Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission Neon Graves


Coruscant, Local Time 19:42, Raining.
Level 632​

Blue eyes scanned the horizon from the apartment window. It wasn't easy to zip around the galaxy like he had been, but that damn job- the one that Delila Castillon Delila Castillon saved him from, and then the goodwill he bought from Valery Noble Valery Noble let him zip around the Alliance a little better. At first he kept his word to Valery- he even did quite a bit of good. But-

Boys gotta pay the bills (and the Hutts).

But he didn't understand what he had- how could he? How could anyone? He had a holocron. Inside was anyone's guess. But Nej wasn't one for sharing, and he hadn't been able to open it. According to his sources and the traders who wanted nothing to do with it, the holocron could only be opened by a Jedi- or a Sith. So he came to Coruscant looking for a few things, all of which were a gamble.

The first, was a Jedi. Coruscant had a big temple where they all sat around and talked about bathrobes, right?

The second, was a Jedi willing to listen to him. Another big problem.

The third, was a Jedi who was willing to open it for him. Another problem.

The fourth, was a Jedi who would let him keep it. And as he understood about Holocrons of the Sith variety... Jedi were not big on sharing.

Jedi, of course, were distrusting of his type by default. Which, in all honesty, was fair. Nej was known to be a crook and a thief. But a liar? Not really. Despite everything about Nej, he was a pretty honest guy. Who made a dishonest living. His apartment that he rented with chits on chits and fake name after fake name, was at least 500 levels below the Temple. In the morning, he'd wander up there and scope it out, try to find someone. In all honesty, he could've chucked the Holocron in the garbage at any point. But he probably wasn't going to do that. Something compelled him to go for the mystery, solve it.

What Nej was not aware of, however- was the darkness around the Holocron. To Nej, it just made him uneasy. He was old enough and resistant enough to most influences of the Force that it was like standing in the room with someone you didn't really like all that much. But to the Jedi- it was like an opposite flashlight, a burning pyre of hate, malice. Something evil was in that holocron.

And Nej Tane, the professional idiot- had brought it to a sacred Jedi world. A sacred Alliance world. And whatever was inside- was dying to get out.

And it called out, two words. Like whispers on the wind, unholy, distorted. Mechanical and vile.


Efret Farr Efret Farr l Jax Thio Jax Thio l Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

A crisp and beautiful morning, golden rays of sunlight showered Myvete's face as she stepped out of the temple and into the courtyard where the fresh morning air could be better felt. A quick glance around and the Padawan spotted several of her peers and some of the masters deep in meditation on this fine morning but her mentor was nowhere in sight. Again.

Is he allergic to being on time? How is he ALWAYS late?! It's honestly impressive.

With a sigh, Myvette shrugged her shoulders and walked further into the courtyard, near the ancient tree in the center of the far side wall, and popped a squat. Her hands went into her lap and she fell into a meditative trance. While she's waiting on Jax she might as well practice her channeling exercises.

The tranquility of the temple made focusing easy and the positive currents of energy coursing through the halls filled her with a higher sense of peace as and she fell deeper into her senses. The leaves on the tree before her, how they fluttered in the wind and the life rushing through them. The clouds rushing over her in the air and the artificial humidity imposed on them by weather control.

She pressed deeper, focusing on individuals and aura instead of generalized space. She could see them, Jedi filtering in and out of the temple, the Force flowing through and around them like the leaves but completely natural as opposed to the heavens. A small smile pulled on the edges of her lips, she was doing much better than ever before but it still needed some work. Her focus was diluted, called to an aberration on the fringes of her perceptions. Dark, malicious energy that coiled around a singular coordinate vehemently despised the light that attempted to breach it.

Hold on that's not me. That energy is external, just outside the temple...and that energy flow is not good.

Myvette returned to the land of the waking and sprung up off the ground, turning in the direction she sensed the sinister ambiance. By now Myvette was well aware of the dark side's tint and how corruptive it could be. She'd take it upon herself to investigate.

