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Approved Location [Netherworld] Særlogn | Sea of Tranquillity


  • Intent: To create a Force Nexus for the Valkyrja capital, the Sanctuary.
  • Image Credit: Sanctuary | Headers, divider, me.
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Sanctuary | Valkyrja | Netherworld

  • Nexus Name: Særlogn | Sea of Tranquillity
  • Nexus Alignment: Neutral
  • Location: Sanctuary | Netherworld
  • Affiliation: Eina L’lerim-Vandiir | Valkyrja | House L’lerim | Terraris Command
  • Size: Large
  • Strength: Strong
  • Accessibility: The entire city and its immediate surroundings belongs to the territory of the Nexus. A whole city was built "above" the Nexus, which is large in size, so you can easily find the place. The power of the Nexus can be felt throughout the city and its immediate surroundings. Because Netherworld is huge and quite sparsely populated, especially when looking at the cities' numbers, it can be said to be in a deserted location. However, the place and the existence of the Nexus are well known, so many come here for this reason as well. There are also numerous rifts in the city and many roads lead here. So it can be said that it is easy to find, available on the Nexus. Anyone can access the place if they arrive with no malicious intent or are able to get close to the city.
  • Description: The city thus the Nexus is located in a perma-snowy area in the Netherworld, where the polar light is also visible day and night, thanks to which a beautiful view welcomes the visitors. The area is always covered with snow, the air is cool and there is a lot of snow. There are countless hot springs in the area and there are larger lava areas behind the southern part of the city, and many different animals have found a home around the city. The place is surrounded by a silvery forest and countless roads lead to the city. There are several outposts in the area that protect the merchants, caravans and the city. The city is divided by a river, through which water trade also takes place. The entire city is surrounded by a Guardian-class shield generator. The city and its surroundings are influenced by peace and calm, which is due to the Nexus effect.

Særlogn, perfectly reflects the fact that it essentially exists in symbiosis with the Valkyrja species. The Nexus itself isn't too old, but it's a stronger formation in the Force. The Valkyrja's actions and presence in the Force created the Nexus. Which gained its current (and probably final) size in roughly a hundred years.

Nexus has both short- and long-lasting effects; there is one that affects souls, demons, Nether beings, or living beings, and one that affects only the environment and the neighbourhood itself. The effects affect everyone equally, be it just a soul, Valkyrja, living creature or a demon.

As for the neighbourhood, it has a permanent effect and has evolved continuously, but it now has a lasting effect. However, it is important to note that in the Netherworld, the Force works very strangely at times and this is also true of the effects of Særlogn. The power of the Nexus is strong, yet it’s not the same everywhere. There are places in the Sanctuary where the influence of Særlogn is much more pronounced or weaker than elsewhere.

The strongest places are those where the Force is used much more often and more regularly than elsewhere. These are the following areas:
  • Garden of the Fallen: The safest part of the outer areas is the beautiful silvery forests. This place radiates peace and tranquillity, which is why demons and other Darksider beings are far from avoiding, feeling bad in it. The place reassures and comforts those who come here. This area is also home to countless animals and exotic plants. There is also a huge monument in the middle that commemorates the dead. Sometimes even Shrouds appear in this place.
  • Saerdraumr: Lake of Dreams; the most protected and quietest part of the district. A beautiful hot water bath that is said to soothe and heal the soul. There is no scientific explanation for this, but whoever turns around really feels better. In warm water, countless plants and animals can also find a home, and plants are often lit or the water, no one knows.
  • The Furnace: Located close to the outskirts of the city, this is the center of Rýnstr, The Crafters. A huge modified molecular furnace operates here, in the skull of a former giant demon from the Netherworld, which was defeated by members of Valkyrja when it attacked the city. The Estrian is also made in this place. The crafters here make more beautiful goods and porticoes, in large quantities, or for individual orders. What is being made here is sure to be special.
  • House of Völva: The headquarters of the Völva clan was built on the part where most of the rifts are located within the Sanctuary. Inside this building is also the actual Gate to the Realspace (leads to Terraris), both sides of which are guarded and supervised. No one can use it without the clan leaders knowing about it. In addition, the place is very permeated by the Force, numerous artefacts can also be found here. Members of the Völva clan learn Force using here, and the place also has a huge library.
  • Home of the First: A huge castle built in the mountains, where Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the honorary leader and Matriarch of Valkyrja. A huge and long stone bridge leads here, through a large silvery forest. From her home it has a great view of the whole city. Countless different creatures and people also live in the castle. In addition, Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir spent his childhood and adolescence here. Countless demons, sith spawn and Valkyrja protect the place. A complete complex home that can only be entered by invitation of Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir . Libraries, residences, ballrooms, research rooms, gyms, etc. can be found inside the palace.
Even these areas tell a lot about the effects of Særlogn. Under the influence of Nexus, it’s much easier and simpler to open rifts, either into the Realspace or just within Netherworld. They are also easier to perpetuate. The power of the Nexus is so strong that the effect on people and souls is felt a bit on the other side of the rift as long as the rift is open. In addition, it makes Force easier to use, as the Force is present in a much higher "concentration" thanks to the Nexus.

