Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sith Empire
Apprentice 8/22/13 Sith Knight
Sith Pureblood
7 feet 7 inches​

-Nezuel is extremely powerful in the force, a result of technically being descended from the greatest Sith Purebloods in History.
-Nezuel is a fast learner, with a Eidetic memory and ability to learn force powers rapidly.
-Nezuel is a very intellectual and very good at making plans and thinking of ideas.
-Nezuel has rather odd views for a sith and some sith might think him closer to a jedi than sith
-Nezuel is a slave and even should he rise to become a Sith, others might not forget where he started out.
-Nezuel is merciful, a rare and sometimes fatal trait in a Sith
-Nezuel is loyal to the Empire. Should you attempt to persuade him to act against the good of the empire you'd best be persuasive.
Two Red Lightsabers w/ onyx hilt​
Red Training Saber w/ onyx hilt


Despite being a Sith, and a pureblood at that, Nezuel was not raised as one of the Sith and thus his view on life differs from that of other Sith in the empire. He recognized that the summary of the Sith Codes "Might makes right" is essensialy true, yet he belives this might should be use appropriatly. Nezuel is merceful for a Sith, ralizing that people do make mistakes but that does not decrease their usefulness, generally giving people a second chance to prove their worth rather than killing them to make a point. To be wasteful and inefficiant is soemthing that Nezuel dislikes tremendously, prefering to have former Sith rivals swear fealty to him rather than kill thim, unfortunatly this could backfire should they decide to betray him again. Nezuel dislikes fighting, but he is hardly a pacifist, he sees the necessity in fighting some battles and avoiding others. Nezuel is generally cold to those he has just met and more open to those he knows or likes.

Nezuel was born and concieved within the tube of a Dark Lord of the Sith. Darth Fyr, a Sith Lord of somewhat questionable standing within the Empire sought a rise to power by creating his own army of pure blooded sith. Darth Fyr, a remarkable scientist, gathered the genetic codes of several hundred beings sown across the universe, beings he belived to be decended from the Sith Lords of the Old Sith Empire that existed during the Galactic Cold war and 2nd Galactic war. Said Sith of the Old Empire themselves deceanded from the older Sith Lords such as Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow.

After several years of testing and splicign the genes together, Darth Fyr made a breakthrough with his first subject, named Subject 0. Subject 0 was excatly what Darth Fyr was looking for when he started his mission to recreate the sith of old. However, as sith often do, a rival turned on him. Darth Karas invaded and killed Darth Fyr in cold blood, seeking his notes on his research. Fortunatly one of Darth Fyr's slaves managed to rescue Subject 0 and escape Darth Karas' wrath. The slave found a new master and started to raise the child as his own, taking every precaution to hide the child's abilities until he was old enough to defend himself. Subject 0, given the name Nezuel by his new father, learned of his power at an early age and began to experiment with his powers in secret. That was until a nearby sith fealt his potential in the force and took him from his family to learn the ways of the sith on Korriban.​
[SIZE=10pt]Nezuel was born and conceived within the tube of a Dark Lord of the Sith. Darth Fyr, a Sith Lord of somewhat questionable standing within the Empire sought a rise to power by creating his own army of pure blooded Sith. Darth Fyr, a remarkable scientist, gathered the genetic codes of several hundred beings sown across the universe, beings he believed to be descended from the Sith Lords of the Old Sith Empire that existed during the Galactic Cold war and 2nd Galactic war. Said Sith of the Old Empire themselves descended from the older Sith Lords such as Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow.

After several years of testing and splicing the genes together, Darth Fyr made a breakthrough with his first subject, named Subject 0. Subject 0 was exactly what Darth Fyr was looking for when he started his mission to recreate the sith of old. However, as sith often do, a rival turned on him. Darth Karas invaded and killed Darth Fyr in cold blood, seeking his notes on his research. Fortunately one of Darth Fyr's slaves managed to rescue Subject 0 and escape Darth Karas' wrath. The slave found a new master and started to raise the child as his own, taking every precaution to hide the child's abilities until he was old enough to defend himself. Subject 0, given the name Nezuel by his new father, learned of his power at an early age and began to experiment with his powers in secret. That was until a nearby sith felt his potential in the force and took him from his family to learn the ways of the sith on Korriban.

Force Powers
{||| ||| ||| |||}
{ Apprentice - Lower Knight - Upper Knight - Master }
  • Force Lightning {||| ||| |||}
  • Force Drain {||| ||| ||| |}
  • Telekinesis
    ​Basic {||| ||| ||| |||}
  • Advanced {||| ||| ||| |}

[*]Mind Trick {||| |||}
[*]​Sith Alchemy {||| ||| ||| |}
[*]Sith Magic
  • Dark Side Tendrils {||| |||}
  • Force Blast {||| ||| ||| |||}
  • Waves of Darkness {||| |||}
  • Odojinya {||| ||| |}

[*]Battle Meditation {||}
[*]Tutaminis {||| ||| ||| ||}
[*]Beast Control {||| ||| ||| |}
[*]Force Jump {||| |||}
  • Force Sense {||| ||| |||}
  • Precognition {||| ||}
  • Telepathy {||| |||}
  • Force Speed {||| |||}

Lightsaber Combat
  • Soresu - Form III
  • Niman - Form VI

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