The Dead Woman
The harsh, volcanic planet of Nevarro was generally a place that no sane or civilized person would ever visit. Attempts have been made over the centuries to try and make something of the planet, from bounty hunters banding together to try and do something good, to the New Republic, all the way through to the present day. But there was no hope for a planet like this. Nothing short of an orbital bombardment would be able to wash clean the infestation of villainy on the planet.
And that made it absolutely brilliant for a certain Corellian spacer hoping for a side hustle.
Ceres had nothing going on for the moment. Being in between jobs was always a pain for her, seeing as most of her pay was sent away almost immediately upon receiving. And she needed a quick scheme to at least get herself some creds to stay alive. Unfortunately, on a world rife with opportunities for people like her... there were literally no opportunities coming her way, no matter how hard she looked or batted eyelashes. It was time for her to pull an old trick in the book of criminals.
Ceres hung around the spaceport of Nevarro City, in search of anything that looked like it could fetch a good price in the right places. The Jawas on Tatooine would likely do backflips all day, though they weren't known for their good deals when selling to them. Though there were other elements in the Galaxy that would definitely pay up for the right kind of ship. It just so happened that she had been scouting a very respectable corvette that checked every single box she was compiling in her scheming head. The woman rubbed her hands together as a smirk took hold.
Making sure her face paint was still right, she casually sauntered over like it was her own ship, before she got to work on breaking in. After taking a lot longer than she would like to admit, she got to work on finding her way to the bridge... without running into anyone...