Another effect of Særlogn affects both Force Sensitive and non Force Sensitive individuals. Force-dead people definitely feel bad in the Særlogn area. Anxiety, discomfort, malaise like nausea, dizziness can be the consequence, or an inner motivating, urgent feeling that they need to get out of here.

There are two places on the Nexus that are already inconvenient for Dark Side users. One is the Garden of the Fallen, which radiates peace and tranquillity, which is why demons and other Darksider beings are far avoiding, feeling bad in it. The other is the Saerdraumr, a beautiful hot water bath that is said to soothe and heal the soul.

The effect of Særlogn on people who are in the Nexus area will feel peace and tranquillity. Most people say it’s almost Light Side effect, but no, it doesn’t reach that level yet, although the effect is similar, however, it doesn’t have an unpleasant effect on Dark Side Force Users either, unless it bothers them, they will be calm here. Everyone in the city feels safe because of the Nexus effect.

In addition to soothing the soul, its long-term effect helps and heals mental injuries and wounds. If one has been in this place for a very long time, a completely shattered soul can also be healed. Interestingly, this healing to the soul also heals the "physical" injury of Valkyrja and other soul beings of Netherworld beings, as their souls are also harmed there because they are living souls and their souls are also their physical body. Literally torn souls can’t be repaired/healed by Nexus.


