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Unreviewed Neo-Anzati (Species)

  • Name: Neo-Anzati
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Outer Rim
  • Average Lifespan:
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: The Neo-Anzati have no apparent difference from the normal Anzati, other than the fact that they were transformed into Anzati by Darkside Alchemy. They have a more vivid skin than their counterparts, and vary wildly depending on the original species they were part of.
  • Breathes:
  • Average Height of Adults: Highly volatile, depending on the individual's original species
  • Average Length of Adults: Highly volatile, depending on the individual's original species
  • Skin color: The Neo-Anzati had a much paler, much stiffer skin than they had when they were from another species, but still no match for the real Anzati.
  • Hair color: Highly volative, depending on the individual's original species
  • Distinctions: Being transformed in Anzati by alchemy, the Neo-Anzati beared some physical characteristics from their former species, although appearing more dead. The Neo-Anzati's apparent age is kept frozen from the time they've been transformed, be it a children or an ancient being.
  • Races: The Neo-Anzati are divided in two subspecies:
  1. Complete Neo-Anzati - The complete Neo-Anzati were the ones which could complete their transformation into Anzati through Alchemy.
  2. Anzati Aberration - The art of transmutating one's species didn't simply appear from nowhere, and a lot of sacrifices needed to be made to perfect it. The Anzati Aberration are "Neo"-Anzati that couldn't quite finish their transformation into real Anzati. This process unfortunately broke the minds of many honourable non-anzati members of the Cult of Anzat, and they were turned into creatures similar to Feral Anzati, to be commanded by their stronger, more intelligent counterparts.
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Anzati: The Neo-Anzati have all the characteristics of a normal Anzati: the incapacity of dying of old age, natural affinity to telepathy, mind control, superhuman strength and, of course, the ability to drain soup.
  • Highly volative species: While undoubtedly Anzati, the Neo-Anzati still had the natural benefits of their former species.
  • And Hell followed with: The Neo-Anzati are walking, breathing beacons of the dark side after being transformed. Their use of the dark side is pristine, and naturally so.
  • Creatures of the night: Being strong products of Dark Alchemy, the Neo-Anzati were deadly vulnerable to the light side. They feel slightly disturbed when a light sider is near, and suffer more pain from their attacks.
  • Alas, normal below the sun: The Neo-Anzati lose all their natural darkside talents when in contact with the sun's light.
  • Diet: Completely carnivore. Being a Anzat means ridding oneself of common food. The Anzat can only eat luck, or soup: the life essence of individuals, of which they drain with the proboscides on their cheek
  • Communication: The Neo-Anzati's common language is Anzat, but they can communicate telepathically due to their innate talent.
  • Technology level: Average to galactic standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: Cult of Anzat
  • General behavior: The Neo-Anzati are determined and trained to follow the Cult of Anzat. Since they were created by unnatural alchemy, their behaviour is also highly volatile!

The creation of Anzat out of other species came as an idea by the members of the Cult of Anzat as a means to counteract the fast reproduction of the rest of the galaxy. Knowing full well they couldn't reproduce as fast, and that their lives were more sacred to them than anything else, the Cult found, through Alchemy, a way of guaranteeing salvation to well-determined individuals. By filtering the people who would be transformed into Neo-Anzati, they would ensure quality over numbers, and prepare a strong enough army of shadows to surround the galaxy with it.

It was only through extensive years of training, practice and modelling that Anzati Alchemists could create, after multiple failed attempts, the first Neo-Anzat. The Cult of Anzat was able to create hundreds of them. After the fall of The Demon by the hands of Lord Kakus, the Neo-Anzati, much like the other Anzati members of the cult, were scattered throughout the galaxy, some abandoning their ways, others waiting patiently for the day where they would be called to rule supreme over all others.

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