Rider West
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Neveah Onaki
Basic Solider/Fleeter
Name: Neveah Onaki
Species: Human
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Light Brown with streaks of Yellow through it
Skin: White (slight tan)
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 82.87 kg
Age: 27
Force Sensitive: No
Faction: The Galactic Republic
Rank: Solider/Pilot
Type: Solider/Pilot
Strengths & Weaknesses:
(+)Training - Neveah spent half of his life training to become a solider and pilot, making him very able in both aerial and ground compat
(+)Mental Strength - After years spent training his mental prowess, he can easily not be persuaded, although he can still become a victim of the Mind Trick power often used by Jedi.
(+/-) Non Drinker - He never drinks so his mind is always clear and his reflexes are always sharp, especially before a battle.
(-) Mood Swings - He is very prone to mood swings, especially if he is losing a battle.
(-) Untrusting - He doesn't trust others very easily.
Neveah was born on the planet Taris, which had served a great chunk of Revan the prodical's knights story, it also served Neveah with a home, although Taris had never really returned to it's former glory after it was bombed, it had became a good place to live the lower and upper cities became one and worked together, this was the type of scene Neveah was raised in, his father was a Mandolorian warrioo who was retired, his mother was also retired except that she was a solider in the Empire military.Neveah lived a fairly average life as a middle class civilian of Taris, until he was nineteen, that was when his mother and father started talking to him about enlisting in a military, he was given two choices, Mandolorian or Empire, not liking the idea of being a 'Mando' very much so he chose to become a part of the Empire's military forces. Soon Neveah was on the way to a twelve week military training program that was sponsered by the Empire and used often to train there soldiers.
Neveah completed his training in a very short amount of time and very soon became a fully fledged solider of the Empire, but on a mission he was captured by the Republic and redeemed himself by joining their cause, he now uses his military skills to aid the Republic in it's conquests.
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