These are exactly the same as the city's interesting points, as the Nexus covers the entire city:
  • Outside the City: The area around the city. While there are patrols in this place, it is not necessarily safe to wander alone in this place. Several streams, lava fields, mountains and forests surround the city. However, the city is big, so it offers a fabulous view from afar. The city can be approached through a river or roads if one is unable to do so in any other way. There are also patrol patrols in the area.
    • Garden of the Fallen: The safest part of the outer areas is the beautiful silvery forests. This place radiates peace and tranquillity, which is why demons and other Darksider beings are far from avoiding, feeling bad in it. The place reassures and comforts those who come here. This area is also home to countless animals and exotic plants. There is also a huge monument in the middle that commemorates the dead. Sometimes even Shrouds appear in this place.
    • Vegrskaut: The end of the road; Beyond the southern border of the city is a huge lava field. It’s not exactly the most beautiful part of the quarter, but it’s important for commerce. The lava melted the ice and snow, so the river flowing through the city also melted in this place, allowing boats to get out of here. There is only water traffic in this place, otherwise it is not possible to get close to the city. Only experienced sailors can avoid underwater lava spikes that could sink ships.
    • Kaldrskaut: The cold border; in the western part of the city there is a very dangerous and cold area, which hides innumerable fissures and ravines. Only the most experienced scouts can navigate safely here if they deviate from the designated route that leads through this place.
    • Outposts: There are countless outposts around the city to protect the city, refugees and traders from possible raids. There are several built into the hills or blocks of ice, possibly on the river bank.
    • Roads: The roads can be found everywhere, they lead down from the mountains, through the ice fields, but you can also count the river here, as it is the way of water trade. There are a lot of paved or designated roads that lead to the Sanctuary for those who want to get here.
  • Outer Quarter: The outskirts of the city and the outer quarters. Suspicious people with bad reputation or background are those who beat homesteads in these areas. This is where those who want to disappear from others also can be found here. Although there are patrols here, it is still the least safe part of the city. The poorer people live here and many richer people don’t even come to this part. Of course, illegal trade, gambling and similar illegal incidents also occur very often here.
    • City Gates and Walls: The city is surrounded by high and wide walls for protection. The gates are protected, protected by grids and shields. There are also numerous cannons on the city wall to protect the place, as well as many watchtowers. At the city gate or in the port, if someone arrives by boat, the guards search everyone and try to filter out the thieves and robbers.
    • The Pit: One of the most famous illegal places in the city is in the basement of one of the inns, the place is in the darkest area and you can get here through a multitude of alleys. Illegal fights, bets and a stronghold of the black market. The place is owned by Runar Ævar, who is probably from Realspace. He is the Crime Lord of the Sanctuary, and nothing can happen in the city that he would not know about.
    • Inns and Cantinas: There are countless such places in the area where the visitors can relax. There are a lot of places where food and drink await visitors, preparing for visitors to come from Realspace. In most places, those who come here can also find musical entertainments and other events in these buildings. Of course, there are better-known inns and ones that are not recommended to anyone. Mercenaries and bounty hunters can also be hired at such places.
    • Saerdraumr: Lake of Dreams; the most protected and quietest part of the district. A beautiful hot water bath that is said to soothe and heal the soul. There is no scientific explanation for this, but whoever turns around really feels better. In warm water, countless plants and animals can also find a home, and plants are often lit or the water, no one knows.
    • Barracks: There are countless barracks in the area, especially near the city walls, from where the guard can quickly reach any area. They are usually needed especially when the enemy is attacking walls or city gates. They can also easily reach the right places within the city.
  • Market Quarter: It is the most significant part of the city where the biggest life takes place. In essence, this place can be called the heart of the city. Everyday life takes place here, here you can find the market where merchants sell their porters, and countless guild and company buildings can also be found in this quarter. The market also has a huge area in this place, trade also takes place day and night, it never stops.
    • The Furnace: Located close to the outskirts of the city, this is the center of Rýnstr, The Crafters. A huge modified molecular furnace operates here, in the skull of a former giant demon from the Netherworld, which was defeated by members of Valkyrja when it attacked the city. The Estrian is also made in this place. The crafters here make more beautiful goods and porticoes, in large quantities, or for individual orders. What is being made here is sure to be special.
    • Kaupstefna: The Commercial Centre, the actual centre of commerce. There are also countless skyscrapers in the area, but the interior, but the market has an archaic look, occupies a large area. All official trade takes place here, and countless warehouses also belong to this place. It may not be as special a place as the Masque, the Great Shifting Bazaar, but even here anyone can find anything what they wants. A commercial harbour also belongs to this part.
    • Greystone’s and the Cat’s Paw’s office: Because the Shadows and Valkyrja are close to each other and trade a lot, Greystone and The Cat’s Paw also have a small office reserved next to the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild, as this company is a subsidiary of the Greystone. They will probably mainly take orders at this place, but they will also hand over finished products, delivering them here if needed. And they often trade in Kaupstefna. Typically, the Bureaucrat demons perform the tasks here.
    • Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild: The actual center of the guild, the place was founded by Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir . From here, they manage the day-to-day operations of the company. If someone wants to hire them or use the services, they have to come here. They occupy a multi-storey building where even their mercenaries can be found. All in one place to make things easier for the customer.
    • The Guilds: The centres of the Valkyrja clans that are maintained here in this place, because only Valkyrja and a few people can enter the Valkyrja Quarter. That’s why clans need a centre where city residents can reach them and easily connect with them.
  • Residential Quarter: It is probably the largest part of the city. There are countless buildings, low or just tall, skyscrapers in this place. Most of the buildings are such that they may look small on the outside, but larger on the inside. The wonders of the Netherworld. The citizens of the city, merchants, and asylum seekers live here. There are countless other social buildings and programs in this Quarters. The residential area is located on both sides of the river.
    • Noble District: The noble quarter, with noble and beautiful buildings, parks and gardens, and many lakes. It is located in the part of the river where the Valkyrja Quarter is, in the eastern part towards the mountains. The richest live here, in fabulous buildings with associated gardens, parks, fountains. The place is often visited by tourists as well. And the place is constantly marvelled by crowds. The guards and patrols are especially large in this place.
    • Shelters: There are countless shelters and secret flights in the city in case the enemy breaks in and the locals have to flee. There are countless catacombs, underground hiding places under the residential areas. These are accessible from anywhere in the city, leaving no place unprotected. These are usually protected by shields and life support systems. But a complete escape from the city can also be easily solved.
    • Gardens and Temples: There are “green areas” in much of the residential area. What is really silvery here is that most plants, trees and flowers are this colour. Incidentally, the place is often covered with snow. However, the gardens are always beautiful. There are also several smaller larger shrines and churches here. Most were built to the Force itself, but various races also built shrines to their own gods, some smaller ones also dedicated to the creator of the Valkyrja species, Ingrid L’lerim-Vandiir.
    • Embassies: Embassies of different species, organizations, or companies. For those who did not place these centres in the Market Quarter. Among other things, there is an embassy of Sith Empire’s Valkyries here too, with whom Valkyrja has good relations. But in addition to them, many other races, demons, or even people from Realspace have also opened embassies here. The Ineditorum has a larger research lab here, but HPI also has interests.
    • Home of the Culture: Valkyrja has great respect for the arts and anyone who creates it. That is why they hold huge museums and exhibitions, where everyone can show their works. There are countless museums, art buildings, concert halls and cultural buildings in this place. Many of these are in open areas. Anyone who loves culture can definitely find what they are looking for in this place.
  • Valkyrja Quarter: Located in the eastern part of the city close to the mountains, in some places it was also built into the mountains, making it difficult to build walls. Not many people can enter this quarter. This is the real home of Valkyrja, only they are here, except for a few people who have received special permission to do so. Only a small part of the quarter can be visited, all other places are mystical. There are countless legends about what life can be like inside, how a species can actually live.
    • House of Völva: The headquarters of the Völva clan was built on the part where most of the rifts are located within the Sanctuary. Inside this building is also the actual Gate to the Realspace (leads to Terraris), both sides of which are guarded and supervised. No one can use it without the clan leaders knowing about it. In addition, the place is very permeated by the Force, numerous artefacts can also be found here. Members of the Völva clan learn Force using here, and the place also has a huge library.
    • Home of the First: A huge castle built in the mountains, where Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the honorary leader and Matriarch of Valkyrja. A huge and long stone bridge leads here, through a large silvery forest. From her home it has a great view of the whole city. Countless different creatures and people also live in the castle. In addition, Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir spent his childhood and adolescence here. Countless demons, sith spawn and Valkyrja protect the place. A complete complex home that can only be entered by invitation of Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir . Libraries, residences, ballrooms, research rooms, gyms, etc. can be found inside the palace. Note: please ask permission to visit the site.
    • Hjartaborg: Heart of the city; located on the edge of the quarter, in the middle of downtown, the only part of the quarter that everyone can visit. It was made from Estrian by the best Valkyrja's artists, which symbolizes how their race born. At least based on legend. According to the story, Ingrid loved her husband so much that she let herself be killed to come to the Netherworld after Darth Prospero's soul. But they could only exchange soulshards, from this exchange where Eina was born. And the statue symbolizes this power, that there is always a place for the Sith Lord in a woman’s heart and he now lives there. Interesting fact, that’s really what happened during the siege of Byss.
    • Clan Centres: The headquarters of the eight clans. They all have a separate area within the quarter, with features that most resemble themselves. This is why these places are very colourful and different. The same culture but different aspects prevail in each place. Of course, members of different clans tend to mingle with each other, there is no rivalry or hostility among them. Typically, each Valkyrja lives in the territory of their own clan.
    • þing-há: The assembly-district; a huge temple-like building in the side of one of the rock walls where The Eight spends its everyday life and from here they control the city and their people. In essence, this is a government building. They make the laws here, they decide the court judgments and everything else that is necessary for the daily operation and existence of the species or the city.