There are students and younglings here who've never come into contact with something like this. The dark side is a vicious entity, even master wasn't safe from its pull. I can't let someone else risk themselves on this.

Myvette's resolve burned brighter than the crystal inside her saber and she left the courtyard in pursuit of the Bogon. She'd be late to training but in her defense, Jax was late first.

I'll handle this myself. No one's becoming a murderer today.

in the footsteps of a stranger

It wasn't his fault for once, or at least that's what Efret would have insisted. Maybe he had been running late before she had slowed him down even more. Only he knew.

The silver protocol droid waddled barely a stride ahead of Master Farr. Wherever she was to be found, she typically had two companions: an interpreter and her sand-stippled convor, which sat on her shoulder now as well. It was nearly a necessity to have her seeing-eye owl anywhere she went, and it was just plain easier to have a translator too. In the grand scheme of things, not many beings knew Galactic Basic Sign Language, even among the very many sects of Jedi. Thus, it was better for all involved if she self-accommodated.

So, from the moment that she had begun to communicate with Master Thio minutes before, the droid verbally interpreted her signing. If the other master informed it that he knew GBSL, it would stop and continue walking with them in silence.

<Council not seem anxious about Coruscant safety,> she signed, looking over at Jax as they walked down the hall. <I concern. First-Tython second-Empress #Teta third-#Prakith away few star system only.>

Jax Thio Jax Thio Nej Tane Nej Tane Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli
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Location: Jedi Coruscant
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nej Tane Nej Tane , Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli , Efret Farr Efret Farr

Jax had spent the morning conversing with his fellow Jedi Master and renowned Jedi Archeologist: Nej Tane about the state of the Galactic Alliance. Everyone around the Temple was on edge lately with news of the Alliance being defeated on Tython, Empress Teta, and Prakit were taken by the new Sith incarnation called: Dark Empire. Efret expressed concern about the Council's lack of reaction towards losing three major core world planets, two of them were the major battlegrounds during the Great Hyperspace War.

"Oh, they're worried alright," Jax said walking alongside Efret. "The Dark Empire is now deep into the core and are in better position to invade Coruscant. The last thing we need is a panic, so my guess is that the council is keeping things under wraps."

But how long until the Alliance decides to go on the counterattack? The Sith are more ruthlessly efficient this time relying on precise strikes rather than a full-frontal assault like the Mawites. As they arrived, Jax could sense Myvette being impatient and wondering where Jax was. The Jedi Master smiled and shook his head. Myvette was always the anxious type and despite Jax telling her to do more meditations, she still is jumpy.

"A Master is never late Myvette," Jax communicated telepathically to his Padawan. "Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."

He laughed at whatever Myvette's reaction was and motioned to Efret. "This is Master Efret Farr," Jax said. "She's a brilliant Jedi Archeologist, Efret this is Myvette my Padawan. She can only communicate telepathically so use the Force to tap into her mind."



Nej turned his head at the apartment door. An overwhelming sense of fear and dread took him over. He knew what it was. He was a man of many experiences- and one of them happened to be the force. It took a great deal to trick Nej with the force, or probe his mind. His long lifespan and his many encounters with the weird stuff of the galaxy let him be a little better than most at resisting it. But he could still feel it. And right now, he felt it for sure.

Something in the apartment he was at (safehouse was a better term), wanted out. Wanted him to let it out. He grit his teeth, placing his hands on either side of his head, digging his fingertips into them. Another whisper across the force- but audible to those attuned to that great tapestry wove itself all over Coruscant.


Nej could feel something trying to claw at his mind. It was like anything he ever experienced. Something wanted out from that Holocron. Something, right?

Not someone?

Hopefully, the Holocron would at least give him some cash for his troubles- creepy stuff usually cost extra!

Jax Thio Jax Thio
Efret Farr Efret Farr
Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli


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