustain himself on the living, weather it be through devouring the flesh and blood of victims or draining them of the Living Force.

Darth Nekros looks like what most people would probably imagine when they think of undead/zombie. He is very skeletal in appearance with his body being a necrotic conglomerate of bone, rotting flesh and sinew and appears rather frail. His face is sunken and lifeless with his empty orbits containing a red light glow, and his mouth his full of crooked, jagged teeth. His fingers are long with sharp clawed nails at the points.

Darth Nekros was a Sith Lord who existed several thousand years before the outbreak of the Clone Wars.His origins are unknown and his real name has been lost to time with only his Sith title representing him. He trained for years on Korriban under a variety of masters and he was gifted in the powers of the Dark Side. During his training he honed his martial skills and was recognized as a proficient wielder of the lightsaber and other weapons. He had a fascination with ancient Sith Lore and would often spend much of his time scouring through ancient tomes and scrolls. He became very interested in Sith Alchemy and Sorcery, and learned many abilities during his research. He also was particularly noted for having an obsession with death and is responsible for the death of countless beings. He became a gifted killer and was recognized for not leaving many survivors during his campaigns. He was also a master of terror and fear, utilizing the Force to affect his foes mentally and forcing them to their knees. He desired more and more power and would scour the galaxy in search of ancient artifacts and texts in an attempt to learn more. He even collected a variety of nightsister artifacts and texts. He desired to achieve power over the dead and became very skilled in the art of Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut; also known as Reanimated Dead. Through this power he could reanimate the dead and created legions of shambling undead to bring glory to the Sith in combat. But as he grew more powerful his lust for power only grew stronger and he desired to perfect his necromantic abilities.
He began to experiment with Sith alchemy and sorcery in order to create a powerful undead sithspawn in which he could use to create an army that would strike terror in the heart of his enemies. Deep within catacombs on Korriban, he experimented with dark-side magic to mold a servant using components from the several corpses around him. After long hours of work, the first Bone Walker was created. However instead of bowing to its creator, it instead attacked Dath Nekros and forced him to slay his creation. He soon realized that he somehow needed to control the primal nature of his creations. He soon fashioned an amulet that would allow him to make a connection with his creations. This would allow him to reach out with the Force and take control of their thoughts and actions. However before his plans of domination could come to fruition, he was assassinated by rival Sith Lords, but as soon as the connection with their master was severed, the Bone Walkers reverted back to their wild, primal nature and proceeded to slaughter and devour the rival Sith. The amulet was lost for hundreds of years waiting to be found again within the catacombs, where the Bone-walkers still stalk. Darth Nekros had joined the dead and his lifeless body was buried within the catacombs of a forgotten temple on Korriban.
Present Time
One day an unknown Culisetto traveler going simply by the name Malare. This Malare had apparently become fascinated with the tale of Darth Nekros and desired to resurrect him. The Culisetto traveled throughout the galaxy learning various Sith and Nightsister rituals in an attempt to bring back the lord of the dead. He eventually travelled to the crypts of Korriban to find the resting place of Nekros. There he performed a sacrificial blood ritual to raise Darth Nekros back from the grave and thus bringing the Lord of the Dead back into the Galaxy along side his bone walkers.
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