These are exactly the same as the descriptions / effects in the Sanctuary sub, as the rift is located in that city.
  • Lucidity: The location is the same as Realspace in most things, but of course there may be a difference. The air, gravity, is completely standard. The biggest difference is in time. It’s completely relative, it passes differently for everyone. For some, time may pass faster here than in Realspace, for others it may be slower, or they may not be aging while they are here. Note: This is entrusted to a PC, they are given complete freedom. For example, Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir grew up here, in this city, Realspace. A few months passed, but he became a young man aged 17-18 here..
  • Hostility: The residents of the city are friendly and direct. They welcome all visitors equally. This friendliness remains as long as someone is not trying to be violent or cheat / deceive them. Most of the residents are very helpful, they like to talk and talk to others. The best friendships are made in inns / cantinas beside a mead. Those who arrive with hostile intent may find themselves in great trouble, even if they break the laws. The place is peaceful, friendly, and helpful, despite the demonic raids.
  • IC Rules: The only weird IC thing here is time passes the way the PC wants it to. So they might be spending two hours here and in Realspace five years have passed. Or conversely, they had lived here for five years, and only a few hours passed in Realspace. Depends on the user's OOC decision. Polar light is constantly visible and here, the night is much longer than daylight, so it can have a bad effect on biological hours.
  • Accessibility: There are countless smaller passageways in or around the city. Most of these open up to Netherworld's other places, they are not large, one person can cross them, most of them also need dangerous and armed escorts because demons and raiders are watching these places. Sometimes can even open a gateway to Realspace for completely random locations. Note: This gives the opportunity to the PC characters to come here freely.
    • The place has one permanent gateway, which is in the House of Völva. This opens to the planet Terraris, it’s name is the Dreyma Dyrr aka the Dream Gate.

