Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Nesheph
FACTION: Unknown
RANK: Unknown
SPECIES: Human-Maybe Hapas
AGE: maybe 25
SEX: female
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Unknown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Able to blend into shadow
+Focus the task at hand
-Lightsaber combat
-Keep from going do far into the shadows

Her eyes blue in color, along with her skin being covered all the time, no one has seen her true skin covered. The hair that flows around her is brown in color. Having curves all the right places, knowing how to where her full body covers that none of her skin shows.

BIOGRAPHY: Just like her appearence her back ground is a mystery for a few. Only those she chose worthy of letting see her for who. Making as much as way in the force as one could be. Letting herself get blended into all that is around her, carry for the shadow seems to lurk in at even give time. Letting the flow take her as she see fit.

SHIP: Unknown also seem to have a way of coming up with ship to borrow.

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