Særlogn is not an overly old Nexus, in the time of Realspace it was formed perhaps around ABY 865-866. However, in the Netherworld time works completely differently, so the Nexus has actually existed there for about a hundred years. And how it was created is also largely due to the fact that the Force works differently in the Netherworld. That is, it may have contributed in this.

The history and creation of this Nexus is not really very exciting, it rather symbolizes only the nobility of the Valkyrja species. The Sanctuary was first founded in the area where the Særlogn was established and formed. The city was only small at first, and then more and more people moved here. More and more people and souls have started using Force in this area.

99.99% of Valkyrja are neutral Force users who see and use the Force in quite a unique way. The main purpose of the species is to protect and care for the weak, and those who are in need. Even necromancy is used to ask for the help of souls, but they nearly never command them. Since every member of the species is a Force user, they built the city with Force, protecting the locals from evil demons and evil souls mostly with Force.

As the city grew larger and larger, members of Valkyrja opened rifts more and more often, either only within the Netherworld or into Realspace, and even began to use the Forge to create and use Estrian. As a result of the development, they were attacked more and more, and they, under Eina’s leadership, were increasingly defending their home and those who seek shelter in their city.

There have also been countless battles with the Force. Under the influence of the many Force and the desire to defend the weak during one of the great battles, a tiny but more powerful Nexus was created in the city. Which later formed a kind of symbiosis with Valkyrja. The more Valkyrja was created, the more defenceless and weak souls they wanted to defend, the Nexus grew and became stronger and larger.

Essentially, the Nexus and the Force Entity species came into symbiosis together. They enliven and strengthen each other. All of this may be possible because Valkyrja is a special species, or Netherworld; do not know. But it is certain that their destiny and existence were intertwined forever. Most likely, the special lightsaber crystals, the Litr Gryttr (Jewel of the Netherworld) were also formed when the Nexus was "born".

The Nexus grew along with the city, meaning the city was built more to stay within range. Like the species, Særlogn is neutral, although light neutral rather than dark gray. And the place promises protection, tranquillity and peace to anyone who wants to live here. Under the wings of the Nexus and the Valkyrja.

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